Chapter 9

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Before we even entered my room I felt myself get shoved through the threshold of the door, and on to the wall next to it as it shut. He pinned me there, one of his leg between mine, both his hands on either of mine, his lips by my ear.

"You know, the thought of you naked, your pale skin against the ropes, being in those sexy poses, never left my mind," his lips slowly let out his words against my skin sending shivers down my body. "Working this case was so hard, everything made me think of you, and the thoughts of you made my cock so hard," he pushed in closer as I could feel his member against me, "you make me go crazy."

His hands slid down my sides undoing my pants and letting them fall, leaving a trail of kissed on my neck. I hold on to his arms because he has made almost all of the strength leave my body. He slid his hands under my shirt as he ran them up my stomach and chest, just grazing over my nipples, which pushed me over the edge and I let out a small moan.

His lips were now on mine, giving me the most passionate kiss I'd ever had, taking the rest of my strength. As he pulled himself from me, my body followed gravity to the floor, my knees had gave out from the gentle pleasure he'd had been giving me.

I heard a chuckle from him, "you can't be showing me such a cute scene, I don't know if I can hold back much longer." I look up taking in same gasps of air, "that was holding back?" I asked, he gave a smirk and shrugged, looking behind him to find my bed.

As he reached it he turned to me and smirked, "ya know, I've never been one to have kinks," he sits on the edge of the bed, "but I found it extremely sexy and a major turn on when we first met," he spread his legs, putting an elbow on one knee, and just looked at me.

I knew exactly what he wanted me to do, and the thought made my entire body hot with embarrassment and excitement. I took a deep breath and made my way to him on my hands and knees, once I was close enough to touch him I lifted off my hands and sat there a second, looking up at him, as if asking for approval, not that I really needed any.

I slowly started to undo his jeans, making sure to take in the feeling of his boner through the tight material. Pulling over the edges of the split from the zipper, to reveal navy blue boxers and a very hard member. I paused for a moment, remembering when I did it before I was blindfolded, the thought made me blush in embarrassment. I had also been thinking about all the things we had done that time.

"Freezing up on me?" I heard his voice, as it snapped me out of my trance of the past, "n-no," I stuttered, "I just realized that I haven't actually..." I feel my entire body turn red at the thought of what I was about to say, "you haven't actually, what?" He inquired. "uh, I um, haven't se-seen," I could feel my voice drop, "yo-your uhm... d-down, here," my voice was barely even audible at this point. What in the living hell am I saying, I couldn't be more awkward. My mind was running about a mile a minute, when I felt a hand on my face pulling it up, "Ethan, I was being serious when I said You make me lose my mind, and I am on the edge of pushing you down right now to have my way with you," he had my full attention now, his other hand quickly opened the slit in his boxers to release the pressure on his rod, "I need you to not be so unguarded and cute," he states between heavy breathes. I nodded and looked back down to his thick, hard, and almost dripping cock, the sight had me hotter and harder then when we came up here.

I take a breath and quickly lick my lips before I leaned in to him, taking the head in and swirling my tongue around it. I did this a few times before I brought my hands to the base and I started licking from the tip, down the bottom to my hands. Once his entire member was wet I started to pump my hands, hearing Kyle hum with pleaser. I then put my mouth back on it and started to take as much as a could, which honestly wasn't a lot compared to his size.

I could feel his pulse in his rod, he's about to cum, I noted, "You really are good at this," he spoke, "I'm really... close," I took my mouth and hands off of him, "fuck!" He huffed, "you don't want me to tease you... but then you do it to me," I look at his member an it  was pulsating and dripping pre-cum. I glanced up at him, and could see he was at his end, and that I shouldn't have messed with him like that but I couldn't help myself.

I wrap my hands around his throbbing cock and start to pump, I hear him let out small grunting moans, before I put my lips back on him. Within a few seconds I could feel his hands in my hair, gripping it, "yea... just like.. that," he says and I feel a creamy liquid enter my mouth, filling it completely, making me pull back as his seeds continued to shoot out. The thick substance dribbled down my chin from my mouth, as the rest had now spilled down my shirt. Swallowing what was in my mouth, I looked down at my messy self, and could feel that my boxers were now wet too, with a slight blush I look up at Kyle, who was just coming off of the high from his climax.

He took my face into his hands, looking down me letting out a small chuckle as probably to my situation. I began to fidget under his gaze.

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