idk This is just Crossmare

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Cross's screams filled the small house. The small skeleton had wandered out of the safety of the dark palace and ended up getting caught by several angry AUs out for vengeance. Most knew Nightmare valued his 'servants' as the AUs called them. Nightmare referred to them as his family. Anyone who had a grudge against the king of darkness knew the only way to get to him was through his gang. And that's what they did. It became more dangerous for any of them, to go on solo missions or even split up in a battle. Cross knew the dangers, but he wanted to buy something for Nightmare for his birthday, he only left to quickly buy a gift, he had no intent to harm anyone, but they wanted to hurt him.

The oreo's screams weren't heard by anyone who would help. He was covered in slash wounds and burns. The only reason Cross was still alive is that XChara was remaining determined. But Cross could hear Chara's screams becoming louder as he slipped in and out of consciousness. Finally, the skele passed out. Chara took control of his body. The human summoned multiple knives to try and fight back, even though Cross insisted against it, it was the only way to survive. Even then, they were still too weak. After only a few moments of being in control, Chara too began to pass out.....

Nightmare was in a panic, he couldn't find Cross anywhere. He demanded the others stay in the palace for their own safety, but they were stubborn and now all locked in a closet. Then, as the king of negativity started getting closer to his bean, he felt a wave of corrupted thoughts. Nightmare ran over as fast as he could. He was too late. The other AUs had left. Cross's beaten and burned body was on the ground, sprawled out carelessly like a rag doll. His bones were broken and had marrow oozing out of them. Nightmare fell to his knees crying. He was too far gone. The ink dripped off the pure white bones like magic, a green aura filled his hands. He placed them ever so gently on Cross's battered body, praying that it would work. 

Eyyyy, I think I did a cliffhanger right! This one is short, but I'm gonna do a part two! Also, I never really planned an ending for the Errink one other than the one I gave it, but if you guys want, I'll make another part


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