You Make Loving Fun

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"Don't, don't break the spell
It would be different and you know it will
You, you make loving fun
And I don't have to tell you but you're the only one"

For Misty's second night in the Coven she had been given her own room, Quenie's former bedroom, of all the rooms in the academy it was the closest to Cordelia's room, making it so they were able to remain close to one another. They both knew their time to be together once again would come, but for now the Coven had more important things to worry about and neither of the women wanted to distract from everything else that was going on. It still didn't prevent them from longing to be close with one another.

Misty was surprised when Fiona walked into the room behind her. She had been twirling around in the mirror, admiring a shawl she had found in one of her old drawers. Cordelia had pulled it out the previous night and left it out for her, telling her it was something she had always kept and couldn't bear to part with.

Fiona giving Misty the idea of being the Supreme had shocked her. She couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth, but more importantly she couldn't believe how badly Fiona had made her want it. If Misty really was the Supreme it could be her and Corelia leading the Coven together, as one united front. Misty knew she didn't possess the same leadership skills of Cordelia, but knew if it was the two of them together they would be unstoppable.

Misty followed Fiona down the stairs of the house, Fiona telling Misty of what her impending Supremacy would mean to her, and what she should expect. Misty followed and listened, taking in every word with a grain of salt. To Misty, Fiona would never be anything but a lousy Supreme and an even lousier mother, making it hard for her to really care about anything she had to say.

Misty sighed and rolled her eyes as Fiona lead her into the front room of the house, Misty's eyes immediately darting to the shorter blonde woman who stood in the corner of the room, enthralled by one of the portraits hanging on the wall.

"Who are you?" Misty asked, her eyes filled with tears. She knew the answer to her question before the woman turned around.

"You must be Misty." The raspy voice of the woman spoke as she turned to face Misty. "I'm Stevie Nicks."

Before Misty knew what was happening her vision left her, her ears ringing. She didn't even feel her body hit the floor. It felt as if it had been an out of body experience. Seeing Stevie, being in her presence, it was all Misty had wanted her entire life. Stevie had been there for Misty in all of her worst times, her songs being a form of therapy for Misty throughout her life.

By the time Misty came to, Stevie had made herself at home, sitting behind the piano at one end of the room while Fiona lounged in a chair on the other.

"You're back." Fiona commented dryly as Misty rose to her feet, making her way over to lay on the couch, energy slowly returning to her body.

The keys of the piano played a familiar tune; Rhiannon. Misty's eyes filled with tears as Stevie's voice began, every note piercing through her soul.

Neither Misty nor Cordelia had ever cared for the holidays. For Misty, she had more or less spent most of them alone, and even on the odd year there was a holiday celebrated, she felt like an outsider looking in on someone else's family. The past few years at the academy had been the closest thing she had experienced what a "real" holiday felt like. Even still, it was usually Misty and a handful of girls as well as any of the  professors who volunteered to stay and watch over those who had nowhere else to go.

For Cordelia, the holidays had always brought loneliness,  more often than not left to celebrate while Fiona was off galavanting who knows where. Fiona had driven away Cordelia's father when she was no more than 3 years old, Fiona never saying much more than that. Cordelia didn't even know the man's name. Her nannies and housekeepers would take turns celebrating the holidays with her each year, after they had finished with their own families, although some brought their families to the Goode house for their celebrations, Fiona only home a handful of weeks throughout the year. Cordelia didn't mind Fiona's absence on holidays, but it made her lonely and sad, all she wished for throughout her childhood had been a mother who loved her.

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