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"Wow, you guys sure seem excited for your internships huh?" (Y/n) asked Uraraka, who had already turned in her form. "Yeah! I've been wondering, you didn't participate in the sports festival. Why's that?" She asked. The female smiled, "I already had an internship waiting." The class looked at her, "Are you serious?!"

Midoriya blinked, "Woah really? From who?" He asked, the bubbly girl grinned cheekily, "I can't tell you, maybe later in the future I can." (Y/n) giggled, grabbing her bag, "I have to go, sorry I can't walk with you today Todoroki!" She yelled to the back of the class, waving to the boy with split hair. He nodded, "Be safe." He said, the girl hummed as she skipped out of the room. (Y/n) puffed out her cheeks in thought, where exactly was this third year she needed to meet. While in thought she didn't realize the approaching figure.

"Woah, didn't think I'd find you so early! You must be (Y/n) right?" A hearty voice asked the girl who's thoughts crashed, she looked up to see two beady blue eyes. She blinked, "Oh!" Her fingers snapped, "You must be Mirio Togata! Sir Nighteye mentioned you in the letter he sent me. It's nice to finally meet you!" She smiled. Mirio smiled, "Yeah! Your smile is much more brighter in person. I'm heading to a nearby cafe, want to come with me?" He offered.

A timid dark haired elf boy trembled as he looked at (Y/n) and Mirio chatting away, smiling and laughing. Who was she? He's never seen her before. "Tamaki! Great timing, I want you to meet one of my new partners!" The blonde turned to the girl who smiled brightly and hopped up and down, her locks dancing with her. "Hi! I'm (Y/n) Aizawa, you must be Tamaki Amajiki right? Wowie, it's so nice to meet you!" The girl was sure bubbly, cute too.

They three walked down the sidewalk, heading to the small but cozy cafe, "So, (Y/n), what exactly is your quirk? Sir didn't explain anything except that you attend U.A." Mirio asked the girl sipping on strawberry milk. She smiled at the two, "I'm basically a human sticky hand, except not sticky." She blushed. Mirio laughed, "Woah really? How cool!" He smiled, swinging his arms. Tamaki blinked, "Can you stretch anything?" He mumbled.

The girl hummed, "Mhm! I can change sizes and shift into things too!" (Y/n) sipped on some more milk, "But it's pretty tricky shifting and growing, my clothes sometimes come off!" She blushed in embarrassment. Mirio smiled, "My quirk does that too! In order for me to get through things, my clothes come off if I don't wear my costume, regular civilian clothes don't work." He explained. (Y/n) raised a brow, "What is your quirk?"

"I can basically pass through matter."

(Y/n)'s eyes sparkled in awe, "Really? How cool! Must be hard tho, right?" She said, he nodded, "It's difficult! But Sir has been training me really hard, I got the hang of it." The girl skipped, "What about you Amajiki? What's your quirk?" She asked the shy boy. "I can manifest anything I eat." He mumbled, his finger turned into an octopus, "I had takoyaki a few minutes ago." He said.

"Woah, how cool!" She squealed, "That's super strong! You and Togata are so strong!" (Y/n) threw the small carton in the trash, "Well, I'll see you guys soon! I hope to be working with you really soon Togata!" She waved as she took a certain road. "Call me Mirio!" He yelled, the girl stopping in her tracks, then a wide smile broke out on her face, "Does that mean I can call you Tamaki?" She asked the elf boy. "I don't see why not, sure." He said, looking at her clearly.

A wide blush spread on his face, his heart thumped at the sight of the pretty girl. (Y/n) jumped up and down, "I'll see you guys soon! Tamaki! Mirio!" She blushed, giggling as she skipped and bounced back to her house.

The two boys waved back at the girl.

It had been the week of the hero internships. (Y/n) hummed happily as she hopped off the bus, standing next to Shoji, who chatted with her. With her suitcase in hand, she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet, excited to finally meet up with her babysitter.

As Aizawa explained a few instructions, the students were free to leave. (Y/n) ran up to her dad, giving him a hug, "Bye dad!" She waved as she smiled. Turning to her split haired friend, she skipped to him, "Good luck Todoroki! I'll see you soon!" (Y/n) smiled and gently hugged him, pulling away for a split second and running to the direction her mentor ordered her.

The boy gulped, he could smell the sweet scent of cherries and other sweet scents, combined with the feeling of her silky hair tickling his face. The boy knew he had developed an interest in her.

(Y/n) hummed as she walked down the sidewalk, approaching a building. "This must be Sir's agency. How cool!" She gushed, walking in. Mirio immediately spotted her, smiling he pulled her into a hug, "It's good to see you (Y/n)!" He said, said girl hugged him back, giggling.

"Hiya Toots! It's nice to see you again." (Y/n) pulled away, grinning. Mirio then pointed to a room, "Her changed into your costume there, once your done, I'll take you to Sir." He explained, "Kaay."

Changing into the hero suit, (Y/n) stepped out, Mirio gaping at her. "Woah, you have such a cool costume!" He gushed. (Y/n) giggled, hopping into a handstand, clapping with her feet, causing Mirio to laugh.

"You haven't changed one bit. Still very humorous." A new voice said, (Y/n) gasped, pushing herself up in the air to land on her feet. She turned to see the tall man standing there, pushing his glasses up to his face, "Welcome back, Elastica." He said.

(Y/n) grinned cheerfully, jumping into his arms, giving him a nice hug.

"Thanks Sir!"


!DISCONTINUED! Golly (Bnha x OP!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now