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Asta POV:
The orphans and I were just about to turn around and go off on our little adventure until the building fell down on above us. I had already foresaw it in time for me to push the kids out the way getting trampled by the pile of the building parts.

Narrator POV:
Crowds of people panicked as they started scurrying to the castle for safety. People were being trampled over each other while the magic knights started to attack the coming diamond mages as they were entering the town. Many mages like some, but most, captains went off and fought on the front lines with some who were there already, like mereoleona, and along with their other members tagging along. But some of the other knights and healers like noelle, Mimosa, and yuno stayed helping the others get to the castle and try to patch up the injured or protecting them from coming mages and attacks .

Right now the younger orphans stood in horror of the scene presented while Nash and recca were using there powers to try and dig out asta from the rumble. After a few minutes they were able to drag asta out as they started examining him while the other younger ones shook and hugged him. He had a rod/stake stabbed into his side with other cuts and bruises along with a severely broken left arm to put the cherry on top. He was barely able to breath from the debris and such entering his body along with the smoke in the city helping the problem while the children sat there not knowing what to do.

After a while, yuno ran to the debris after getting a few others to safety then seeing the kids checking on Asta crying or in shock. He was standing on a pile of a fallen building about to call to them until feeling a source of mana coming it's way making him look up to see a attack coming it's way from a nearby battle as he quickly sends wind daggers at it causing a explosion as he dropped down to them and made a wind carriage or ark ( the one from the Dungeon battle as it collapsed ) taking the orphans on board and tossing asta inside as they flew away taking the kids to a safer distance in an alley that was far enough from the nearby battles and giving yuno time to regain his mana.

Yuno asked Nash and recca to check for any enemy's while asking the other orphans to check on the bleeding, and bruised asta. He then grabbed his communicator from his pocket contacting mimosa.

" what is it yuno?" She said as she was healing other hurt citizens while noelle was bringing a person next to her trying heal the smaller injuries.

" Asta got caught in the debris from fallen building and need attention Immediately! He has a wooden stick stabbed in his side right now and a severely broken arm!" He said as mimosa was about to tell him what to do until noelle cut her off.

" What!! Where are you guys at? I'll get asta over here!" She said grabbing the communicator away from mimosa.

" we can't, I have the orphans with me and it's going to be to difficult running to y'all from where we are and not trying to get caught, And flying isn't a good choice either from both the battles and the mana I have left." He said as noelle stopped and got quiet as he continued." At this point I might just have to run with the kids to you guys while carrying asta, its the only choice seem to be given by fate right now." He said as noelle just sighed and spoke up.

" I'll send you our location and get klaus here to take the orphans to the castle while mimosa heals him." She said before a small explosion appeared behind almost hitting them but lucky missing as she cuts off the line.

Yuno sighed as he got up telling the orphans the plan as he picks up asta putting him on his back and telling Nash and recca to keep the younger kids close and to watch them as well. They started running as yuno held on to asta and was looking at his communicator showing noelle and mimosa's location. All kinds of stuff were happening along the way, people running, magic attacks going everywhere, battles between mages, and explosions with a mixture of crying and yelling that was to much for the orphans to see in their youth. But at that point it didn't matter as they finally made it to them as mimosa finishing up the last person and noelle started running to them, once seen, checking on the orphans and asta then helping yuno to take him to mimosa. While they were slowly making there way klaus called the kids over as he made a steel chariot until a explosion happened infront causing a massive gust of wind to appear as it knocked over the people nearby including them. As the noise dyed down a black portal appeared above spawning all the magic knights and captains as diamond mages surrounded them leaving a 50 ft gap between them as a person spoke up within the army as noelle got infront of the group of orphans checking to see if they were ok.

" so these are the protectors of the clover kingdom .... pitiful!" A man yell as he come through the crowd of mages then he finally appears infront of everyone. He wore a long mage cape colored navy that had fur at the top surrounding his neck except the front, wears only pants with black boots, spiky but some what long spiky dark grey hair, and has a diamond like tattoo in the middle of his chest and In the center a copper gem. He floats his grimoire while making a smirk as he makes some of the atmosphere cold while walking to the magic knights a few feet away from both the knights and diamond mages.

" I heard the ' all mighty ' clover kingdom was going to throw some punches for me to start off my night as general! But all I see is a group of young teens with with nothing to throw, what a disappointment !" He said as throws his hand up in the air wide as diamond mages start laughing behind him , then Nozel spoke up.

" then who might you be? Peasant." Nozel said as he stands up gaining his balance as the others start to as well. yuno, mimosa, klaus, and the kids stare in awe as they see the man start releasing mana as it grows stronger and stronger.

" you got that right RoYal, I'm a peasant but I'm gonna kill every last one of the clover kingdom citizens and soon after be rich, powerful, and become the strongest alive after god himself!!!" He screams and laughs like a mad man.

Soon after the battle began as Nozel and mereoleona took the first shot soon making everyone else attack leaving yuno and klaus forced to protect the group as mimosa tries to heal him with the little mana she had left. But it wasn't long before yuno had noticed some midnight sun members and ran forward but he had stopped and realized that every one was tooken out leaving him a few other knights, the man, and the diamond army.

" so you want to play too, lil' clover????" He say as he uses his magic to engulf yuno into a wall of stone making him unable to use his book , being stuck in the wall as well, to call bell to come forth.
The man soon walks to him examining him as the army successfully captures all the other standing knights while the fallen all try to stand up but couldn't including the captains and of course others like sol, leopold, the black bulls, and some golden dawn .

" so your that kid I've heard so much about? The boy with a four leaf and blessed with immense power... to bad I'm going to have to steal that for my well being . But don't worry I won't sell it to a fat royal.... I'll just burn it for the pride of the diamond kingdoms army." He starts to grab yuno's chin making him look up at him as he gave a prideful smirk like mereoleona's." So, before I do that, which one of them is dearest to you the Silva, vermilion, the four eyes, or even the blondie? " he starts examining the group before landing his eyes on the children hiding behind noelle." Or maybe those runts?!" He yells as he notices yuno's reaction when he called out the orphans, gets up using his magic to bind the other captains and knights to the ground including klaus who was originally protecting the girls and orphans. As he continues his way making the atmosphere more colder then it was as he takes every step forward. Soon enough he lifted his hand high starting to create a a medium size ball of rocks and dust, including his mana, as he stops a few feet away from the children and noelle then putting his hand out in front making everyone start pleading including yami , Nozel, and mereoleona to stop as they were just kids and a large group of citizens that weren't to far behind as well.

But nothing worked as he smiled with sin saying good bye as he launches the powerful attack at them as noelle gets infront trying to block it from them while asta starts to look at noelle half opened eyes then something ticking in his head.

Some where else:
" do you think he's going a little to far??" A hooded girl said as she walks up to a white haired fellow valtos and licht." I still wanted to try some experiments with those two."

"Damn it... "he whispered ignoring the girl as he opens the old book and flips to a few pages stopping at one that seemed to amused him while his team mates start to question him. Soon enough he started to say what the words on the page mumbling it at first then loud and clear for the last two words before ball starts to get closer to impact with noelle then it creates a large explosion once it made contact.

" wake up..."

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