Parallel Me Part 3

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I'd seen Rita on occasions, but never when she was on her own so we couldn't talk. She had grown up a lot in the last four years, and now we were fourteen and a bit, she had nice breasts. One Saturday evening I went to the local youth centre, to watch some lads play table tennis. When I walked in Rita was there, with some of her friends just standing around.

She looked happy to see me and moved to stand beside me. Then when she found out I wasn't playing, she pulled me to one side saying she wasn't staying. She had to be home for tea at six, and as it was nearly five she would have to go soon.

"I'm not stopping either Rita; do you want me to walk home with you?" I offered; even though her house was in the opposite direction to mine." Her eyes lit up, and her smile was beaming.

"O would you JJ, but will you have time before you have to be home?" she asked I smiled and nodded, saying.

"Of cause I will so long as we leave now, I've just over an hour to get to your house then home." She looked happy at my decision and squeezed my hand.

"I'll just tell my friends I'm going, meet me outside in the car park." The shortest way home for Rita would be through the park, but they locked the gates at five. There was a footpath that was down a high walled lane, which ran the long way around the park.

There was a shorter route that was just a dirt path, it runs down the side of the park fence. Then a short walk across a field, onto the road that led to Rita's house. Another was through the basins, which were the old water treatment holding tanks; the woollen mill used to wash the wool before it went into the spinning sheds.

Walking up the slight hill from the youth centre, towards the park. We just chatted about this and that, but not about what I really wanted to talk about. I had the feeling she was hesitant about it too, as she looked at me several times, and then looked shyly down, without saying anything.

As we approached the locked park gates, Rita pulled me towards the shorter route. Then as we walked along the railings, she caught hold of my hand, as we were about to walk around a big bushy hedge, that was growing along the railing. She pulled me into a gap, between the hedge and the railing.

A few feet in she took hold of one of the railing rods and pulled it upwards. The rod slipped out of its hole and left enough room between the other rods to squeeze through. I squeezed myself through after Rita and replaced the rod in the fence. Then followed the giggling Rita, to a small park pavilion, not far from where we entered. She disappeared inside, and I went in after her.

The pavilion was a funny shape, sitting in the corner of it you couldn't see out. Which meant nobody could see in either, and that's where Rita had sat down. As I sat beside her she seemed happy and smiled widely as she said.

"It's been a long time since we've been alone JJ, can you remember being in your mum's bedroom." I nodded and was unsure what to do with my hands because I wanted to reach out and touch her.

"Yes Rita I do and I wouldn't mind being there right now, but we're not eight or nine anymore," I said looking at her so very close, wishing I could reach out and touch her. She had a big smile showing she was happy, and then she put her hand on my knee and said.

"Let's make out we are still eight and in your mum's bedroom. What would you like to do, if we were alone like we used to be?" Without hesitating, I put my arms around her and gave her a kiss. She responded willingly, and we had an enjoyable half an hour in that shelter. Then we hurried to her home, and I left her with a promise to meet again the following Saturday.

I was at the youth club at two, waiting for Rita a full half-hour early. She arrived just before two-thirty, with two of her female friends. She just smiled at me as they entered the hall, teasing me as she swings her hips. Then once inside she left her friends, to walk to me smiling as I bought two drinks.

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