❤️Zenitsu x Shy!reader- My Sunshine

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Thank you for requesting xsrxphxlx! I'm sorry this took so long to get out! School kicked me and I got busy once more. ;-; I hope you like it!
Edit: picture

You stepped out of your home, waving goodbye to your family and slowly closed the door. You huffed. 'I really don't feel like going to school today.' You thought, eating a small muffin you brought with you. You started walking down the ally that leads to your school.

"(Y/N)!" You heard someone yell. You stopped walking and turned your head towards the noise, your eyes meeting two yellow ones. You faintly smiled at who it was. It was Zenitsu, who was currently running towards you.

You knew each other since middle school. You were with a friend, having small talk until he came up to where you were. He took a deep breath and asked, "Hey, I'm new here. Can one of you adorable ladies show me where I need to go?"

Your cheeks became a bit pink. "Um... sure. I'll be your guide." You said, meeting his gaze ever so slowly. You showed him around, pointing out different classrooms and their purpose.

It was the start of a beautiful friendship... or something more.


He finally caught up to where you were, panting and gasping for air. "Are you okay?" You asked, your voice small and soft.

"Yeah! I couldn't leave such a pretty girl alone!" He said, smiling. Your face erupted into a blush and you hid your face behind your small binder. "Zenitsu, stop it!" You whined, looking towards the floor after pulling your binder away from your face.

"I couldn't resist." He said and picked up his pace, grabbing your hand. "Come on, let's hurry up!" Your face went to a deeper shade of red. "O-okay!" You said, falling into rhythm with his running pace.

It seemed that over the years, Zenitsu became more confident in himself, while you were still a very shy girl. You never understood why he stood around you, always by your side.

But you weren't complaining. You loved his company and you felt safe; secure.

Soon, you arrived at school. You huffed, already wanting to go back home. "Well, we're here!" Zenitsu said, turning around to face you, your hands still intertwined. "Yep! I wanna go home already though..." You whined. "The day will be over before you know it! Trust me!" He smiled, and you smiled back at him. "I hope so."

The bell rang, signaling first period. You jumped a bit, the bell scaring you. "That's the bell. We should head to class." You said and Zenitsu nodded. You turned to walk to class but forgot your hands were still together.

Your face went a dark shade of red, while Zenitsu's went bright pink. You quickly let go of his hand and waved goodbye to him, too embarrassed to say anything.

The day went faster than you expected. You smiled, walking outside the gates of the school and remembering Zenitsu's words. "He was right." You said.

You felt an arm wrap around your shoulders. "Of course I am!" You jumped and turned your head, seeing the yellow-haired boy. "O-oh, hi Zenitsu." You said, stuttering a bit from the closeness of him.

"Hi (Y/N)!" He smiled, poking your nose. You blushed. "Zenitsu! Stoooop!" You said, hiding your face in his chest.

You had to admit, you had fallen for the boy. You always got flustered when he sent you compliments. You loved Zenitsu, but you always thought he liked someone else.

You felt Zenitsu stiffen and could hear his heart hammering against his chest. He slowly pushed you away and turned away from you so you couldn't see his blush. "L-let's go home (Y/N)." He stuttered out. You just muttered out a small yes, worried you upset him.

While walking home, both of you didn't say anything, as you were worried and he was lost in his own thoughts.

You finally found the courage to speak up. "H-hey, Zenitsu. Did I m-make you upset?" You said, quiet and scared. He looked over towards you, his blush never leaving his face. He didn't say anything, making you worry even more.

"Z-zenitsu?" You called his name once more. He finally snapped out of his thoughts and looked towards you.

"W-what?" He said, his voice shaking. You made a face of concern. "Are you okay?" You asked, tilting your head. Zenitsu sighed and pulled you into a hug.
You could feel him take a deep breath and looked down at you. "I... I like you (Y/N)..." He breathed out. "Wait! No... I love you." He said, this time more confident.

You almost passed out.

You started to stumble and stutter over your words, worse than before. Your body felt very hot and you couldn't get anything out. "I understand if you don't feel the same." He said, with a sad tone. "NO! U-uh.. I mean, no... I l-l-love you too Zenitsu!" You blurted out, turning your gaze towards the floor.

Zenitsu slipped his fingers under your chin, raising your head up, and before you could respond with anything, he connected your lips together. You stiffened up, your red face getting redder if possible. You slowly started to kiss back and you felt him smile.

Ahhh, I feel I made him too OOC! I'm sorry about that! Thank you for reading and being patient with me! 💞

Word count: 917

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