Go Your Own Way

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"If I could
Baby, I'd give you my world
Open up
Everything's waiting for you"

Misty's visit of the Coven had been brief, it had been more or less to dispose of Kyle after he massacred Stevie. Back at the swamp, Misty tended to Myrtle's healing body, the older witch sleeping in the mud, a request from Myrtle to Misty. She had written an incantation in order to peacefully heal without the pain, she had given Misty strict instructions not to wake her up until her skin was glowing as it had been before.

Before she had put her under, the two had shared a meal in the comfort of Misty's little shack. Myrtle eyed the young girl given her a look of curiosity.

"Have we met before my dear?"

Misty had remembered Myrtle from her time in the Coven, although she was older now, her fiery red hair was unmistakable. A signature she had held onto her entire life. She thought of telling Myrtle the truth of who she was and how they had known each other. Ultimately, she felt it best to keep Myrtle in the dark for the time being, remembering how close she had been with Cordelia. Until she was able to speak to her herself, she'd rather remain a mystery.

Myrtle made staying hidden quite hard, asking Misty questions about her life, her past, her parents, relationships. Nothing was out of the question with Myrtle. She seemed so intrigued by Misty, but the way she would glance at her from time to time made Misty feel as if she was trying to place her face, like she really did remember her from all those years ago, despite what Fiona had done.

Misty had always loved how Myrtle cared for the girls of the Coven, specifically with her and Cordelia. She had always been their biggest support system, both together and apart.

~ Then ~

Myrtle was the first to notice the change in Misty's behaviour. She was quick to take an interest in the young witch when she had first arrived, both of them entering the house at the same time. Although Myrtle had attended the academy at a younger age many years before, she hadn't been back since her schooling had finished. Myrtle had taken a few years, travelling around the world following her love of fashion. She had had odd jobs throughout to keep her afloat, but ultimately found herself back where she had began, eager to teach young witches the power they could possess.

Misty had always been fairly shy upon arriving at the academy, friendly but it was hard for her to connect with the other girls, wise beyond her years. Myrtle had become a confidant for Misty, helping her to come into her own as she progressed in the school.

She had noticed a shift in the young witch shortly after Cordelia's arrival. The two had been inseparable only weeks after meeting one another, as if they had been waiting for one another all along. Myrtle could see the slight changes in Misty, she seemed more uplifted than usual, happier in a general sense.

It was only after the first few months she noticed Misty begin to draw away from Cordelia, her overall demeanor becoming more dull, as if she were physically made to carry a weight on top of her shoulders. Although she smiled it felt more forced, a mask to hide her true emotions.

"Misty, are you in here my dear?" Myrtle asked, tapping on the door of her bedroom.

"C'mon in." Misty shouted in reply.

She sat cross legged on her bed, spellbooks laid out in front of her, each with her own personalized scribbles scattered about the pages.

"Everything okay?"

"Well yeah, why?"

"You appear out of sorts," Myrtle began, making herself a space on the bed to sit across from Misty. "You and Delia didn't have a fight, did you?"

"Why would ya think that?" Misty stammered.

"You just seem more distant than usual. I don't mean to intrude, I just want to make sure you're alright dear." Myrtle's tone soothing as ever as she spoke.

"We ain't fightin' or nothing like that. I just, I don't know. I don't know if I can really talk about it yet, y'know."

"I'm here if you need someone to listen, whenever you're ready."

"Thanks, Myrtle." Misty smiled teary eyed at the eccentric redhead who sat across from her.

"If you don't feel you can talk to me about it yet, you should at least try and talk to Cordelia. She misses being close to you, I can feel it." Myrtle replied with a tender smile, tapping Misty's knee gently before leaving her alone with her books once again.


Later in the evening, Misty went out to find Cordelia. Myrtle had been right, and after their talk Misty couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt wash over her. She knew she had been shutting her out, doing her best to keep a distance but it was to no avail. As she turned the corner on the porch, she stumbled into Cordelia, who grabbed Misty's arms to rebalance herself.

"I was just lookin' for ya." Misty let out a nervous breath.

"I was looking for you too." Cordelia spoke with a more serious tone.


"Did I do something? It just feels like you've been upset with me and, I'm sorry if I did anything to upset you, I just miss you Misty." Cordelia played with her pearl necklace instinctively as she spoke, a habit she had formed when her nerves started to rise. She had been wearing the necklace since the day she had gotten it.

"I think I'm fallin' in love with ya. I don't know how it happened, but I don't know how else to explain how I've been feelin' about'cha. That's why I've been actin' all weird, I don't want to ruin our friendship, but I can't just be friends with ya Cordelia, I love you too much."

~ Now ~

Myrtle and Misty had enjoyed a brief meal, giving Misty a chance to relax and avoid answering anymore of Myrtle's questions. She remembered how kind and caring the woman had always been to her, but she had forgotten just how much of a talker Myrtle could be. Eventually, Misty had been able to steer the conversation in the opposite direction, allowing Myrtle to speak about her life, which now mainly consisted of the Council and Cordelia.

Misty was overjoyed to hear that Myrtle had continued to watch over Cordelia as her own, knowing that she would be safe and cared for as long as Myrtle was around. Misty smiled widely as Myrtle spoke of Cordelia, telling Misty what an amazing job she had done running the academy and caring for the young girls.

"Once I'm all healed up I must take you to the Coven, Cordelia will absolutely love you Misty, my dear." Myrtle smiled and raised a glass to Misty, who reciprocated.

"I sure hope so."

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