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After the incident it became silent with only murmurs from other people within the arena. Magic knights helped each other out and tended to the hurt citizens while asta's friends and family sat down waiting for the the wizard king and the captains to return when they left to go have a long discussion with the king somewhere else.

Noelle POV
We all couldn't believe that asta was just kidnapped right infront of us and felt a shame for not trying our best to save him when we could. We all sat quiet patiently waiting for our captains to come back to give us some kind of news. After a at least half a hour they returned quietly as me and the others bombarded the captains with questions.

" we have no clue or idea where asta could have been taken. Right now I need everyone to go to their respective captains and head back to their HQ for further news." Julius said as we all knew it was better for us to leave right now and get rest, so we didn't argue what so ever.

" then what about us?" Sister lily spoke up while holding one of the youner kids. It made me sad that even they had to be here to watch asta.

" I think it would be better for you to head back to your homes or lodging for now and we shall update you incase we find out anything about asta." She and the father just agreed as they went away along with Rebecca and her sibling wishing us luck on finding asta before they left.

Fineral just took us back to the base and yami automatically went straight to bed one he got there even tho it was still Late in the afternoon. Everyone didn't do anything besides stay in the main hall or go to bed of course. Charmy, luck, grey, Gordon, Henry, and some other members went off to bed while others stayed in the main hall. Vanessa stayed drinking way more then usual and stayed quiet at that instead of being wild along with magna who laid on the sofa throwing his fire ball in the air and catching it. I decided to do something productive and walked around the building trying to get my mind off the situation. but it wasn't much help because I ended up infront of asta's door opening it and laying down on to his bed. Nero was there too sitting out side on the window sill in a nest she made most likely trying to go to sleep as well. I laid down thinking of many things until My mind stumbled on what Asta had told me when I visited him in the dungeon.

"I have a present waiting for you..."

I got up and started looking around the room looking for something that stood out to me. I started up giving up after a while of no progress until noticing a bag shoved under asta's bed catching my eye as I knelt down grabbing it and reaching in to only grab a box and a note. I sat down on the bed setting the box next to me then opening the folded note .

Dear Noelle,

The chances of me telling you in person are very low, so I wrote this letter just incase I don't have the guts to tell you In person or something happened to me.
Noelle I know I'm a big idiot that's as dense as a little kid but I do really care for you even before having that spell casted on to me. You've been driving me crazy everyday having me worrying if you are ok or if something bad happened to you when I'm not around you. I don't know if it's just part of the spell or not but I truly do worry about you. Every time I'm around you I get this stuffy feeling growing in me that makes me want to just look at you all day, and my obsession with sister lily has been growing smaller every Time I'm around you.

So I decided to give you this as a gift to show my feeling to you and how precious you are to me. Chances of you liking it are little but I don't mind if you end up throwing it away or anything. think of it like a piece of me you can have to remember to never give up. Anyways it's getting pretty late for me so till I see you again noelle.

For you.. (asta x Noelle)Where stories live. Discover now