Parallel Me Part 2

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When I was ten and a half, Alice was thirteen and she was growing boobies. She had a friend who was almost a year older, who had big bumps in her blouse. They used to spend hours in Alice's bedroom, talking girly stuff and doing their hair. Rose had just over a year left at school, and they often talked about what jobs they would get.

On one Saturday we were in the living room, while dad was at work and mum had gone shopping. They were dreaming about being fashion models, and posing like they thought fashion models do. Rose said she had better legs then Alice, but Alice didn't agree with her. Rose turned to me and lifted her skirt, and told Alice to do the same.

"Well JJ, who do you think has the best legs, me or your sister." Alice had pulled her skirt up just above her knees, where Rose was showing half her knickers. I can remember the smile she had, as I looked at her legs comparing them to Alice's. I refused to come to a decision, much to Rose's disgust and Alice's relief. I didn't think Alice liked showing her legs to me, because she blushed a lot.

Unlike Rose who still held her skirt up, after Alice had dropped hers. Rose knew it would have been an unfair contest, with me looking at all of her legs. With only half of Alice's, but the swaying factor would have been me looking at her knickers. They were not knickers like Rita wore; they were skimpy and frilly white. With her legs slightly open, the cloth stretched over her tuppence was almost transparent. I could see the dark shadow, between her legs under the cloth.

They went back to daydreaming, then up to Alice's bedroom until Rose went home. When she did, she smiled sweetly at me as she left the house. Alice said no more about the leg contest, but Rose wanted to continue it a few weeks later. It was a Saturday morning, and I was alone in the house. Mum was shopping in town, and Alice had gone around seeing Dorothy.

When there was a knock on the door, and Rose asked 'where's Alice' when I opened the door. 'She's gone to see Dorothy' I told her, 'she'll be back in about ten minutes'. I said looking at the clock, and not knowing how long she would be.

"I'll wait for her if you don't mind," Rose said walking by me and sitting in a chair. I closed the door and went back to my Meccano set, and adding a few more bits to my bridge. I looked up to see Rose standing in front of me, her smiling face telling me she was after something. I had seen that smile before, on my sister's faces. When they had been told to do things they didn't want to and had come to me to do them. That sweet smile turned into action when she lifted her skirt and said.

"Don't you think my legs, are better looking than Alice's JJ. It's alright I won't tell her if you do, I just want to know if you like looking at them." She said her smile widening as I look at her, and her skirt hitched up a little more. The hem was almost up to her waist now, and she had skimpier knickers on than before. They were as white as the other ones but much thinner, and the sides at her hips were about an inch wide. They came down in a V at her tuppence, and there was that shadow showing between her legs.

"Well, what do you think JJ, have I got nice legs or not?" She asked turning around, to show me her legs from the side and back.

"They're very nice Rose, do you want me to tell Alice I liked looking at them," I asked smiling sweetly back at her, picking up another piece of the bridge.

"No," she said dropping her skirt, and sitting down in the chair. "You don't have to tell Alice, I showed you my legs at all. I just showed them to you, because you liked looking at them the other day. I thought you were going to say; they were better than Alice's but if you didn't want to disappoint her. It's alright JJ I won't tell her, you liked mine better than hers. We'll keep it our little secret ok; now that's a nice bridge your building."

She said just as Alice came into the house, then they started talking and went to Alice's bedroom. A few times after that, I had a glimpse of Rose's legs as she sat crossed legged in chairs. Or when Alice and she danced together in the front room, she would flick her skirt up showing off her knickers. Then look at me smiling, as I sat watching them.

I was seeing less and less of Rita because we lived miles away; when I did it was in our or their kitchen. As we played monopoly, we had whispered conversations. Rita wished we could play our feeling games in the bedroom. John her cousin was still looking after her when her mum left her with him. As she and his mum went to town on Saturdays, for shopping and coffee trips.

Our meeting got fewer and very far between, then I hardly saw her at all. Rose was in and out of our house all the time, she seemed to be part of the furniture at times. She always smiled at me and brushed agonist me as she passed. Alice kept telling her not to keep teasing me, but she always did something like bumping into me and saying.

"Didn't see you there JJ," and would laugh as she followed Alice upstairs. I was just over eleven and loved playing explorer, searching for treasure in old derelict buildings or the like. One day I found a book in the debris of an old building. I was looking at the pictures' in it when I heard Rose's voice.

"So this is where you hid away, and look at your books, I saw you coming in here, and guessed you'd be up to no good." She said waggling a finger at me, and coming closer to me as I tried to hide the book from her.

"Now show me your book, or I'll tell Alice what you do in here. Come on move your hands away, and let me see it. Do you want me to tell Alice, I caught you in here JJ?" I shook my head and said.

"No Rose I don't," but I still had my hands on my lap, hiding the book.

"Then let me see it I won't tell you again, I'll go straight to Alice and tell her." I still didn't look at her, but slowly moved my hands away. Rose saw I was looking at a girl's fashion magazine, I had found in the building. She had a big smile on her face, as the pictures showed girls in underwear.

"So you do like looking at girls legs, and mine are as nice as theirs aren't they." She said lifting her skirt, to show them to me as well as her knickers. I could tell she was enjoying my discomfort, and I wasn't surprised when she demanded.

"Now the next time Alice and I show you our legs, you'd better say mine are nicer. Or I'll tell everyone, I caught you looking at that," she said pointing at the magazine. I had to look at her legs time and time again, when I had to meet her in that derelict house, every Saturday after that. I didn't really like to say Rose's legs were better when they both paraded themselves in front of me.

As I thought Alice's legs were the better of the two of them, but I did like looking at Rose's legs, when she showed them to me, in that old house on Saturday afternoons. Until I was about eleven and a half, then she stopped meeting me there. She stopped coming to our house as often too. When mum asked Alice why, Alice said she had a boyfriend, and she was out with him all the time.

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