Chapter 1: Last Day of School

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Marisol's POV

Current Mood: "Nuthin' but a 'G' Thang" by Dr. Dre

"One, two, three and to the fo'

Snoop Doggy Dogg and Dr. Dre is at the do'

Ready to make an entrance, so back on up

('Cause you know about to rip sh@t up)

Gimme the microphone first, so I can bust like a bubble..."

I took my old English spiral out from my backpack and crossed out the title. I was sitting on the carpet in the middle of my room and I was on a mission. My life was boring as hell in sixth grade but in seventh, it felt like it was finally on the verge of becoming exciting and I wanted to document every ounce of it. In a journal. I didn't want to ask my Mom to take me to the store to buy me an official diary (she might read it!) so I decided to disguise my thoughts, hopes and dreams inside my plain, boring English school spiral. And it was perfect. It had a red plastic cover and was practically new since I had only used the first five pages of it for a weird school project. I didn't even bother taking out the used pages - this would help throw off any potential nosies known as sisters if they happened to look inside.

I found a pen and settled in to write my first entry and turned up the volume on my alarm clock radio. I closed my eyes and could see how the last day of school had unfolded. I wanted to write it all down before I forgot it. I opened my eyes and began to move my pen across the page...

I was back in choir class...

I was walking to my seat when my ex-boyfriend Dee had made a comment about liking my legs in choir class and my crush David heard him and smiled. I nearly died of both embarrassment and excitement.  

David Schmitt was my 7th grade crush. He had dark brown hair, a baby face, kind eyes, and looked like he had just recently shed the last of his baby fat. I never actually had a conversation with David, I just creepily stared at him from across the room and made crazy obsessive key chains expressing my undying love for him. No really, and he found out about it. He would politely smile and wave to me sometimes, but he always looked like he was about to run away from me at any moment. I was basically his stalker, but he was really nice about it.

The other guy David had been talking to in choir class was Dee, an ex-boyfriend of mine who I never had the courage to kiss. We "dated" which means we passed notes to one another between classes and on occasion, held hands. On Valentine's Day, he sent me flowers. Dee was extremely popular and funny and had the whole Ving Rhames look going for him. We had several classes together and he began noticing me. He was always a gentleman and the first guy in middle school to describe me as "pretty" and "hot", so I decided that was enough of a reason for me to go out with him. Back then, it really didn't take much for me to say yes to going out with a guy.

Later on in choir, my sister Susie dodged a kiss from Michael Vallens and I could have smacked her for it.

One of the highlights of sixth grade year had been striking up a friendship with one of the hottest boys in my grade - Michael Vallens. Michael looked like the typical bad boy, but he was actually a really sweet guy. He was effortlessly cool and easy to talk to and made me look forward to Social Studies class all through sixth grade. He wore his dark hair slicked back like someone from the fifties which highlighted his fair and angular face. Michael was not a big guy, but he had the confidence of a guy twice his size. He was nice to me, even through my acne ridden phase in sixth grade, and I always thought his kindness towards me made him a wonderful human being. And like most of the middle school male population, his eyes glazed over when he looked at my sister, Susana aka Susie. I often lived through Susana when it came to boys because they fell over each other's drool trying to talk to her. If I was going to find a boyfriend that summer, it was going to be with a guy like Michael Vallens. Sweet and hot.  

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