Chapter 25

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"Come on in," dad said as he unlocked the door to his apartment. I pinched my lips together as he opened the door and stepped aside to let me in. I moved on heavy, hesitant feet into the apartment. "I know it's not much," dad said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

I couldn't say anything as dad followed me through the hallway and to a little living room. 'It feels so surreal,' I thought, my eyes moving throughout the house. Very few times was I allowed to go see dad and it had been a long time since I was even in the apartment. On the entertainment unit and coffee table were a few family photos. A couple of his side of the family, some friends and of course, photos of him and I together. 'None of mum,' I realised.

Once upon a time, when they were both married, we used to have photographs everywhere. Family, friends, each other...

"I wanted to keep some semblance of our old home," dad admitted, moving over to the entertainment unit and picking up a photo, looking at it wistfully. "But I couldn't keep any photos of Valerie, not after she took you away."

I nodded, biting on my cheek. "I understand," I said with a little shrug. I pursed my lips together at a sudden onslaught of emotion, remembering what I had just done. I had just run out on Alexandra, one of the people that had accepted me, given me a place to stay. Her family had accepted me. I sniffled and wiped under my nose, attempting to swallow down the lump in my throat.

I blinked away the tears threatening to fall and two strong arms wrapped around me. I immediately hugged back, craving the warmth radiating from dad. He held me tightly against his chest, kissing the top of my head. "Do you want to talk about it?" Dad questioned, rubbing my back, I sniffled into his chest and nodded silently, unable to trust my voice.

"Okay, how about I get you some fresh clothes and we can sit down and talk?"

I only nodded again and dad slowly let go, giving me the opportunity to hug tighter or let go myself. Dad slipped away and down another hallway, turning into a room. I rapidly wiped my eyes with the heels of my hands, rubbing them harshly. 'Stop crying,' I berated, I had already cried enough today and the feeling was suffocating.

"Here," dad said suddenly appearing in front of me. He held out a pile of clothes. "Just something simple for tonight."

I took the clothes from dad's hand and he pointed down the hallway. "The third door on the left was supposed to be your room, you can get changed in there if you want," dad offered and I held the clothes to my chest.

"Thanks," I whispered and my voice cracked. I ushered myself into the room and shut the door behind me. The room was a beige colour with a double sized bed in the corner with a nightstand and desk, on the opposite wall there was a wardrobe and large window. I set the clothes down onto the bed and quickly stripped, replacing my old clothes with dads. It was only a simple black t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

I found myself looking around the room after I was dressed. 'I wonder what it would have looked like if I was able to make it my own,' I pondered. It felt stale, like a hotel room and knowing it was meant to be my room only made it seem more depressing. I felt my phone buzz in my hands and I bit my lip, staring down at or for a second. I sighed, putting it face down on my desk. I quickly exited the room, gently shutting the door behind me and met dad back in the living room.

I raised my eyebrow to see dad seated on the couch with an unopened Ben & Jerry's tub of ice cream and a single spoon. "What's that for?" I asked, sitting next to dad, he held the tub and spoon out to me.

"You," he stated and I took the ice cream tub, feeling the refreshing chill on my hands. "I may not have been able to get the most experience with teenagers but even I know that ice cream makes everything better."

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