Parallel Me Part 5

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We docked back in England at eight on a Friday morning; I was on duty until noon so did not get off the ship until three. The motorcycle I had bought myself was in storage, while we were away and I had to go and redeem it. By the time I left Plymouth for my two weeks leave, the four-hour drive meant I arrived at the home at seven-thirty. The house was empty, but for a note on the kitchen table.

'Mum and Dad have gone to London for a funeral will be back on Sunday. I've gone to a dance don't know when I'll be home, but Dad doesn't have to know Alice.' Nice welcome home, I do not think but what the hell. I put Alice's wrapped present on her pillow and went out for a beer. Closing time at the pub was ten, and I walked back to the house to find it still empty.

Dad would do his nut if he knew Alice was out this late, even at twenty-one she was still living under his roof. I had had a few bevvies and was feeling a bit frisky, so I pulled out a comic book I bought in Japan. The words were in Japanese but you did not have to read it, you just had to look at the pictures to be interested in it. I heard the front door open, and Alice's whispering voice.

"No you can't; my brother's home, there's his motorbike and his bedroom lights still on you can't come in." A few more words were said, and then the door was closed. I would have got up, but I sleep in the nude. I did not think walking into the front room naked, would be the right thing to do. I heard her go into the bathroom, then into her bedroom.

A few moments later; she was calling my name, and the door flew open as she burst into my room. She was grinning from ear to ear, like a Cheshire cat with cream. She was wearing the silk kimono I had brought back from Japan for her, over her nightclothes. She looked a little pissed but lovely in it, as she stood framed in the doorway.

The silk robe was tied at her slim waist with a silk rope, to hold the short garment closed as there were no other fastening. The hem was halfway up her shapely thighs, and she put her hands into the wide sleeves to pose. She was bloody lovely but she had taken me by surprise, and I was hastily trying to hide my book from her view. As I sat bare-chested, as I always sleep in the nude.

She suddenly went scarlet as her eyes went wide as she looked at me. Then she turned and rushed from my bedroom, like a frightened cat. At six in the morning, my body clock woke me up, and I slipped from the bed to gather up my training gear. Doing my ten-mile exercise run, I was back at seven and in the bathroom having a shave, in just my boxer shorts underwear. When Alice walked in and stood gaping at me red-faced, her wide eyes looking at my bronzed muscular body.

"You ought to lock the door, but can you do that later I have to get ready for work, and who are you and what have you done with my skinny brother. You didn't look like that when you went away?" She said, a little breathlessly, her cheeks bright red.

I went back to my bedroom and pulled on a clean pair of tracksuit bottoms. White socks and trainers, then picking up my tracksuit top and went into the kitchen. Coffee and toast now shower after my second-morning run, I heard Alice coming out of the bathroom and called up to her.

"Do you want coffee and toast," I asked "Yes please" came her reply. I was putting Alice's coffee on the table when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to a stunned Rose, who with open mouth and staring eyes looked at my bare chest in shock. "Aaalice" Rose called a little nervously still staring at me.

"Get out of the way and let Rose in JJ," Alice said as she poked her head around the kitchen door, and Rose still looking at me walked sideways past me.

"Gosh he's got dishy; I thought he was a new boyfriend at first, he's seriously grown-up Alice; he's a real beefcake now." I heard Rose saying from the kitchen, just before I walked in for my top.

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