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"All Might really is amazing." (Y/n) said weakly, leaning against Kirishima, watching him take on the Nomu.

She watched as he punched the monster out of the USJ, "One day (Y/n), you'll be free from her and be able to live peacefully." She thought. Not realizing All Might threatening the hand guy and the warp.

Suddenly, the hand guy began to charge at him, along with the warp villain.

She blinked in shock, about to move, before spotting Modoriya take action and lift his fist to strike a punch. It wasn't until the males hand was warped and about to touch Midoriya's face.

Unable to do anything, (Y/n) waited for the worst.

And then a gunshot rang out.

The males hand was shot, and then more and more gunshots were heard. She smiled weakly, falling against Kirishima, "They're here." She said tiredly, watching the other pro heroes help out. "I apologize dear students! Sorry we're a bit late." Nezu said, directing a few more heroes to help out.

(Y/n) blinked, gritting her teeth as Kirishima handed her to Todoroki, who began to slowly walk to the exit of the USJ. "Oh dear, little (Y/n) what have you been up to?" Nezu asked the girl. "Midnight, please take (Y/n) to Recovery Girl's office." He said, the woman nodded and carried her up.

"You're very lucky dear, thankfully it was only tearing of the muscles and no broken bones." The old woman said, looking at the girl who stood guilty, "Sorry for being so wreck less Recovery Girl." (Y/n) apologized, "It's fine dear. Now go on, your father should be in the hospital." She said, turning to her documents.

"Right! Thanks again!" The girl said, before grabbing her book bag and bolting out of the room. Her footsteps echoed around the empty halls and her hair swayed with her movements. Reaching the gates she ran as fast as she could, the moonlight highlighting her goddess features, making her seem angelic almost.

Spotting the hospital she breathed out and ran in, ignoring the protest of the nurses to walk. "Excuse me, Aizawa Shouta, which room is he in?" (Y/n) asked the receptionist, "Oh, room 234." She said, "Second floor."

(Y/n) thanked her and walked to the elevator, pressing the second floor. She paced around, fumbling with her shaking hands and tugging at the strap of her bag, her cute goth keychains jingling at the motion. Her hair swayed as she walked out the elevator, her sparkling orbs scanning the door numbers, stopping at a room by the end of the hall.

(Y/n) opened the door, a big curtain was surrounding what seemed to be a bed. She closed the door behind her and gently set her bag down, walking to the curtain and pulling it aside. Laying there was her caretaker, wrapped in bandages and unable to move. She choked out a sob, her big eyes becoming glassy and her lashes shined as they were soaked with tears.

"Pops.." she whispered, sitting in the chair beside his bed, the man grunted. "(Y/n)...they discharged you already? Are you alright?" He asked. The girl whimpered, gently grabbing his bandaged hand, "I should be asking you that." She said, more tears rolling down her smooth face. (Y/n) attempted to wipe them away but they were persistent.

"I'm alright, Recovery girl should be able to patch me up after the other two. Are you doing okay? Did you break any bones?" Aizawa asked, she shook her head, "No, she said I only tore some muscles, thankfully." The girl played with his fingers, "Dad, I don't want to participate in the Sports Festival this year." (Y/n) said. "And why's that?"

"Well, I got a letter the other day, from a friend actually. His name is Sir Nighteye. He wanted to ask me if I wanted to work with him for awhile, but I need to ask you first." She said, extending her arm to grab her bag.

(Y/n) searches through the inside, spotting the letter and grabbed it, sliding out the neatly folded paper. "You might not see it, but he asked if I would like to, he told me that he had another student working with him but he would like me to join too." She explained, waiting for Aizawa's answer. There was a silence for awhile, but he sighed through his nose.

"Only if he doesn't try anything."

She smiled at his words, "Thank you!" (Y/n) said, "Go home kid, it's getting late." Aizawa said, the girl nodded, standing and leaning over to his forehead, pressing a small kiss, "Bye dad!" She said, holding her bag as she walked out the door.

The last few days (Y/n) was excited. She was constantly writing to Sir Nighteye almost everyday. She found out that another student had been in U.A. His name was Mirio Togata, a third year. (Y/n) figured she'd get to know him if they were going to be working together.

(Y/n) and Sir Nighteye went way back, when she was a kid, he often took care of her when Aizawa couldn't, or her mother was out of state and didn't bother to tell her. They'd bond in playing guessing games, and they tried to make eachother laugh, Nighteye always won. He was impressed at the amount of intelligence (Y/n) had as a child, she had thought about her quirk and knew when she was pushing her limits.

The man stood in his chair at the computer, reading one of her letters that just came in. It had a picture of her school photo, and she explained how she wasn't ready when they took it, the picture wasn't bad.

"Woah, Sir who is that?" A voice said, glancing at the picture. "Mirio, don't butt into other people's business." He said, placing the letter down, "Sorry! But who is she?" The energetic blonde asked the man. "Her name is (Y/n). She'll be working with me for awhile, so you'll have another friend." He said, reading over the letter again.

"Alright! But, she looks like a first year, is she?" Mirio asked, "Yes, she's 16 now, but she has a lot of potential to become a hero." He said, handing him the letter.

Mirio's beady blue eyes scanned her neat cursive writing, stopping at her picture. She was gorgeous that's for sure, she seemed childlike. Her smile was radiant. He felt his breath get caught in his throat, making a weird choking sound. "She goes to U.A. Maybe I'll talk to her!" Mirio said. Nighteye nodded, "Get to know her over there, and try to bring her here as soon as possible, I want to see my little girl again."

Done uwu

!DISCONTINUED! Golly (Bnha x OP!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now