The Chain

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"Listen to the wind blow, watch the sun rise
Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies"

Misty awoke in a daze, slowly taking in her unfamiliar surroundings. Fainting after performing a resurrection had become a recurring experience for Misty, but waking with Cordelia at her side was not. She turned in the bed to face her, stroking a piece of hair behind her ear, Cordelia's eyes peeking open lightly at the touch.  A smile spreads across her face and she turns her head in Misty's direction.

"You're really here." Cordelia said, tears filling her eyes.

"I just gotta say, I really missed ya." Misty couldn't help but cup Cordelia's face in her hands, needing her to know she was really there.

"I thought you were dead. I never wanted to believe any of that was true, I thought you'd always come back and here you are."

"I never stopped thinking about ya, seeing Fiona today, now that was something I hadn't wished for, but I honestly don't think she even remembers any of it." Misty said in disbelief.

"I can't say I'd be surprised. My teen years did coincide with her pharmaceutical phase. I am so sorry she hurt you."

"Ain't nothing to be sorry for. I'm here now."

"We have so much catching up to do."

~ Then ~
Misty and Cordelia stand around the wooden table of the greenhouse, surrounded by books and beakers, smoke spouting out of a few of the glasses. Cordelia mixes a few of the ingredients together, pouring it onto a fading plant bringing it back to life. She looks to Misty who is buried in the book in front of her, reaching for ingredients one by one, slowly pouring one into another. She does the same as Cordelia did, pouring her concoction onto a fading plant, the plant instantly shriveling up, petals falling to the floor.

"Well, shit." Misty sighs, placing the book down on the counter.

Cordelia makes her way over to Misty, standing behind her and wrapping her arms around her.

"Why don't we try it together?"

"You don't need any help, look at yours." Misty pointed to the budding plant. "Why do we need to know all this shit anyway? Can't we just look after the plants like a normal person?"

"Oh come on, you don't find this fun?"

"Not when I'm killin' all the plants." Misty laughed lightly.

"It's amazing what you can do with a few ingredients, come on, let's try again."

"Cordelia, really it's -"

Cordelia grabs Misty's hands with her own, guiding her to each ingredient needed. Misty can't help but smile and laugh as Cordelia helps her mix everything together. A small cloud of smoke puffs from the top as they add in the last component.

"Try it now." Cordelia steps back and smiles, biting at her bottom lip as she does.

Misty dumps the contents of the beaker onto the plant she had used previously, slowly waking it and bringing it back to life, blooming the same as Cordelia's. Misty smiles broadly as she turns to face Cordelia, pulling her in by the waist and placing a kiss on her lips softly.

"We make a great team." Cordelia says as she smiles at Misty, her finger twirling a stray piece of Misty's hair.

~ Now ~

Music plays softly in the background as Misty and Cordelia walk about the greenhouse. Cordelia, her sight restored thanks to Myrtle, couldn't help but remember the two of them when they were young and in love, practicing their potions for classes. Not much had changed over the years, the way the two women felt about each other certainly hadn't.

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