Day 18 (Norton Campbell

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("I'm with you. You know that." - Day 18)

In the big ship of Lakeside Village, you and Norton peeked over the forward sheer, examining Fiona's situation. She is tied down to a chair and struggling against her bonds while Mary lurked close by, brandishing her mirror shard.

"It's too dangerous. Mary's camping close by." Norton said while gripping one of his magnets. It was too risky.

"It is, but we can't risk losing one of us this early on. With your magnets, it should make the rescue easier." You had a plan formed out in your mind and a determined look in your eyes. "You could stun Mary. I'll go in for the rescue and take a hit for Fiona."

You hoped Norton would agree with your plan, but instead, he shook his head at you. "No, I don't think so. It's better if we go and decode. It's too risky out there," He got up and headed towards the cipher on the big ship. "Come on."

"Fine, you can decode. I'll go in for the save." You couldn't help but direct a look of slight disappointment at Norton before taking your leave, rushing on down the stairs to not alert Mary of you coming to Fiona's aid.

Norton reached his hand out, wanting to stop you from going, but he was too late. "Ugh..." He placed both his hands on his face as he let out a groan of frustration; His mind suddenly bringing up the horrid memories of the mining accident.

"What if it happens again?" He mumbled to himself and crouched down by the cipher. "They're all going to die and because of my decisions." He knew you and Fiona wouldn't die, but get sent back to the Manor, yet he knew it would still be his fault for not assisting in the rescue. "Idiot!"

In his head, he could hear dynamite going off, and the screams of his late colleagues echoing around. "That's it!" Norton quickly steeled his resolve and ran after you. He was not going to leave another friend for dead, not this time.

Ducking behind one of the large rocks, you peeked from around the corner. Mary still stood menacingly in front of Fiona, awaiting her next prey. "This is going to be difficult," You thought to yourself, but you shrugged off your jitters and prepared yourself to run in for the rescue.

Before you stepped out, a hand quickly grabbed on to your wrist and pulled you back. "(Y/n)." Norton did his best to catch his breath as quietly as possible. "I'm not letting you go alone on this. I'm with you, you know that." His usual bright smile appeared on his lips once again, "Even though there's a good chance that the both of us will get chaired."

You shook your head at his negative comment and flicked him on the forehead. "We're not going to get chaired. Just follow my plan and we'll all make it out alive!"

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