The Ballroom (Chapter 3)

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Seeing the interior of the shop with the lights on was a fresh experience as compared to seeing it in the dark. Everything was the same, save for the white shelf which you approached when you first entered. Several dolls were missing from the shelf, making you wonder where they went.

A prideful smile was on the gentleman's lips as he watched you examine his shop. "You can browse my wares as much as you want later on in the night, but for now let's head to the ball." He held a hand out to you. "You're the last guest to arrive for the ball. So please, allow me to escort you." The gentleman offered while you hesitated. This was common etiquette, but you think you'd be fine without an escort. Before you could turn down his offer, you saw a familiar shine in his blue eyes as he stared intensely into your eyes, "I insist."

For a brief second, you glanced at the entrance of the shop. You could make a run for it, but the scarecrows would probably stop you. "That's very kind of you..." You trailed off, not knowing what to refer to him as. "Otis?" You said unsure as you placed your hand in his.

A small laugh escaped his lips, his hand tightly holding on to yours now. "That was my predecessor's name. You may call me, Victor." He said and lead you towards the white shelf. You thought he wanted to showcase the dolls he had here, but he snapped his fingers instead. At the snap, the lamps on both sides of the shelf twisted sideways and the wall in front of you rumbled. The white shelf parted in the middle and revealed a long brick hallway, torches decorating the brick walls.

Your eyes were wide in shock. This had to be a dream, right? Victor found amusement in your reaction as he leads you into the passageway, letting the shelf close behind them. The walk through this passage was a silent one. You had expected it to feel cold in here, but you felt no such thing. Instead, you felt the opposite. It was warm, like if you wrapped yourself up in a comforter at home. It was odd, but a welcoming feeling.

Minutes of walking passed, and you thought Victor was leading you to a dead-end where he would kill you. But before you could say anything, the sounds of people cheering, screaming, laughing, and chatter, echoed off the hallway. As if he could read your thoughts, he gently patted your hand. "We're almost there. Please be patient for just a few seconds more."

True to his word, you and Victor stopped in front of a wrought-iron gate. Beyond the gate, you could see a wide-open area that you presumed to be the ballroom. Pushing open the heavy gates, he guided you inside and released your hand; The warmth that enveloped you dissipating. You let out a confused hum as you looked over the room, taking in the odd sights. There was a carousel in the middle of the room? Everyone wore costumes instead of masks over their faces. Though you guess you could let that one slide.

"Is something the matter?"

Victor asked as he peeked at your face from the side. You glanced at him just in time to see his wolf's ears tilt downwards, in what you read as worry. "It's just... This is quite an odd Masquerade Ball." You said honestly. You've seen nothing quite like it, that's for sure.

"But that's how it will stay in your mind forever if it's odd." Victor expressed his thoughts with a grin, his ears perking up. Before you could ask him any other question, you saw his ears turn in a certain direction before his head followed along. "It appears a dear staff member of mine requires some help. I'll be back as fast as I can," He said as he reached out for your hand, bringing it up to his lips to press a chaste kiss to your knuckles. "Enjoy your time here, while you can."

With that, he released your hand and disappeared into the crowd, leaving you to your own devices. Glancing around, you did your best not to stare too long at other people's costumes. "They look really realistic. I wonder how much it cost to have them made," You thought to yourself as you watched two ladies interact with each other.

"I adore your costume, dear! You make such a cute vampire!" A green-skinned woman said as she fawned over a purple lady's costume.

"I could say the same to you! Why not we swap? I would love to see what it'd be like to be a witch." Coming to an agreement, you watched as they exchanged hats with each other. Your eyes flew wide open when they swapped skin colors and physical traits of their respective costumes.

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