Question - A Dysfunctional Family

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I made a quick little thing and I want to know your opinions

Description: If Nightmare's Gang was in a literal sense a family

Nightmare sighed as he got up. His oldest and youngest, Horror and Killer had woken him up early with chocolate chip pancakes. Horror, a twelve-year-old with extraordinary cooking talents had paired up with the youngest and only not adopted Joku, Killer who was only five. Killer had a batter smear on his cheek, Nightmare chuckled and wiped it off. Killer's mom, Nightmare's soulmate, died in a car accident when her son was only three months old. Nightmare was broken for months but pulled through for his kids. Walking downstairs, Nightmare saw the rest of his children scurrying to the table. Dust and Error were fighting over their seat while Reaper sat idly waiting for them to stop. Horror rushed to the table as he watched his dad sit down. The second Nightmare was comfortable, Horror rushed over and placed a plate of pancakes in front of him.

Breakfast ended quickly and Nightmare started getting the kids ready for school. Error was in a special edu class along with Horror who was only there to keep any more... incidents from happening.

Killer went to the kindergarten area of the school for class, lunch, and recess. (My school wasn't the only one that did that, right?). Though he was prone to being bullied. This day was particularly bad.

The small tear-streaked skeleton had been asked to answer a question about his family. Killer smiled and walked to the front of the class to talk about his family. The little five year old cheerfully explained about all his siblings and his dad who loved all of them. He talked about the brother he was closest to, Horror, and how they've always been there for each other. That was very true. Horror was the second child Nightmare adopted, he was seven at the time. Then a kid raised their hand.

"What about your mom?" Killer looked at the asker, his non-existent eyelights filled with a mild confusion.

"What do you mean? All I have is my dad" The teacher, noticing the sticky situation, decided to try and re-ask the question.

"Killer darling, he means your other parent, surely your older brother knew her." Killer's eyes widened.

"Oh! Yeah, Horror said she was really nice and sang pretty. He said that's not his mom though. I think he said his parents didn't want him. But that can't be right, Daddy loves all of us! Horror also said Mommy is in a better place." The teacher hummed and sent Killer to his seat.

Soon their first recess came around. Killer skipped onto the playground and climbed up to the slide. He went down it with childish joy. One of the taller and older kids came up to him.

"Hey Killer," The toddler looked up. "Want a cookie?" The older smiled down. Killer nodded and went to take it. The older shoved Killer down. Tears pricked at Killer's eyes.

"W-why'd you push me?" A mixture of tears and black goop slid down Killer's cheek. The bully's smirk only got wider.

"What are you gonna do, tell your mommy? Oh. Wait- You don't have one" The older kid laughed. One of the teachers that was trying to snack noticed what happened. They themselves had lived without their father with only two other siblings. The teacher stepped out of the shadows.

"Excuse me." The skeleton teacher glared down. "It is not nice to push. And it is even worse to tease people based on things out of their control-" The teacher got an idea. Once, back when they were younger, someone pretended to be their dad so they wouldn't get bullied by some teens. "In fact, they do have a mom, me." The bully looked down and shuffled his feet.

"Sorry Ms.Penzola, sorry Killer" Cross nodded and the kid ran off. (Yes I'm genderbending Cross, it's needed. Don't worry, his appearance will stay the same.)

"Are you okay Killer?" The target souled skeleton shook their head, tears still streaming down his face. Cross sighed. "Let's get you to your brother" Cross took Killer's hand and started walking him over to the special edu classrooms.

"Ms. Penzola?" Killer sniffed. Cross looked down.

"Yes Killer?"

"Can you please be my Mommy?" Killer held the teacher's hand tighter. Cross smiled.

"Of course, now let's get Horror." Cross walked into the classroom and went over to the teacher leaving Killer alone by the door. Error immediately spotted him and dragged his older brother over. Horror instantly knew something was wrong. Killer normally would have sought the two out himself.

"What happened?!" Horror knelt down and hugged his younger brother. Killer hugged back and softly whispered the events bringing him to the special edu room. Error was fuming. He grabbed one of his strings dangling from his eyes and grabbed a crocheting hook he kept in his pocket. To keep his strings under control, Error had a number of ways to keep himself calm. Horror in the meantime was comforting his little brother with hugs and snuggles. It was a while before Reaper walked into the classroom all alone. It became obvious he had no idea Killer was involved. What he was told is Horror had to go home, nothing about his brother. By this time, Ms. Penzola started making their way back to the small huddle of brothers. Error stood up and revealed his short project, a small blue flower crown made out of his strings. He gently placed the crown on top of his youngest brother's head. Horror smiled and hugged his brothers before leaving with Killer and Cross.

"So you're going to act as our mom?" Horror question was simple but it meant the world to him. Cross nodded. Horror hugged the teacher. "Thank you, Killer really needed someone like you." Cross smiled and hugged back. The three then continued their way back to the office. Once they got there, Killer picked up a puzzle in the waiting room and started solving it. Horror soon joined in along with Cross.

It wasn't long before Nightmare burst into the office. Killer was doing better but it still seemed he was hurt, physically, not quite mentally.

"Daddy!" Killer cheered getting up and running to Nightmare. Nightmare dropped to his knees and hugged his son. Horror followed in a slower manner. Cross watched how Nightmare interacted with the two.

"Are you okay kiddo?" Nightmare asked. Killer thought for a second.

"I'm better, my butt still hurts though" Nightmare let out a little laugh.

"Well, at least that'll heal, ey buddy?" Killer nodded happily. Nightmare picked up the kid in one arm. He turned to the teacher. "Thank you." Cross nodded, but Killer felt it necessary to butt in.

"She said she'd be our mommy!" Cross's face went purple. Nightmare smiled and held one of Cross's hand up. He softly laid a kiss one it.

"Well, I owe you much more than I thought, thank you for being there for them in that sense as well." Cross's face flushed a deeper purple than ever before. 

So I just made this and want to know what you think, should I continue? Should I scrap it? Honestly, I think it's kinda random, especially with gender-bent Cross. I normally don't mess with genders, soooo.... So what do y'all think?


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