❤️Tanjiro x Cold-Hearted!reader- I Promise

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Thank you for the request amamiharu! I'm sorry if this doesn't fit exactly the character or the "cold-hearted" part! I hope you'll like it!
Edit: picture

You felt someone shaking you, waking you up. "Wha...?" You mumbled out, still in a dazed state.
"(Y/N), it's time for your medicine. Please take it!" 3 small girls said, holding out a cup full of a mixture. "Oh, yeah." You said softly, taking the cup and sitting up in your bed.

Your entire body was covered in bandages as you had gotten back from fighting the spider family. You were knocked out from Father Spider, and you hit your back on a tree, knocking the wind out of you, but before you passed out, you heard someone running over to your side and slowly picking you up, catching a glimpse of maroon hair.

'Damn those spiders...' You thought, remembering the events and gulped down the drink, trying not to taste it, but alas, it still happened, and the horrible taste of it came over your tongue. 'Zenitzu was right.' You thought, coughing a bit.

After that, you decided to lay back down... until a small boy with maroon hair came rushing in, panting. "(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" Tanjiro yelled, coming over to the side of your bed, grabbing your hand. "Yes, I'm fine. Please don't worry about me." You said, unemotional as always. He just looked into your eyes, full of concern. "I'm okay, I promise." You said, feeling a small blush on your face.

You pulled your hand away and swung your legs out of bed. "I'm going to get fresh air. Talk to you later, Tanjiro." You said, short and quickly left, leaving a worried and confused Tanjiro. 'Should I follow her?' He asked himself, looking at the slightly opened door, and after a small talk with himself, he decided to follow you, trailing far behind.

You walked outside the Butterfly estate, sighing and sitting down on the side of the porch (idk what its called xD). When you were alone, you let your emotions breakthrough just a bit. 'I made that promise to myself, and of course, I broke it. Why must I be so stupid?!' You thought, ruffing your hair a small bit.

What was that promise? "Do not get attached to anyone."

Why? Well, it was because you already lost one of your friends, who has been by your side since birth, on a mission. She was heavily bruised and had many cuts on her, all seeping blood. No matter your attempts, you had to leave her, her scared face always imprinted in your mind. You couldn't handle having another blow to your heart, thinking, 'If I'm cold to everyone, maybe they'll stay away from me.' but this wasn't true, as Tanjiro always insisted on talking to you.

You always wondered why. You were a girl of concise sentences and not much speaking. You barely showed any emotion. "Of course, I had to fall in love." You mumbled, the small blush on your face getting a bit darker.

You heard someone's footsteps coming closer. 'Shit.' You spun around, standing up and placing your hand on your sword, but only to see Tanjiro. "Oh, hello." You said, breathing a small sigh of relief. "Hi (Y/N)!" He said, showing that smile you loved dearly. Inside, you melted, but on the outside, you kept a straight face.

"What do you need?" You asked, staring at him blankly. "Oh! I was going to ask if you felt better, considering you got the wind knocked out of you." He said, rubbing his head and chuckling a bit. "Eh..- Oh. I've told you already. I'm O K A Y." You said, spelling out the word. "But... you always give off a scent of sadness and pain." He said, hiding the fact he also smelled love. (That's really weird but idk how else to put it xD)

You stiffened. "Don't worry about it." You said harshly, looking down. 'I forgot he has a great sense of smell.' You thought.

You sat back down, starting to go back into your thoughts. Tanjiro also sat down beside you, staring at you. You felt his stare and asked, "Can I help you?" He just shook his head, turning his head back to the front. "Hey (Y/N), is there anyone you like?" He asked, just out of the blue.
"Wha?" You stuttered out, your face turning a shade of bright pink.

'I'm starting to lose my cool. Damn you, Tanjiro... you adorable person.' You thought. "Well, is there? I smell love in the air, but I can't tell where it's coming from." He half-lied. "Well... maybe, but I doubt he'll like me back." You answered, closing your eyes and trying to regain control of your heart. "I'm sure he will! Could you tell me who he is?" You stood up quickly and sped walked back into the estate. "I don't feel very well! I'll talk to you later!" You said, almost sounding like gibberish.

'Did I press too much?' Tanjiro asked himself, sighing a bit.

You walked back to your space, sliding down on the door. "I really do love him, do I?" You asked yourself, sighing and letting your cold-hearted persona fade, and a dark red blush crept onto your face. "Just how many times is this going to happen?!" You yelled in frustration.

Suddenly, a knock on the sliding door was heard, and you jumped back, trying to control yourself. "(Y/N)? Are you in here? I'm sorry if I asked anything too personal!" Tanjiro said, slowly opening the door.

You jumped to close the door, but it was too late. Fully opened, he saw the side of you no one ever saw.

"Eh?! You do blush!" He said, walking in and sliding the door closed a bit. "Is it okay if I come in?" He asked, already halfway in the room. "N-no!" You stuttered, hiding your face. Tanjiro just smiled and giggled. He kneeled down beside you and grabbed your hands. "You're adorable." He said softly. You just shook your head, embarrassed.

"Damn you and making me blush..." You mumbled under your breath. "What was that?" He asked, staring into your eyes. "N-nothing!" You yelled out, pulling your hands away from him and hiding your face into his chest.

"(Y-Y/N)?!" He stuttered out a bit, a small blush appearing on his face as well. "Just shush and let me enjoy this. It's your fault." You said, but it came out muffled. "My fault?" He asked, already piecing together what's happening. "Yes. All of it." You said. 'Making me fall in love with you.' You thought.

"Hey (Y/N), look up at me." He said, having a plan in mind.

"What is-" You looked up and was cut off by his lips being pressed onto yours. You were stunned, but slowly kissed back, smiling, but it was over just as soon as it started. He just smiled at you but also had a deeper shade of red on his face.

"I finally figured it all out!" He said, giggling and pulling you closer. "I love you (Y/N)," He said. You just hid your face in his chest again, your entire persona gone. "I love you too, Tanjiro... please don't die on me." You said, snuggling up to him. "I promise I won't."

I hope you liked it! Sorry if anything was off, I wrote this during school! Thank you for reading! 💞

Word Count: 1257

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