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        I'd been working with Michael for a little over a week, and I'd discovered that he was a complete and utter pain in the ass. But when he wasn't being annoying or moody, he was actually pretty funny. He made a lot of jokes, and almost always had a way of making me laugh so hard I cried, but he also had a bad attitude and a sour outlook on life.

        I was sat at my desk, typing away at some assignment that I'd been given, when Michael showed up, an hour late. I looked up with a concerned look. There were dark rings under his eyes and he seemed even more pale than usual. I raised an eyebrow as he hung his jacket on the hook near the door

        "You okay?" I asked skeptically

        "Peachy" He snapped angrily. I let out a huff and turned back to my work. My job wasn't incredibly difficult, and the pay was quite decent, so there was really nothing to complain about except for my one nasty co worker. He either had a snide comment or a joke for everything, and sometimes it could really get on a girl's nerves. So I ignored him for the rest of the time until lunch when he held the door for me on the way out. That was the thing about Michael, I'd noticed, he wouldn't apologize directly, but he'd do small acts of kindness to make up for whatever ass hole thing he'd done. I was surprizingly used to it by then, so I let him hold the door and I let him make my coffee for me, because that was just his way, and it made him happy. We sat in comfortable silence as we ate our lunches, not doing anything except chewing. That's always how it went too. Michael showed up late, gave me a rude comment, we ate lunch together, and spent the rest of the work day joking around only to have it start all over again the next day. It was an endless cycle, but in all honesty, I didn't mind.

AN: So as you know, Anorexia is officially FINISHED! But the character ask is open intil this sunday November 9th 2014 so definitely read anorexia and ask the characters questions! You only have a week! My favorite comment on this chapter will get a DEDICATION!

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