Chp 1

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It was a simple day, everyone minding their business destroying the place, Eating, talking, fighting, just enjoying their day off.
But of course things got ruined when captain yami had gotten an urgent mission from the wizard king to send a group of knight to a dungeon that was at the edge of the clover and heart kingdoms. Yami not caring and more so irritated with his peace in the bathroom ruined, he sent Zora (as leader), asta, and noelle to the mission along with some other golden dawn mages who were, of course, Klaus, yuno, and mimosa.
Same like their first previous mission except Luck was busy with Magna outside fighting.

Only taking a few minutes to get ready, they all arrived at the dungeon in matter of minutes after recieving their missions. Greeting and catching up with one another both squads entered the dungeon unknowingly, with their guards up and magic ready.

Walking through the dimmed hallways of the dungeon they hit a rock in their road when given the option of going right or left. With the eagerness to get it over with they had decided to split up on their own following the endless trail ahead with no end in sight.
Splitting up into their respective groups and going their separate ways as they journeyed further into the undisclosed dungeon.


Asta, zora, and noelle were walking down one of the hallways as noelle and asta were arguing with each other for god knows what while zora used a lantern, that had barely given off any light, to lead the way as he became more irritated with their constant bickering. suddenly Zora had stopped causing the two teens behind him to slam into his back as they stumbled back

" what the hell zora!" Asta yelled as he grabbed his nose while zora put his hand up indicating for them to shut up.

" you hear that?" Zora said as they all began to listen carefully while suspense began to build its way up. " we're not in a hall way anymore...," Zora murmured as loud echos of steps came from all around the group and growing closer by the second. they started to withdraw their grimoires trying to anticipate what was to come next as it was only them, a dark room, and the little light in the lantern.

Then suddenly a spear of light came from the side hitting zora to a far away wall as light from above began to appear in chandeliers showing the large room they were in making zora's prediction right. there was a total of four pillars with two of each side of the stone room along with ancient drawing/glyphs and writing on each sides of the stone walls telling a story in a unknown and very old way.

" I could have never expected for you to be here." Asta and noelle heard licht from behind as they turned and saw him use his magic to trap zora into a light binding spell. before licht could say anything Noelle had gotten her grimoire and wand out and used it during the small opening.
" water creation magic: sea dragons roar!"

licht quickly anticipated it as he shot a beam of light at her making her fall back away from asta and then proceeded to bind her to the ground as it slowly began to tighten its grip

" Noelle!" Asta yelled as he grabbed his demon slayer sword and swung at licht only for him to dodge and bind asta as well making him drop his sword which then retreated to the grimoire before licht kicked it out of reach

" I can't even speak before you guys even try to attack me so disrespectful..."

" what the hell are you even doing here anyways?!" Zora yelled from across the room struggling to get out of the binding.

" I'm glad you asked, I was here on a little quest and ended up getting lucky today." Licht said with a simple smile.

" what the hell are you even talking about?" Asta said as he was trying to get out.

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