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Noelle POV:
I woke up in my room with a massive stomach ache as I slowly realized my presence barely getting up from my bed to sit up. I noticed that I had a night gown on and a maroon bra on, that was probably Vanessa's, and I was back in my room at the base surprising me at first as I looked down underneath my gown to see bandages wrapped around my stomach. I then moved to the side of the bed sitting there for a second until the door opened and revealed Vanessa, half naked, with a tray and soup with water beside it.

" didn't expect you to be up early, how you feeling?" She said as she walked over to me placing the tray down next to me as I began eating them replying to her question.

" I feel sore and tired, but I should be fine, I think. But how did I end up here ?"

" well I'm not exactly sure about the whole story, but asta saved you from your kidnapper and came here with fineral as I washed you up and got you ready while asta just put bandages around your stomach from the bruises you had." She began drinking some wine straight from the bottle out of nowhere as she continued. " but what happened noelle ?? Asta wouldn't tell us anything else besides saving you, do you know what all happened." I sat their for a second before responding.

" well, I remember going into the bathroom to wash up then a man knocking me out and soon after I was being held in a strange room chained up until the man had reappeared and was bout to abuse and rape me... but then right when I was about to black out I last recall hearing a knock at the door then him walking away. That all I can remember at least." I say as Vanessa made a face then I noticed a certain someone wasn't here." Hey do you know where asta is? I'm surprised he isn't here next to me right now."

" oh, actually he's outside the door right now on a chair barely awake." She said as she started to make a worring expression." But ever since he got here he hasn't slept at all since you've been here and hasn't even tried to clean himself up so he's pretty cut up right now.." I start looking at the direction of the door as I too started to worry until Vanessa put a hand on me pulling away my attention from the door to her.

"But don't worry I'm sure he's fine," she said as she gave me a wink." But I recommend you giving him 'orders' before he goes on a mission like that." She said as I started to blush a little then she walked out the door leaving me in my room as I ate and began to wonder how to approach him.

Did he really save me ...?

Once I finished and got out of my thoughts, got up, and opened the door to see a half awake spiky haired idiot on the chair barely staying up straight until I called for him as he look at me for a sec then Jumped up like we haven't met in years.

" Noelle?....NOELLE!!! I was so worried I thought you weren't going to wake up after these past two days I thought you might have been badly injured or even died! Is your brusied fully healed? Are you in any pain? Do I need to get or do anything for you?!" He started yelling and ranting as he started going on and on about me until I reassured him causing him to take a breath as I noticed his cuts and bruises all over him.

" Asta I need you to come in my room for a second, I'm going to heal you and then make you get some rest!" I said as I dragged him to my room as he tried to reluctantly keep me from doing so. Soon enough I started patching up asta then as I was about to put him to sleep until I heard his stomach growl causing me to get on to him.

" I'm sorry, it's just I don't want to leave your side right now, especially after the Incident that had happened nights before." He complained as I just sigh and forgave him then went to get him food and blankets.

That whole day I spent checking on asta and giving him his needs if any or just sat there watching or talking to him from time to time, but I didn't really complain about it in the end.
Then later that night I was about to get some blankets and pillows ready for me to sleep on the ground until I felt something grab the end of my gown stopping me from doing so.

For you.. (asta x Noelle)Where stories live. Discover now