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I dream about her every night. Every night it's the same. She swims with the fishes, such a gentle creature. Her hair dark as night, her tail blue as the sea. She swims towards me and holds my hands trying to take me somewhere. My clothes were weighing me down. My dark black hair with purple highlights was floating all around me. Some strands higher than others. I began to sink. The hands clasped around my wrists like shackles. Not to let go. I looked at the lady with the blue fish tail. She was struggling to bring me to the surface. I was running out of oxygen. I began to black out. But right before I did I starred deep into her beautiful crystal blue eyes. Then my eyes closed. All I could see was darkness.

I awoke on the beach gasping for breath. My body soaked in salt water. I looked around on the beach... I was the only one here. I got up seeing the lady who rescued me. She walked out of the water holding a infant. I starred at her legs. They were blue. Just like her tail. The scales started at her thighs and ended at her ankles. She looked sad as if someone took her child. She walked passed me as if she didn't see me. I turned around and I saw another lady who looked like my mother. I saw sorrow on both of their faces. The lady with blue scales hugged the infant and silently sobbed. After she cried she handed the infant to my mother.

"Please. Take. Good care of her." She said.

"I will." My mother said.

Suddenly their was another lady with red hair. She looked just like the lady with blue scaled legs but hers were red too. She had me in a chokehold. Slowly suffocating I watched the lady with blue legs started back to the ocean. Trying to break free I saw mom talk to the lady leaving but, for some reason everything was mute. And when they were through talking they both went their separate ways. Losing consciousness, (again) I was brought to my knees. The red haired lady came to face me and started saying my name.


That's when I woke up.

Unfortunate NixieWhere stories live. Discover now