Parallel Me Part 33

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The taxi pulled up outside of Rita's house at five to ten, she looked shocked to see me when she opened the door.

"Oh my, I didn't expect you so early, I haven't done my!" was all she could say before the door closed and I scooped her up in my arms. Cutting off her words, with my lips kissing hers, she was wearing a housecoat, over her short night grown. Which she allowed me to remove, once I had carried her into the bedroom, then for the next few hours, we hardly spoke at all. Our mouths were far too busy kissing, and exploring our bodies, like we did in Lesley's flat.

"God I can't remember you being that big JJ, you really stretched me," she said after our first shag when she was closely inspecting my shrunken joystick.

"God, I've missed us doing this, do you forgive me JJ?" She asked then squalled happily, as I pushed her onto her back, and put my head between her legs. We had sex three times in the two and a half hours; I was with her in that bedroom. John was not mentioned at all, and she was made plainly aware, she would be taken to my apartment and severely ravaged, when she went to the club on Wednesday. She liked the idea and was still naked as we kiss farewell, at the front door when I was leaving. I had one more feel of her tenderness before that door was opened. She had lost none of her love for sex, I was happy to see, and she had proved once more, she would do anything to get sexual enjoyment. I went straight to the office and apologised for not being there earlier.

"Sorry had something very important to see to, it couldn't wait believe me Dorothy, now what sort of bedlam have I coursed you, I hope it hasn't been too much for you?" She smiled and lifted a stack of papers.

"This is the names we took at Langley park yesterday, and this is a list of names that have come in over the phone." She said lifting another pile, a bit smaller than the first.

"Five hundred and twenty names, from all over the city, and that's not all, we have fifty from Geraldton. Another seventy-five from Albany, you're be doing some serious travailing, when all these groups get set up, and federal government want to get involved as well. They have suggested, a bigger budget from their coffers, it seems Saturday's sports show and Sundays morning news. Was broadcasted all over Australia, you've become a celebrity overnight, and Sir David would like to see you. That is when you're free, and no Joseph it hasn't been too much, it has been most exhilarating."

Hell, I've done it again, I jumped in it with both feet and still come up smelling of roses. Why couldn't I have just stayed out of sight, I could have met Rita somewhere maybe, and had a nice quiet affair with her, it was too late now I had made my bed.

"You wanted to see me, Sir," I said as I entered the premier's office, and he looked up at me smiling.

"You're not thinking of running for office, are you Joseph?" he asked with a sarcastic tone and a very wide grin.

"No Sir I am not, why do you ask," I replied not quite knowing, what I should make of that remark.

"Well since you've been here, what is it now one week and four days," I nodded he was correct.

"It seems the whole of Australia, has fallen in love with you Joseph, you could even run for my job and win if I were fool enough to give it up. Even our hardiest General is singing your praises, I was speaking to McKenna this morning. Seems you had the whole of his senior staff, eating out of your hands, said he offered you a commission in his regiment, was most disappointed you politely turned him down. Said if he'd had known, you had a voice like you have, he'd have guessed you would be a performer, especially with your good looks."

"I never thought of telling him, I thought he would have heard, about you singing in Kings Park last year, he was so interested in you and your boxing. I had forgotten he went away, immediately after your boxing match at the WACA. So he didn't attend that reception, at government house, I gave for the boxing teams, and he didn't hear you sing there, I thought he already knew." Sir David said still smiling, and lifting a sheet of paper up to me.

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