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This chapter is getting spicy down at the end so f with me 😌😳

"Hey (Y/n)! Been awhile huh?" A girl with short white hair and green eyes greeted the other female that had took a seat across from her. "Yeah, too long." She said, laughing awkwardly. Hanoi's sharp green eyes scanned her face in disgust, "Who does she think she is? Wearing makeup like that." She thought, eyeing her freckles. "What's up with your face? You didn't have those in middle school." She said, slight venom lacing her voice.

(Y/n) grinned, "These are my freckles, I get these usually on my birthday, but they always faded away. Now they stayed permanently." She said. Hanoi glared her down, "Well. I'll get us something, mind waiting here for a bit?" She said. The girl froze, that gut feeling returning, "U-um. Sure, but please don't be long!" She stuttered, gripping into her hands with hers. Hanoi made a face of disgust as she pulled away, putting on a fake smile as she spoke "Remember the game we played? Sit here and look pretty until I come back, no looking!" She said and waved as she left inside.

(Y/n) sat there as she tried to look normal, but she was panicking, what if she doesn't come back? What if she leaves her and only makes her look weird. "She sure is taking a long time." She said to herself, pulling her phone out as she fumbled with it.

10 minutes.

30 minutes.

1 hour.

3 hours.

(Y/n) now realized what Hanoi meant to do, abandon her, humiliate her. "I knew it. It's just like middle school, she always left me behind." She mumbled, tears streaming down her face. While she sat there, more and more tears flowed freely down her face, they didn't seem to stop. Shakily checking her phone, it was now 2 in the afternoon.

(Y/n) heard giggling and she looked up to see Hanoi, alongside was a friend. The girl noticed her and gasped, "Oh! I completely forgot about you! Sorry (Y/n), I had a change of plans, I hope you understand." She said, giggling. The girl merely stared and then let out a weak giggle of her own, "It's cool, no harm done." She said in a different tone of voice. Hanoi blinked in confusion as the girl walked past her, purposely bumping shoulders harshly.

"Hey! What's your pro-" she stopped, her breath getting caught in her throat at the sight of her eyes, her white pupils upside down. (Y/n) huffed, "Nothings wrong am I right? Get outta the way, you son of a gun." She said harshly, black streaks running down her cheeks as if she wore mascara and eyeliner, and because she was crying, it looked like her makeup was ruined. Hanoi shivered at the sight of the new (Y/n), "Oi, what the hell happened to you? You aren't the (Y/n) I know." She said. The girl paused and sighed with a fake smile, "You never knew me. That's what you always said when you abandoned me. You always forgot me, always having a change of plans." She ranted.

(Y/n) smiled, her teeth developing longer canines that made her seem like a vampire. "Buuut! I can still get you back!" She said, about to strike. Hanoi shrieked, before a flock of red feathers shot out at (Y/n) and surrounded her before closing in, trapping her in a cocoon of feathers that she struggled against. "From what you told me that night, you can only shrink if you have your suit on. I'm sure you wouldn't like to wander around naked." A new voice said. (Y/n) grunted and tried slipping her hand out from under, only to be held tightly by gloves hands.

Hawks leaned close to her, noses almost touching, "Now, what happened to my lovely girl? You were so much more tamed when I held you." He said, twirling a strand of her hair. (Y/n) grit her fangs as a blush rose to her face, her freckles were no longer there, instead three black streaks going down her cheeks, her pupils were upside down, Hawks grabbed her chin since she was facing away, and looked into her eyes. He sighed and placed a finger on her mouth, "I'm going to let you go, but when I do, promise me that you'll stay still." He said. (Y/n) nodded and he pulled his feathers back.

She stood for awhile, before she shot into the air, startling Hanoi and her friend, along with the crowd that had formed by the scene. Hawks growled and flew after her, the girl using her advanced acrobatic skills as she maneuvered through the crowded areas. Clinging onto the light post, she swung herself over Hawks as he flew from under, the man was tricked, believing she was going forward, (Y/n) was a tricky one.

She laughed mockingly and continued to run away from him, eventually falling into an alleyway. Cursing under her breath as soon as she realized she got into a dead end. Hawks panted as he flew down and stood at the entrance, no chance to escape. "I forgot how much stamina you had." He said, out of breath. (Y/n) pursed her lips as she tried to figure out a way to slip out the situation, before strong arms wrapped around her waist in a type of hug. She struggled against him as she aimed for the stairs next to her, only to be held back once again by the same feathers.

"Alright love, no more jokes. I had fun running but it's time to bring you to the dorms." Hawks flew up with (Y/n) struggling, "Let me go! I don't wanna go back to the dorms!" She said, he sighed, "If I let you go you'll fall." He said. (Y/n) knew she could land the fall, and she had many ways to get out of his grasp, but if she did, she would get caught. Heaving a sigh, she waited until he arrived to the dorms.

"What happened to her?" Aizawa asked Hawks after everyone else returned from their exam. The girls shivered as (Y/n) was tied down by Eraserhead's scarf, forcing her to sit still. This was the girl they had become best friends with, the one that was sweet to others, "She went berserk by some girl, when I asked her she said she left her for some other friend." He explained. Aizawa sighed, nodding and motioning that he could leave.

The winged hero looked over to (Y/n) kneeling down and caressing her cheek, the teen blushed and looked away. He smiled gently, "I'll come by to check up on you," he paused and turned to see Aizawa speaking with the students, and turned to place a sweet kiss on her lips, his wings blocking the students view to see what was happening. (Y/n) kissed back with as much passion, as he pulled away she pressed her forehead against his as he rubbed his head against her, before leaving.

O o h ? I-I'm sorry y'all 😌😳

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