•Valentine's Day Special•

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(Y/n) blinked as Mina did her hair, tying it up into two messy space buns. The girl laid on her bed, the covers up to her chin. She had been going down with a nasty fever, Mina was just the first to find out. "Out of all the days, it just had to be this one!" She said, placing the back of her hand on her forehead.

(Y/n) sighed as she buried herself in her cocoon of blankets, "I won't be able to celebrate Valentine's Day with everyone." She whined. Fluttering her eyes closed, she heard the door of her room open, revealing her dad. Aizawa huffed in anger and frustration as he caressed her cheek, "You had to keep going huh?"

It was during training, (Y/n) had gotten the flu and she knew, but continued with training, that ended up her passing out on the floor. The girl opened her eyes again, startling her dad at the sight of her new pupils. Instead of normal circle pupils, they changed color to white heart shaped pupils that went well with her eye color. "It's that time again huh?" He chuckled.

(Y/n) blinked, realizing her eyes changed like they always do, she closed her eyes and blushed darker than she already was.

—-"Woah, (Y/n)! Your eyes are so cute and pretty!" Midoriya said, handing her a basket of goodies, such as candy, chocolate, and a little teddy bear

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"Woah, (Y/n)! Your eyes are so cute and pretty!" Midoriya said, handing her a basket of goodies, such as candy, chocolate, and a little teddy bear. She smiled and gave him a hug, "Thanks Midoriya! I'm not sure if this year they stay temporarily or permanently." She said, nervously chuckling.

"They look gorgeous." A deep voice rang out from behind her, she turned to see Todoroki holding a big banquet of roses, one side was red, the other was white. They matched his hair. Handing them to her, Midoriya scurried off to hand out more of his gifts. (Y/n) giggled as she gave him a sweet hug too.

Bakugou then shoved his way through, handing her an expensive looking gift bag with a jewelry brand name on it. (Y/n) gasped, "Is this?!" She said, looking up at Bakugo, her eyes twinkled. He scoffed, "I saw you eyeing a certain necklace and I thought you would like it." He said. She blushed and gave him a hug, "Thank yooou!" She cried.

Mina whined from afar, "(Y/n)'s getting so many gifts from boys! She even got one from the purple haired guy from class 1C!" She said, "I'll admit, she does look cute with that hairstyle."

(Y/n) had her hair done in messy rose shaped space buns, "You're right! She's absolutely adorable!" Momo said, gushing. While the free period ended, it was time for everyone to go back to the dorms. (Y/n) held all her gifts in her enlarged hand, humming as she walked to her dorm room. "Psst! Hey!" A voice said, "Over here!"

Mirio hid in the corner of the hallway with Tamaki as they both surprised the girl. "Mirio! Tamaki! Come in quick!" She said, opening the door wide for them both. They entered the room and admired the colors, along with the fairy lights and pictures, her action figures of Sir, Hawks, and Eraserhead. They sat down on one of her bean bag chairs, inhaling the calming scent her room had.

"We brought you something!" The blonde said excitingly, pulling out a sweater, with hand stitched Lemillion sewn onto it. Tamaki pulled out a sweater that had the name Suneater stitched onto it. (Y/n) felt her heart jump as they heard several pops. They gasped as her face was littered with little and medium sized hearts, with the colors red, pink, and white.

"Woah! What happened!" Mirio said, (Y/n) blushed and covered her cheeks, "Well, it's uh

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"Woah! What happened!" Mirio said, (Y/n) blushed and covered her cheeks, "Well, it's uh. It's like second puberty? But um, more cute?" She said, turning to her large mirror. She traced the hearts on her cheeks and nose, giggling. "If it stays permanent then you all have to get use to the new me!" She said.

Tamaki blushed, she had such a cute look with the hearts on her face, and to think that they may be naturally staying had his heart racing. Mirio was no different, the male squished her cheeks together as he cooed. Suddenly more pops rang as they appeared littering over her chest, thighs, and arms, like freckles.

(Y/n) whined as she turned to her mirror again, spotting her heart shaped birthmark. "Come on, mom. You really went through this too?" She said to herself, lightly giggling under her breath. Mirio and Tamaki bid their farewells and left, leaving the girl to admire her freckles.

After taking a shower and exposing her new features, she was ready to show everyone. Wearing the sweater that Tamaki gave her, she walked out in just that, with underwear and a bra of course.

Messily tying her hair, she slipped out the dorm barefoot, going to the living room. Once she arrived, she was spotted by the girls, who immediately began to question her. "(Y/n)?! Did you paint these on you? They look so perfect!" Hagukare said, her floating clothes circling the girl. "Well, it's a funny story actually! It's kinda like puberty? I was born on Valentine's Day." She said.

This was another reason why (Y/n) received so many gifts, it was also her birthday.

Uraraka and the rest of the group all pushed her to the boys living room, some of them were on the couch while some were at the table. "Guys! Look at the new (Y/n)!" Momo cheered, proudly showing off the sweet girl.

Kaminari and Kirishima ran over to see, "Wow! So cute!" They gushed, poking around her heart freckles. Midoriya approached and traced some of them, tickling her face. Then it was Todoroki, the male approached and gently grabbed her chin, tilting her head up to face him as (Y/n) thought he was inspecting, so her eyes fluttered close.

The boys different eyes scanned her perfect face, (Y/n) had a cherry red blush on her face as her eyes fluttered open, a confused look on her face. With the innocent look and the cute hearts, Todoroki pulled away and nodded, hiding his red face, "It suits you." He mumbled before walking off.

(Y/n) blinked before she was tackled by a cuddly Ojiro, the tail boy also complimenting her possible new face.

While the day continued, (Y/n) was showered in love and affection by her classmates, or friends, her dad, her teachers, and by some kids in class 1C, or a certain love sick purple haired cat.

(Y/n) sat on her bed as she red over the sweet letters she received, tears slipping out here and there. Her presents were stored neatly in a corner, not yet opened as she decided to open them later. Tired and sore, she looked faced the bright moon shining through her window, hitting her face and body perfectly.

She bathed in the calming rays of the moon as her freckles glowed, then she giggled. "Thank you, everyone." She said under her breath as she flopped onto her soft bed, eyes shutting to get some well deserved shut eye.

This is kinda part of the story? I didn't know when it was Valentine's Day for some, over here it already passed but eh. The option is yours! If you want to keep the heart freckles, just say you want them in the comments lol. It also comes with the white heart shaped pupils!


!DISCONTINUED! Golly (Bnha x OP!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now