Chapter 6

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I climbed into Marie's van and we left the hospital parking lot.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere where we can talk in private."

Finally about 30 minutes later we pulled in a small driveway. To the left of the driveway was a small White House. We both climbed out of the van and walked into the small house. Then we sat down at the table and she told me everything.

"Oh where do I begin?" She asked herself.

"Well," she began. "Your mother was a wonderful woman, mermaid. She was the oldest of three sisters (including herself)."

"So not only do I have a mother. I have two aunts?"


"What were their names?"

"Melody, Oceana, and Starla."

"Who was who?" I asked.

"Melody was your mother. Starla is your aunt."

"And Oceana? What about her?"

Marie got up from the table and starred out the window.

"Marie?" I said getting up.

"Oceana is a.... Is a.... I don't even know how to describe her. A long time ago when Triton was king of the ocean..."

"You mean Ariel's father?" I asked.

"Yes, and you're family was next in line."

"Next in line?.... You mean for the throne?"

"Yes. You see your mother and her sisters were the next family members."

"So who got queen?"

"Well your mother was the oldest so she is now queen. Starla wasn't upset at her sister but agreed to help her in any way. Oceana however was ferrous and wanted the crown. Well Melody tried to reason with her but as you can see that didn't work out well. So Melody banished Oceana forever. A few years later your mother met a man who was shipwreck on Mermaid Cove. She nursed him back to health and just like that they fell in love. Well Oceana knew that if your mother found true love their would be a big distraction in her life, you. However your mother was a very smart woman and knew that Oceana would come after you so I gave her the idea give you up so you would be safe. I told Melody about a woman who was a friend of mine who would take great care of you."

"Wait if all of this is true and if mom's queen then that makes me a...." I stopped and paused.

"Princess." Marie finished for me.

"Wait Hannah said that she saw a red headed lady come kill apparently the lady you recommend. Was that Oceana?"

"I believe so. I guess that she thought that Hannah's mom was yours. I had no idea that she would kill her."

"Speaking of that.... Why are all of our lives in danger?"

"Now Oceana is queen and took over. Even captured your other aunt and each mermaid has a special power."

"So?" I replied.

"So Starla can see the future, and Oceana can turn you into ice. Both together are unstoppable they could kill you, everyone you know too."

"Would Starla want to kill me?" I asked.

"No of Corse not but she would only because she has no control."

"Do you have any powers?"

"I can read minds and communicate with my mind."

"What about me? Do I have powers? Or a tail?"

"I know you have a tail, but powers I'm not sure."

"What was mom's power?"

"She controlled the seasons."

"That's amazing."

"Now about that tail." Marie said as she walked into another room. She was gone for a series of seconds then came back with this thing that looked like kelp.

"Here come with me."

She said as I followed her outside.

She handed me the kelp and asked me to eat it.

"You want me to what?"

"Just trust me." Marie said.

So I put it in my mouth and I began to float. Water surrounded me. I didn't know what was going on.

"Marie, what's happening?"

"Hold on your almost done." She said.

Finally I was dropped back down and I looked at my legs. They had blue scales.

"This is amazing!" I said.

"Just remember," Marie said. "Don't become dehydrated or you will lose your scales."

"Okay, now what?" I replied.

"Now we swim to Mermaid Cove."

So we walked to the beach just behind her house and made our way to Mermaid Cove.

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