Day 17 (Joseph Desaulnier x Reader)

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("Change is annoyingly difficult." - Day 17)

In the library of Oletus Manor, Joseph sat comfortably in his usual armchair by the fireplace with an old-aged novel in one hand, and the other loosely intertwined with your warm hand. You had your head leaned back against his chest, and your facial features were relaxed; Indicating that you were fast asleep.

The armchair was large enough for both of you to sit in it. Of course, Joseph had tried to tempt you to sit on his lap instead, but you declined. Sitting this close to him was already enough to make your cheeks and the tips of your ears red.

Joseph hadn't known that you had fallen asleep as he continued to read his book. When he heard you mutter his name, he let out a small hum of acknowledgment. He awaited your question or sentence, but it never came.

"Asleep, I suppose." He thought to himself before returning to his book, thumbing through several pages. But before he could read a word, he heard you mumble his name again.


His blue eyes flitted from his book down to your form. An eyebrow arched in curiosity as he glanced back at his book, memorizing the page he was on before setting it on a nearby table. Did he hear you utter his name in your sleep?

Without disturbing you too much, he rested his head on top of yours and patiently waited for you to say something else.

"...I love you," You mumbled out in your sleep as a small smile appeared on your lips, your head nudging against his chest.

A light blush appeared on Joseph's cheeks as he wrapped his arm around your waist, the hand holding yours tightened its grip.

He met you months ago in a match, and it snowballed from there. Rushing back to present times, you and he were in a relationship, but a secretive one. A hunter and a survivor falling in love with each other was an unspoken taboo in the Manor.

Joseph let out a quiet but frustrated sigh, "This change is annoyingly difficult," And it was. Rendezvousing with you in neutral hunter-survivor areas, trying hard not to be biased in matches, and most important of all, trying not to rough you up too much.

At times, he had wondered if this relationship was even worth all these changes. But when he looks down at your sleeping form, he removed his arm from around your waist and raised his hand to your face, brushing away loose strands of your hair.

"Everything is worth it for you, Mon amour." He hummed out, gently pressing kisses to your closed eyelids. "Time to wake up~."

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