Pt. 3 - Crossmare

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Error glitched into the palace. It was later in the afternoon and the dark palace was eerily silent. Normally Nightmare's army of children were doing something, Horror was trying to keep Killer out of the kitchen. Things like that. But not today. Error made his way to the first room on the second floor. Horror and Lust's, now with Desire. He knocked. No answer. Had the others gone on a mission without him? Where was babysitter 'Bux then? Error opened the door and looked around. Nothing was out of the ordinary, except... Desire was still in his crib, soft cries coming from the baby bones. Error rushed over and picked up the crying infant. They instantly calmed down. Then he noticed the dust. That's when it clicked. Horror and Lust were dead. Error raced out of their room and wait straight to Nightmare's. No dust, that means him and Cross are probably still alive. He backtracked and went into the Crossmare nursery. Nightmare's figure was slumped against a wall, Cross's signature locket was in his weak grasp. Piles of dust surrounded the unconscious prince. Error cautiously made his way over to his leader. Had whoever killed Horror and Lust killed Cross and the kids? Had they attacked Nightmare as well? Error shook Nightmare, careful not to drop Desire. The octo-skele stirred. He blinked his eye and looked at Error.

"E-error?" His voice was broken and raspy, as though he had just been crying. Error nodded. "Why are y-you holding Desire?" So he didn't know. Error looked down at the infant who had since fallen asleep again. Error looked out the door.

(I am not doing the glitching voice anymore, sorry...)"Nightmare, Horror and Lust are dead. I think everyone is..." Error waited for his leader to get up, vow vengeance, or something, do anything other than what he did. Nightmare just tightened his grip on the locket and pulled his knees up to his chest. Small sobs wracked his body. Error knelt down to comfort him. Nightmare used his tentacles to pull the glitching skeleton into a tight hug. He continued sobbing, his tears starting to soak Error's jacket. "Shh, it's okay. We'll get whoever did this." Nightmare weakly nodded. Soon his tentacles and arms went limp. Error shook him a bit before realizing he was only asleep. Error sighed. How did this happen... It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door. Error forced himself to his feet and set Nightmare in a more comfortable position. The glitching Sans made his way downstairs and opened the door. Ink was standing outside, he was wearing a clean scarf with no paint marks. The creator was holding an assortment of flowers and thrust them into Error's chest. 

"Hi Ruru! Do you remember what today is?" Error, still slightly stunned and saddened, was confused.

"No?" Little Blueberry popped up from behind Ink. Blue was wearing a dress, something he rarely wore, mainly because he instead it was too girly. 

"It's when we got Blue and Dust together! And had our first kiss, heh..." Error's face got blue as he remembered that. Dust was considering confessing to Blue, Blue was thinking the same. Ink and Error arranged a double date of sorts. Dust and Blue ended up dating after that. Ink gave Error his first kiss after their mission was accomplished, he liked that.

"Oh, right!" Error looked at Blue. "I'll go get Dust, give me a sec" Error left upstairs once again, his thoughts flooded with that incredible day he got his first kiss from the most wonderful skeleton in existence. He had forgotten Dust was probably... well... dust. The glitch knocked on the door, no answer. Finally, he remembered what happened to Horror and Lust. One person couldn't have killed everyone, could they? Error shakily turned the door nob and opened the door. The first thing he saw was the dust. Dust was dead... Error let out a small sob. How? How could this happen? He walked over to the bed that was covered in the flaky gray powder. He noticed a blue glow and moved the covers. One of Dream's arrows. A pair of footsteps approached the door. Ink peaked around the corner and looked in. He was one second too late from stopping Blue. The cheery skeleton walked in hoping to see his boyfriend. Instead, it was Error with his fingers loosely curled around one of Dream's arrows. Blue let out a sob and ran to Error's side, his eyes glancing between the dust and arrow. The Swap fell to his knees gripping the cover and crying into them. 

Nightmare, now awake after the small commotion, walked out of the nursery and went into Dust's room. He saw Ink trying to calm Blue down to no avail. Nightmare weakly pushed the artist away and knelt down next to the smaller Sans. Blue hesitantly leaned on Nightmare. Nightmare hugged Blue and whispered unheard words to him. Whatever they were, Blue started to calm down. Nightmare got up and offered Blue and hand which he took. Once they were both back on their feet, Error walked over to Nightmare.

"Night, we... Your brother..." Error couldn't think of the best way to tell him, 'oh your brother is the one that killed everyone you've ever cared about' He gave up and showed him the arrow. Nightmare, still grief-stricken, was mad. No, he wasn't actually. He was infuriated. Dream, his brother, the person he first trusted, he killed everyone. Heck, Dream even killed his own nieces and nephews... The points on Nightmare's tentacles sharpened. The negative prince took the arrow and briskly walked out of the room. Ink, Error, and Blue followed. The three followed Nightmare all the way to Blue's house.

Dream was blankly staring at a picture of him and Killer warily glancing at the knife he threw to the floor. There was a loud knock interrupting his thoughts. Dream sighed and smiled as he headed to the door. He opened it and saw his brother, the one he forgot. Dream's eyelights shrunk to pinpricks. This was going to end up with him dead, he just knew it. 

Nightmare grabbed his 'brother' with a tentacle and slammed him into the cold frozen ground of Swap Snowdin. Dream scrambled away from his brother's next attack.

"Nightmare, wha- what are you doing?" Nightmare's tentacles were all poised to attack. Dream tried to scoot away but hit a tree trapping him.

"Do you think I'm stupid?!" Dream warily eyed the tentacles that were swaying quite a bit, never standing still longer than a second. "You ruined. My. Life. Dream" Every word was dripping with venom. The positive prince tried to get further away to no avail. "You let them bully me, you let me bite the apple" It was obvious that all this resentment towards Dream had been building up and this went too far. "You started this war with me" His cyan eye narrowed on his helpless 'brother' "You KILLED MY MATE AND KIDS" Ink, Error, and Blue watched as Nightmare's tentacles lowered at his own mentioning of Cross and their kids. 

"Brother, I-" Dream stopped, continuing would only anger him more.

"I trusted you... I cared about you and loved you." The words stung Dream, he and Nightmare were both close back in Dreamtale. "You destroyed my life and killed my friends" Tears slipped out from Nightmare's good eye. "My family is DEAD because of you." A small sob escaped Nightmare. Error desperately wanted to comfort Nightmare but Ink held him back. "You killed your own nieces and nephews, your own flesh and blood

"Night, I didn't have a choice, you weren't will to stop this wa-" Nightmare wrapped a tentacle around Dream's neck cutting off any feeble attempts to gain his brother's trust.

"You always have a choice Dream. You killed your mate too. Everything you do is your own choice, just like this is mine." With that the tentacle snapped Dream's neck, killing him instantly. As the specks of dust fell, Nightmare fell to his knees, the tears resuming. He didn't want it to end like this, he never did, but he never would have guessed his brother was that sick he would kill everyone in the palace at their most vulnerable. Dream had left Desire parentless, Blue no longer had his boyfriend, and Nightmare didn't have anybody. And it was all. Dream's. Fault.

I finished... Sorry this took so long. I started crying when I got closer to the end and just sort of died temporarily... I hope you guys liked it. I probably won't be doing another part, if I am it would probably have Nightmare raising Desire or something. I killed Dream though, so can y'all calm down just a tad now? Thank you. Anyway, I've got to go because now my Dream's trying to kill me, bye!


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