Parallel Me Part 13

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Although it was an early flight, I had a good size party to see me off. Susan was the only woman there, so it was handshakes all around, with a kiss on the cheek and a big hug from tiny Hannah, then Susan got her arms around me. There was a tear or two from her, as we kissed goodbye before I boarded the plane. It was a good flight, and Aaron's driver was there to convey me to the hotel. Then at five, I showered and dressed in my best white dress uniform.

I waited for them to arrive, with a bunch of white desert rose's, and a twenty-first cardboard key to my heart, and Ava's ring in my pocket. As the car pulled up, I had to hide for fear of being seen. The balcony which overlooked the entrance of the hotel had slime pillars spaced along its solid balustrade. Not much cover, but just enough to hide. Careful you clumsy oath, catch that before it falls into the dust and dirt. There was a flash of light, and a tremendous thunderclap and pain as the floor rushed up to meet me.

Darkness surrounds me. A darkness that was never-ending. It wrapped itself around me, like a shroud. Not a shade of light shown through its thick layers. It felt like I was in a tunnel. A long tunnel of darkness that went on forever. I was drifting through it, slowly drifting along into nothingness. Then there were tiny sounds. Like the tinkling of water, and of things being placed on things. There were tiny soft footsteps drifting near and then off into the distance.

My arm would rise on its own and slowly fall again. My body felt dampness, then would dry. Soft voices that I could not understand. Then they too would fade into the darkness, and I was back into the nothingness again. A quiet nothingness surrounded by the darkness. A darkness that let nothing in and nothing out. I felt loneliness and tried to reach out, but my arms would not obey my mind.

I continued drifting into nothingness until the tiny sounds of tinkling water returned. These things repeat themselves over and over again, where was I who was I what was I. I was in a dark fussy place I knew not where, or what I was doing there. Then the darkness wasn't as dark as before, it was greyish and fussy shapes were drifting about. Then the greyness got darker, and for a while, I was in nothingness again. Until I was aware of the lighter greyness appearing again, and of things around me like rows of beds just visible in the dimness.

There was an area of light out there, somewhere in the dimness. I turned my eyes towards it and saw a figure sitting in a chair. I tried to reach out to the figure, but it was too far away and out of my reach. My arm just fell out of the bed in which I was laying in, and I couldn't lift it back. Then the figure moved towards me, and took my hanging arm and put it back under the covers.

"Oh my goodness he's awake." The nurse uttered when she saw my eyes looking at her, and she ran from my side to disappear through an opening in the wall. She returned with two others, and curtains were drawn around. Then a light blinded me as it was switched on, and a man in white was bending over me. He was looking into my eyes, with a thing that was producing the light.

"Welcome back you've had us worried, I suppose you're a little bewildered right now?" He asked, and I couldn't understand what he was talking about.

Where had I been, to be welcomed back? I was bewildered where had I come back too if I had been away where had I been. It was all too bewildering and my head was spinning, and I couldn't answer his questions because I didn't know. He looked at the other newcomer, another nurse a bit more senior than the first and said.

"He seems to be coming out of it, but he is still not fully conscious, we'll keep him sedated and bring him out slowly." I felt a sharp jab in my arm, and he looked into my eyes again saying.

"This will keep you nice and relaxed until the morning, I don't think you're quite ready to come fully out of it yet." What was he talking about it was all fussy to me, and he was getting blurry and I was sliding back into nothingness again. Then the darkness surrounded me again, and I drifted through it until the greyness came and that too dissipated.

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