Win You Back - Request 4 Dustberry

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                                                          Blue's POV                                     

Since I started dating Dust, everything's been better. He visits often, we go out on dates, sometimes we just stay at my house and cuddle on the couch! I can't believe I was ever dating Fell, but I still didn't know what happened to him. After Nightmare's gang teamed up with Ink and Dream to get some revenge, I haven't heard from him. I never officially broke up with him, not through text or even a phone call. He hadn't messaged me, so I never bothered. I sighed and picked up my phone. I scrolled through my texts and came across Fell's contact. I looked at the last message. He had been cheating on me... I glared at my phone before tossing it on my bed. Sure I was better off without him, but part of me was still sad that it ended the way it did. He literally got beat up by the strongest Sanses in the Multiverse.

I walked downstairs and made myself some food. Just some normal tacos. I sat down and started munching on my of so perfect creations, just as good as always. After that, I started cleaning up. The day was almost normal. Almost. Ink and Dream had yet to return from a recent mission and Dust hadn't texted in an hour, which isn't that unusual considering he's a part of Nightmare's gang. Just as I was finished putting dishes away, there was a knock at the door. I ran over expecting my friends or even Dust. I opened it, my normal cheery smile on my face.

"Hi, Blue! I was hoping you would be the one to answer, I have something I have to tell you." It was Fell.

"O-oh, hiya Fell... We can talk inside..." I let him in. I noted that one of his arms was in a cast and there was a new crack by his left eye socket. He walked inside and took a seat on the couch.

"Have you noticed anything strange about Dream and Ink?" I shook my head. "Well Berry, they've teamed up with Nightmare and his goons. They attacked me, I'm sorry I couldn't reach you sooner." Fell stood up and wrapped me in a hug. Then my phone rang. I quickly wormed my way away from Fell and ran upstairs. I quickly answered the call.

"Hi, Blue!" It was Dust.

"Dusty! Hi!!"

"How have you been?" I smiled, he always asks that every time he calls. It's nice. Fell never asked me that. 

"I've been good, but Fell came over...I don't think he knows I know he was cheating," I glanced out my door. Fell was still waiting downstairs. "Could you come over? I don't want to be alone," There was a short silence.

"Of course, I ain't letting him try anything."

"Thanks, Dust, see you soon,"

"Bye Berry" There was a click indicating the end of the call. I went back downstairs, phone in hand. I had brought the last text from Fell back up.

"Hey, Fell, I have a question, the night my friends teamed up with Nightmare's gang on you, I got a text." Fell looked confused.

"Was it from them? Did they tell you their plan?" I shook my head.

"It was from you. I want to know why you were cheating on me with Classic." I showed him the text. His eyelights shrunk.

"It's not what you think. We were merely hanging out. Come on Blue, you know I wouldn't do that to you...Even if I did, Classic and I aren't dating anymore, please, I'm sorry" I looked away. Fell was giving me the biggest puppy dog eyes, he knew I couldn't resist. "Babe, ple-"

"DON'T. Don't you dare Fell, first you cheat, then you lie about it. I've moved on, I have someone better who treats me better than you ever did!" I shouted, tears streamed down my face. It hurt, I wanted to forgive him, but he thought he could lie to me. 

"You- You found someone else, huh?" Fell got this look in his eye. "Maybe I can prove to you I'm better, I'll show you, you won't be able to resist. So, how even are they?" I shook my head.

"I am NEVER going back with you, you'll just go out and cheat again or leave me or-" Fell pressed his teeth to mine. 

"No I wouldn't, now let me prove it" He said as soon as he pulled away. More tears spilled out of my sockets. "So, who's this new boyfriend you've got?" The door crashed open

"Me." Dust had a bone attack summoned and pointed at Fell. "If you so much as look at MY Blue again, I will not hesitate to do much worse than Nightmare himself did," He growled. Fell backed away and ran out of the house. Dust saw my tears and quickly wrapped me up in a hug, he kissed my tears away and allowed me to snuggle in his jacket. "He's gone, it's okay, he's gone. You're safe, okay baby?" I nodded and buried myself deeper into his jacket. 

"I love you," I said, my words muffled by the warm fluffy hoodie.

"Love you too...I will never let him hurt you again." Dust growled hugging me closer. I smiled. It doesn't matter what happened between me and Fell, all that matters is that I have Dust and that he cares, he'll never hurt me and I know it.

Hey! Look at that! I finished a one-shot! Sorry,  for taking sooo long. I have three? other requests lined up that I should hopefully finish soon. This is indeed a sequel to my first Dustberry one-shot and I like it, I hope y'all do too. 


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