Chapter 11

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My moans start to become even louder, when I feel him put his mouth around my manhood, the feel of his hot tongue sliding down my shaft is enthralling. My legs involuntarily try to close at the sensation but he grips my knees and pinned them down leaving me with just being able to hold onto the sheets next to me, my back arching at the pleasure, "I-I.... I'm..." I feel my toes curl, "Cum..cumming!" I barely get the words out before my body releases and I could feel him swallowing my cum.

He lifts off me watching as my body is still shaking from the overwhelming pleasure he had just given me. He leans forward, hovering his body just over mine, I could feel the heat radiating off of him, yet his skin was not quite touching me, "Are you ready?" he whispers to me. making my breath catch, ready for what? I bite my lip looking up to him longingly, "I'm going to make it so you can't cum without me," he says before kissing my ear gently, and planting more small kisses over my check leading to my mouth. his hands slowing moving up and down my sides ever so smoothly, he finally kisses my lips but not as gently as he has been, this was more.. more passionate, causing me to moan a bit.

He pulls away slowing as he straightened his back making himself bigger as he stood on his knees, he just looked down at me for a few silent moments, making me shiver under the tension, I had know idea what was going on inside his head. Then just as quickly as when he threw me on to the bed, he flipped me over, forcing my to be on all fours. I felt my entire body temperature raise. His hands slowly sliding up my back, making me pull my head back, as they got farther up I could feel more pressure pushing down, oh, I slowly bend my arms to lower the top half of my body down.

I burry my face into the pillows to muffle a yelp as I feel a hand land somewhat hard on my ass check, my whole body jumped at the feeling, not in a bad way, just surprised. "Hmm, I think I'm going to get rid of the pillows if you're going to use them like that," he hums, I lift my head up, "Bu- ahmm!" he does is again, my body shivers, "So you do like this?" he questions as he does it again a bit harder this time, I bit my lips as not to answer his question. I feel his grip tighten as I drop my head sideways this time onto the pillows, "Hmm," I hear him give a light growl, "I might just have to buy you a gag, if you don't want to talk," I could feel his hot breath against the skin on my bare ass, "Would serve multiple uses," he kisses my cheeks, "Will keep you from talking," he leaves more kisses, kneading my butt with his hands, "and I can hear every sound you make," he says before he pulls my cheeks apart and lick my entrance.

I gasp at the new feeling, muscle flexing, chills run up my spine, I can feel him smirking into my skin. He continues to lick around my whole, "hmm," I hum in my throat as I bite my lips together and close my eyes. A hand came around my waist and started stroking my member, my breath hitches as I let out another small moan. "Ahhmmm," my eyes popping open, his tongue pushed its way into me, I starting to breath faster, I started to squirm at the sudden sensation.

Every time he moved his tongue I tried to fight the urge to wiggle any more then I already was, I held fists full of the bedding, as he kept pumping me. It felt like an eternity that he was licking me before he finally pulled away, and my back dropped I didn't realized it had been so arched until it wasn't anymore, I gave a small whipper at the loss of heat.

I let out a deep breath, still trying to remember how to breath, when I feel the bed compress on either side of me, he was leaning over me. I barely move my head to look at him, I could see the need in his eyes, the desire was overpowering. He pulled his hand up to my mouth, "lick them," his voice sounding even deeper making me shudder before doing as he told me. I slowly make his fingers wet with my saliva, coating my tongue over them individually, painfully slow, I could hear him let out a small grunt in trying to be patient.

After waiting a bit he took his hand away, I had left a small wet spot on the pillows from where I drooled, he slide his hand over my entrance, giving my muscles a small spasm. He slowly pushed one finger in, my mouth dropped open, no sound came out, it was more shock then anything. I could feel myself constricting around his finger, he other hand now placed on my hip, "Relax," he tells me, giving my hip a light squeeze. "I.. can't," I gasped out, he pulls out quickly, "I..I.. I'll tr-" I'm cut off by my body getting flipped over again, now I'm face to face with him, "shh," he hushed caressing my body with his free hand, making me tremble from the light touches.

He sat back on his knees, slowly bringing both of his hands down my torso to my legs, he pulled them straight on either side of him. he brought his hand back over my hole, before leaning back over me, "This might help," he said before planting a passionate kiss on my lips, I moan into it as he sticks his tongue in and explores my mouth, I almost didn't notice his finger going into me.

After what I could assume is what he thought was enough time, he pushed in another one, getting more of a reaction from me, he pulls his lips from mine, "It's okay baby," he whispered, I wrapped my arms around his neck, continuing to kiss him. We kept this routine up for some time, before he pulled away from me, I could feel that I looked like a mess, he was staring down at me, we were both breathing heavily. His fingers still inside of me he moved them a little quicker this time, "mmm, It feels... weird," I eventually tell him, he nods, "It's going to baby," he says wrapping his free hand around my member.

He moved his fingers in a different way, causing my body to jerk and I let out a loud moan, "wha- what was that?" I asked slightly panicked, he just smiled, "Found it," he said, "Fou-found wha- aaammmmm" I hold my voice, "Your good spot," he states, and beings to keep fingering that one spot, making my body jerk around each time. I had to bring a hand over my mouth to stop from screaming, my other one was reaching for his hands, one pumping into me and the other pumping me.

I can feel my body starting to convulse, "Are you going to cum?" he asks, I nod so quickly I made the room spin, I bit my hand to stop myself from making any weird sounds, "I really wish you wouldn't do that," he growled, but I almost couldn't hear him as my eyes literally rolled back and I came for the umpteenth time tonight, except this was the most ecstasy I have ever felt before. My body was shaking, "tha- that.. was.. ama- amazing," I try to speak between breaths.

"Oh yeah," he says licking the cum off his hand, "Just wait till you feel this," he drops his cock on mine, and I can't do anything but stare at the thick monstrosity, that is going, "inside me," I didn't realize I said that last bit out loud, I received a chuckle from Kyle, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you don't feel anything.... except pleasure," he growled the last bit, sending a chill down my spine, biting my lip I gulp looking up at him, before letting out a small breath and nodding.

This resulted it a flicker of desire in his eyes, and a smirk pulled a crossed his handsome face, "That's a good boy," he said in a deep growl in his tone, "You won't know any form of euphoria better."

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