Chapter 6

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Breakfast was a bustling affair with the dancers coming and asking if I was feeling better after last night, feeling a little confused I only nodded with my head down. Alexandra leaned close to my ear. "I told them you were feeling tired, Mrs Reynolds know though," she whispered.

"She always knows," I quietly replied sparing a glance at Mrs Reynolds. She was quietly sitting, sipping a coffee and watching us converse over the two booths we were seated in,  her eyes turned to my and I quickly looked away, she would talk to me about last night, I knew it. 

After a heavy breakfast we boarded the bus with our stuff and traveled to the venue. A helper directed us through the numerous halls to a random room with a big table where we set up our stuff. We hung our costumes up on clothing rods and set up our make up mirrors and make up on the table. I checked the time, it was 1pm. I looked around the room at the other girls, Talia and Ariel were talking to each other and seemed to be in a friendly argument, Max was stretching in a corner, Alexandra was stretching with Jazmine, already changed into her costume. It was a dark red dress with mesh that was translucent but there was a red leotard underneath. The bottom half was flowy and and reached to midway down her calf, the top half was loose and wrapped around her chest. Jazmine's was identical but white. 

I seated myself down at my chair in front of my mirror, just as another helper came into the room. "The competition is starting in 5 minutes so I suggest you girls get changed," she said with a raised eyebrow, "the other studios are almost ready."

I noticed Alexandra's scowl, I raised an eyebrow at the action. "Who's first," she demanded with crossed arms, Jazmine slapped the back of her head lightly with a disapproving look.

"From your studio," the lady checked her list, I noticed how she didn't have to flip to the second or third page. "From your studio, it will be Olivia Foster from the 15 to 16's age group, and that dance is sixth."

My heart stopped, why was I sixth? Mrs Reynolds looked over to me as the lady left, I looked back at her in the reflection of my mirror. She got up and knelt next to my chair, "you're going to do great Olivia," she softly spoke, I pursed my lips looking down into my lap, fidgeting with my nails and picking at them. 


My voice was quiet and strained, "I'm going to do really bad."

Mrs Reynolds huffed lightly in amusement, "you haven't even gotten into the corridor Olivia, you are a very hard worker and you're going to do amazing, and if you need it, the bathroom is right down the hall-"

"I can't go in there, I'll have a panic attack," I muttered rubbing my arms, my stomach had already started doing backflips and I felt like I was going to be sick. 

"Okay," Mrs Reynolds responded with a slow nod, "that's fine, you can call your dad is you need to."

She got up and affectionately pat my shoulder and then clap her hands, "okay girls, let's get started!"

Everyone grabbed their costumes of the clothing rod and started to change, I clutched my costume to my chest self consciously and retreated to a corner behind one of the clothing rods. I hastily changed and speed walked out from behind the clothing rods and back to my chair. I started applying the foundation and the rest of the make up. I was lucky I only needed white eye shadow and red lipstick, we had the same thing for our group dance, Alexandra, Jazmine, Talia, and Max however, would have to do their make up all over again.  

I finished my makeup and started brushing through my hair, my hairstyle was a flipped over pony tail and I had no idea how to do it. I tried to weave my hair through but pieces started to fall out and I couldn't do the 'flip' bit. Sighing in frustration I let my hair go, 'I'll be dancing on the stage with my hair out at this point,' I thought in annoyance. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I whirled around to see Alexandra dressed and ready, her eyeshadow was a dark flaming red and her hair was perfectly styled into a plaited side bun. 

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