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A/N: In honor of Jungkook's long hair... R.I.P sorry, you never reached your full potential 😭😭😭... Really wanted to see him with a long hair and ponytail * sigh* not all girls get their dreams right...

Let's forget that. Sorry for the late update. I just started a new school and all its so annoying. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I wanna dedicate it also to . Thanks for your excellent comment. I'm happy you enjoy my book. This chapter is dedicated to you ^-^ ^-^😘😍


Just as I was about to leave the cafeteria, Jungkook came running to where I was.

"Hey, Y/N, where were you? I didn't see you in class when I came back from the changing room," he said

"Okay, anything else?" I asked in a cold tone.

"I was wondering if you wanted to walk to class together?"

He asked, clearly not getting the hint from my tone. But whatever

"Sure," I agreed since I don't even know anywhere in the school, and I would get lost looking for the class my self.

We walked together in silence for some time, until Jungkook thought it would be nice to play 21 questions. I decide to answer because if I'm going to be stuck with the guy for the rest of the school year, I may as well get to know him.

"So Y/N, what's your favorite food?"

"Don't have any. I love all food equally" that's true can't say I love one food more than the other{a/n: lol that's me}.

"Cool, mine's anything with flour."

"Kay," I said

"What's your favorite movie?"

"NOW YOU SEE ME" {a/n: if you've not watched it you have to-it's an excellent movie}

"Mine's IRON MAN."

"What's your favorite song?" He asked when I didn't say anything

"Can't pick one," I answered honestly cause there's no use lying.

"Mine's Zion T Feat Primary 'See-Through'."

"Kay," I have to agree the song's cool.

"Do you play any instrument?" he asked.

"Yeah. I play the guitar and piano" I say

"Wow!!! that's cool." I smile- a real one though -feeling proud of my self. This feeling leading me to ask him a question.

"What about you, kookie? Which instrument do you play?" he was shocked. I don't know if it's because I asked him a question or because I called him kookie. I shrug it off, and his expression made me laugh, " Could you not do your face like that, you look ugly."

"YAH_ I'm not ugly, you shit face. I'm cute okay? No matter what expression I make, I'm cute," he says with a pout and a warning glare. I nod my head, trying to hold back my laughter, but I'm unsuccessful in doing so as I bust out laughing. He glares at me while I try to control my laugh so I can breathe. When I do so, he continues:

"And to answer your question, I play, the drum, guitar, and saxophone."

"Wow! you are a triple threat to my double threat," I say, laughing, and he smiles a bunny smile.

"You should smile more, you look cuter and prettier" this caused my smile to drop.

"My days of smiling are over," I mumble to myself, I think not quietly enough, cause Jungkook asked.

"Why'd you say so?" this letting me know that he heard me, and I only shook my head, giving him a fake smile.

"It's nothing, don't bother," I said. I think Jungkook took the hint I wasn't gonna talk about it, so he didn't ask further questions on the topic.

After some time, the 21 questions began again when Jungkook asked.

"What's your date of birth?"

"03/01/2000, "I say, and he seemed taken aback for a minute and kind of scared, I don't know, so I look at him with a confused look. "What? why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, and do you know what he did? He smirked. He fucking smirked. Like what the hell dude? He then said the most annoying sentence, a sentence that could lead to him never reproducing again.

"Do you know what that means, Y/N?" He asked, getting in front of me. He came close to my face- too close; I'll say, "Of course you don't. It means I'm your Oppa" That means I misread his expression because no one would be scared that they are older than you, that means the expression had to be something else. But seriously, could he be any more annoying? Like seriously.

I gave him a look and asked: "You done?" he just rolled his eyes.

"C'mon Y/N, can you at least reduce the bored tone? I prefer cheerful Y/N." he asked I give him a look and retort,

"Can you stop the 21 questions?" he smiles and shakes his head no "Y/N~ah, the answer to the request you seek is... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" he practically shouts, and I look around to see if anyone is looking at us then I notice something. Still, before I could ask Jungkook about it, he asks me another question.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Black," I answer bluntly. I'm about to ask what I wanted to ask, but he speaks first again.

"Cool! Mine are red, black, and white because I feel they are the colors of hip hop, and I love singing," he said, and I nodded my head.

"Why's your favorite color, black?" he asked after a while when I didn't say anything.

"Because," I said

"Seriously? Could you be any more cliche?" he laughed "C'mon Y/N tell me. Everyone picks a favorite color for a reason, ya know."

"Look, Jungkook, I don't wanna be rude to you, but you are pushing my buttons, and I would appreciate it if you don't ask me that." I didn't want to be rude because Jungkook is a nice guy, but my reason for being black is that my favorite color is one I don't want to talk about or even think about.

"C'mon Y/N~ah, please just tell me," he persisted. This guy 's about to get shit.

"For fuck's sake dumbo, I said no, could you just leave it alone and mind your fucking business," I snarl. Jungkook looked hurt, but I was so into it to care, plus I had other things to bother about, like: "And why are we fucking late for class? Not that I care about being late or anything, What are you up to Jeon?" I ask the questions I wanted to ask earlier. Because when I turned around earlier, to see if someone was looking at us when Jungkook shouted, I noticed the clock on the wall. I realized class started about 10 minutes ago.

I was too busy scolding Jungkook that I didn't look where I was going anymore, causing me to bump into someone, which caused me to land in the ground. "I'm sorry," the person I bumped into said. That voice sounded all so familiar. It was a voice I knew so well, that even if I heard it from a mile away, I would know who it belonged to... My best friend. My best friend, I never thought I would see again. I looked up to confirm my suspicion, and when I did, I was met with a smile that I fell in love with, a smile that made my day every time I saw it, a smile that caused me so much heartache and a smiled that I've missed. How dare him even smile at me. I glare at his smile, and he only smiles wider when he recognizes me.

"C'mon Plushie, I know you missed me. Hug me," he said (more like demanded but he is him no surprise there) opening his arms wide for me to run into. Did I mention I was still on the floor? I didn't? Okay, I am always on the floor, and this pabo is busy grinning at me, and Jungkook is no longer in sight, motherfucker. I pick my self up and say, still glaring.

"You will receive a hug when you explain to me why the fuck you stopped texting back, answering my calls."

A/N: Finally, I updated. Sorry for the delay, guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Who do you think this bestie is hmmm... I'm also wondering who he is...

Please vote and comment, and I'm sorry for any grammar errors.

Until next time my love.♥️♥️♥️

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