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Your POV

"Mum!!!" I shouted from my room upstairs "yes dear?" she answered coming into my room

"Have you seen my black backpack? I can't seem to find it anywhere."

"It's probably in one of the boxes downstairs." she said,

"okay, I'll go check it... Thanks" I said and went downstairs

I found it!!!

You all must probably be thinking about why all the boxes. Well, I got accepted into the Korean college of art in Seoul. You may be wondering what a mafia heir will be doing in that type of school. Well, I love the art of dance plus they have a martial art course.

After the incident last year, I changed. I don't laugh anymore. I put on fake smiles; I wear dark colors instead of my regular colorful clothes, I hardly talk anymore.

People say I'm cold-hearted, but the thing is I don't give a damn. My heart was destroyed and no longer in existence. And now, in other to prevent it from being broken and damaged all over again, I locked it up, and now it's safe.

They call me black, but I don't care. They don't know me or the pain I'm going through. They think I like being like this, but I don't. I miss the old me, but I can never surface her again. Wanna know why? Well, let me tell you, she's dead to the world.

Preparations for my journey are ongoing. A lot of people are helping with the moving. Mum and dad bought me a house close to the school, so I have no problem with the aspect of transportation to school, plus they already shipped my cars and motorcycle over there.

I'm using the private jet also, and mum said she'd stay with me for a month before she comes back to make sure I 'settle in well.'

"mum!!! Hurry, take off in two hours."

"Coming, dear!"

I'm wearing black leather pants with a red crop top paired with my black skater's Jacket and my black combat boots.

Mum came down, and we left for the airport. We got there in less than 90 minutes. We boarded the jet while the crew helped load my stuff into the cargo pit.

After 30 minutes, the air hostess came and told us things we need to no, and then the captain said we should buckle up.

We took off, and after about 7 hours, we made a quick stop in a country I didn't bother knowing its name. I went to freshen up by washing my face and brush my teeth and hair.

When I got back, I learned we'd be logged in to a hotel near the airport till we are ready to take off cause we have 3 hrs to rest.

At the hotel, I decide to shower and sleep.

Which was a bad idea cause instead of a deep slumber, I fell into a world of nightmare.

It was of that day. The day everything in my life changed only this time it was scarier.

I was in my room getting ready when all of a sudden, the lights went off, and a strong wind opened the windows, sending shivers down my spine.

I looked around, and there he was smirking at me.

"you know what y/n I ran away cause I could never love you. You are not my type; no one can and will ever love you. Cause you are pathetic and weak."

"no!!!!" I sobbed, "Yoongi, please. I love you, don't go!!!... Please!!!" I cried harder.

Just then, another gust of wind hit me, and I see his outline but not his face. He says, "Princess don't let the big bad monster hurt you. I'll be your knight," then he disappears just the way he came.

I woke up crying, and my pillow wet. I cried harder cause I knew it was true. I'm just a pathetic, weak, and fragile girl. But not anymore. I'm strong now, and I'll never be weak or depend on anyone again, never.


So what do you think? I hope you love it. I'll, first of all, write some chapters down before I continue to update.

With love from your author 😘😘😘

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