❤️Inosuke x Reader- Opposites

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Thank you for requesting shilluka! I feel horrible about the last part; I might rewrite it later. Anyways, I hope you like it!
Edit: picture

"Inosuke!" You heard Tanjiro yell. Inosuke was currently trying to fight Zenitzu. "What?!" He yelled back, his voice somewhat muffled by his boar mask he always wore. "Stop hitting Zenitzu!"

This went back and forth for quite some time, them saying a combination of "Yes!" and "No!"

All of the yelling made your head hurt a small bit, so you walked away from the group, finding a small tree to rest against.

You never were the talkative type, nor did anything that revealed too much of you. You were always kept to yourself, almost seeming emotionless. You didn't mean to see like that; you just never wanted to let your guard down.

You met the group of boys while on one of your missions. A mission that changed your life, for better or worse.


You were flown against a wall by a demon. "Ugh!" You gasped out, slowly falling down the wall.
'That hit took the breath out of me! What am I going to do?!' You panicked.
"Hehe, what a pitiful demon slayer!" It said, slowly coming over to you. You tried getting up but to no avail.

You couldn't breathe nor walk. You started to shake, thinking you were about to be killed.
"P-please, don't." You pleaded, scared for your life.

Until it's head was cut off.

You gasped, staring at the lifeless body of the demon. "Are you okay?!" You heard a boy yell. You turned your head in the direction they were coming from and saw a guy with maroon hair who was carrying a guy with yellow hair, and...

A boar mask?

'Why is he wearing that?' You asked yourself, having your thoughts consumed by this mysterious boy.

"Are you okay?" The maroon head asked again. You snapped out of your thoughts. "O-oh, u-um..." You stuttered out, not used to talking. "No... but what are your names?" You asked, quiet.

"I'm Tanjiro! The one all in yellow is Zenitzu, and the one who's wearing the mask is Inosuke!" He said, showing a bright smile. You looked at all of them, smiling a bit yourself, hearing a faint "Fight me!" from the boar head.

"I will help the pretty young lady, and she'll fall in love with me!" Zenitzu said, pointing at you. You look at the group, confused.

"Zenitzu! Stop it." Tanjiro yelled.

"But if I don't, she won't like me!" Zenitzu wailed, making Tanjiro stumble.

"She won't like you if you keep trying to make her like you!" Tanjiro yelled back, trying to regain balance.

"G-guys, can you stop yelling, please?" You asked, your head pounding.

Tanjiro looked back at you. "Oh, yeah, sorry! We should get you some help. We were just about to rest ourselves." He said. "Can you stand?"

"I t-think my leg is broken." You mumbled, looking up at Tanjiro.

"Hm... Well, I can't carry you, as my hands are full. Maybe Inosuke can?" He offered.

Inosuke looked over to Tanjiro, who looked like he was pleading with him. "Please?"
"But, this isn't Inosuke's character at all!" He yelled, kicking up dirt. "And if she's that weak to get flown into the wall by a simple demon, she's not fit for our group!"

You just looked at him, shocked. 'Did... did he really just say that?!' You thought, getting angry but tried to stay calm. "Inosuke! Don't say that!" Tanjiro said, glaring at him. "Well, we aren't leaving until I know she's safe." He said, standing in place.

"Hmph! I'll just go on and beat you all there!" Inosuke said back, steam coming out of his mask as he turned and walked away.

'He's actually leaving?!' You thought, still in shock. 'He's something completely different.'


You sighed and smiled to yourself. 'And that was only a few months ago.' You thought.

"(Y/N)?! Where did you go?" You heard Tanjiro yell. You stood up and went back over to the group, rubbing your head and apologizing.

"I'm sorry, I went to rest a small bit. The others yelling made my head hurt." You said.

"What are they yelling about anyway...?" You asked, mainly to yourself, and went closer to the two boys.

"How in the hell do you like her?! She's the opposite of you!" Zenitzu yelled. "I don't know! I just do!" Inosuke yelled back. "And she's cute too! How does a pig like you get a cute girl like that?!"

You just stood there in confusion.

"Um... guys. What do you mean? What's going on?" You asked.

"Inosuke likes you, and I don't understand why!" Zenitzu yelled, crossing his arms and puffing his cheeks out. "Idiot! Don't tell her!" Inosuke yelled once more, hitting the poor boy's head.

You felt your face getting warm. 'Did I hear it correctly?' You thought, feeling your heart going faster.

You liked the barbaric boar. You couldn't explain how or why.
You just did, and there wasn't a reason needed.

You shut down, looking at the floor, your face wholly red, and only hearing your heartbeat.

'Does he like me?! Is that a lie? He doesn't know what love is... does he?' You thought, your mind racing miles.





You felt someone shake you hard. "E-eh?! W-what?!" You stuttered out. You looked up and saw none other than Inosuke, but he had his mask off. Your face went even a deeper red. "U-uh..." You gasped out, trying to find a way to get out of this situation.

"I've been calling your name." He said, looking into your eyes.

You tried looking in every place away from him, noticing Zenitzu and Tanjiro were gone. You just nodded, feeling shocks going through your body.

"So, now you know my secret." He said. "And Tanjiro said that what I'm feeling is that I like you and that I should kiss you." You squirmed a bit. "W-well... you don't have to..." You said, quietly.

"But I like you, and you like me, correct?" He asked, and you nodded. "Then, we should!"

"B-but you can't rush it! I-it's gotta be sweet and-" You were cut off.

After a moment, you noticed that Inosuke was kissing you, and it was sweet and gentle, just like it should be.

You slowly started to kiss back, your face becoming redder if that was even possible.

Thank you for reading! I feel like it was good, but horrible at the end... I'll rewrite it when I get done with the other requests. 💞

Word count: 1049

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