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Your POV

Walking to my dance class, I spot Jungkook surrounded by a group of girls trying to get his attention. I walked up to him and struck him on the shoulder.

"Ow," He turns to me and is about to say something but closes his mouth when he realizes I'm the one that hit him. He starts to chuckle nervously when he sees the deadly glare on my face. The girls around us are throwing insults or glaring at me from taking Jungkooks' attention from them. Not in the mood for jealous drama, I turn to the girls and glare at them, and with a cold tone, I say, "If you have nowhere to be and anything better to do, go fuck yourself and trust me you do not wanna mess with me. Last time I got into a fight, the guy had to be rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery". The girls seem to get the message because they all scurry off. Jungkook looks at me in disbelief.

"Please tell me you just said that to send them away," he gulps

"Wanna find out?" I say with a cold tone and the glare from earlier on my face.

"Look Y/n I'm sorry. My Hyung would have been mad if I was late for another class."

"I don't care. Jeon just never do that again," I say with a tired sigh. He nods, and we head to our next class, where I meet the one person I never wanted to see again. MIN FUCKING YOONGI. I stop, rooted to the ground and unable to move. He was talking to someone, but I think he feels my stare because he looks up and sees me. He's clearly in shock. I don't know why- but my feet carry me to him, and with hatred in my eyes and a fake sickening sweet smile, I say "Hi" and walk past him to my class.

Yoongi's POV

She's here. And she's in my class. I saw her, I can see the hatred in her eyes, I can see what she's become, and I've been dreading this moment since I heard she was coming here yet I've been excited to see her. And when I do, I feel the hatred and anger radiating from her, and there's nothing I can do, and it's because of me. The sweet Y/n is gone. After the incident in the hall, I go to my office and stay. I don't come out till I know all the classes are over, and I know she should have left already, but to confirm, I call Jungkook and ask. When he tells me she's left I leave the office and head to the mansion, I stay in with my friends. On getting there, I go start to my room, not in the mood to talk to anyone. I try to busy myself, but I can't seem to get the image of her icy eyes out of my head. I stay in my room all day, and no one bothers to come to check on me because they know I won't answer. You may be wondering why I feel like this when I was the one that left the wedding, right?

Well, let me explain. It wasn't my fault. I'm foolishly and blindly in love with a girl, and I just couldn't hurt her. I had a secret girlfriend and kept it from my parents and friends for fear of what they might do to her. I love Y/n - just as a friend- it hurt me that I caused her so much pain, and the once-friendly, sweet and cheerful Y/n is gone because of me. If you are wondering about my girlfriend, her name is Nari. She's a student here also, but I'm a teacher. She's really amazing, and I love her to death. I don't regret choosing to stay with her over marry Y/n- I'll make that decision repeatedly. I just wish there was a way to talk to Y/n and explain things to her. And that's when it hit me. I run out of my room to meet the boys. I see all the boys lounging in the living room. I go up to them to tell them my plan.

"Guys," I say to get their attention, and when I do, I continue talking. "I wanna talk to Y/n''. they look at me like I'm crazy, but I wave them off and continue. "I need to explain things to her, we ended off on a bad note, and I don't want it to be like that. I want my besties back."

"You know she may kill you, right?" Jin says. After I left, I kept in touch with Izzy, so I knew about everything that happened with Y/n and how she's become the most dangerous person in the U.S. mafia business.

I wave off their worry by saying, "That's why I asked for your help. I know it's dangerous to talk to Y/n, but she hates me, so you guys are gonna help me- especially Jungkook and Taehyung. We're gonna set her up into meeting up with me."

"Then she's gonna be mad at not just you, but me and Tae also. She already doesn't like me."

"Maybe I could call her after class, I doubt she would do much harm where people are."

They all seem to like it, and Taehyung is super pleased he doesn't have to lose any part of his body or blood. When I first met him, I didn't like him, but when I returned to Korea and met him again, my view on him changed, and now he's one of my 6 best friends.

"It's a plan then," I say excitedly while hoping it all does well. In a lighter and happier mood, my friends and I eat dinner and retire to our rooms for the night.

A/n: Hey guys, How are you doing? I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Do you think she would forgive him easily or that Yoongi is justified for what he did? Please comment and vote⭐️.

Question: where are you from, and what's your favorite color?

I'm from Nigeria🇳🇬 , but I live in Brooklyn, and my favorite colors are black and purple.

Confession: I wrote this like two weeks ago, but I had to wait for my friend's opinion, and when I finally got it, I was busy reading other stories to update he_he. Please forgive me.

P.S.: I love y'all. 🥰💜

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