Fun mistake

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Rosés POV:

It is so dark outside and it began to rain .
Why did I forget my phone ?!?
I am so scared I was never alone why am I so stupid Jungkook showed me the way I should have remembered it . I was walking for a while when suddenly a man showed up maybe a little bit older than me .

"Hey sweetie why are you alone when it's so dark outside wanna come to my house ?"the man said .

"No I am just lost I will find my way home thank you" I said and tried to get away But he grabbed my wrist and didn't let me go . „Please let me go „ I said but he was pulling me away into a dark alley.
Jungkook where are you please save me please I thought and tears ran down my cheek .
„How cute you are don't worry I won't hurt you „

Jungkooks POV:

I was at Yerins house but I didn't have a good feeling . That shortie really is so annoying I will just message her .
She isn't replying but she's always replying . I tried to call her but she didn't pick up the phone .
Is she even at home ? Don't tell me she got lost
„Yerin I will come back another day I need to go „
I said and left her I knew she was shocked but I don't care . I really need to find her or her parents will kill me.
I was now at school but she isn't here .
I was walking down the street when I heard someone cry in a dark alley .
I punched the man who tried to hurt her and I saw her , she was so scared and she was crying I hugged her . Why did I hug her it's not like I like her she's so annoying it's her fault I need to live away and need to take care of everything . I let her go and walked away ."Jungkook I am sorry I forgot my phone at home and I really tried to find my way home but I couldn't and he said he would help me but then he tried to kiss me why did he lie ? „
That naive little thing she's like a little child now I need to take care of her of annoying .
I just walked home sometimes checking if she is behind me and doesn't get lost away and then went to my room .

Rosés POV :

The next morning I woke up early to make him breakfast. I searched in the internet how to make pancakes I heard he really loves them .
When everything was done I sat at the table and waited for him to wake up . He came outside his room .
„ I don't have time to eat I will go meet someone you stay at home don't you dare get lost again and have your phone with you „ he said and went out .
Now I was alone. Like always my parents were never at home because they had to work my relatives never liked me and now even my husband . How funny is life when you think it starts to get better the ones you Love disappoint you , but jungkook maybe is working on something important he is called a genius at school . His exams are always perfect and he will take over the company of his father . When I cleaned up his room I saw some medical books I knew he didn't want to take over the company he wanted to do something himself .

Later at night jungkook came back .
„Jungkook let's talk „
We walked outside to Han river one of my favorite places . I never could visit before but now I can .
„I know you want to become a doctor and I support it and you probably think your parents won't but don't worry they will accept it . And if you become a doctor I will become a nurse so I can be by your side okay ?"I looked up and saw that he smiled .
„You're  too dumb to become a nurse but try your best I guess „

A few weeks past and jungkook was like always ignoring me the best he could .
Today was the day of his medical exam so I made him a good luck charm it was worth almost cutting my finger of.
„Jungkookie look I made this for you you won't need it because you are smart but still"
„I don't want it „
It's already on his school bag but he didn't notice so I just send him away .

Jungkooks POV.:
I can't believe she made this bad luck charm .
It's supposed to be a good luck charm but it's shortie who made it .
I don't have the time to take it off so I just went to meet up with yerin.
She is also taking the exam .
We went on the Train but that charm got stuck between the closed doors .
I can't believe this I will be late . I tried to pull it and finally it came out so we went to the school where our exam was .
We were walking up the stairs but a boy ran down and we fell down the stairs . That charm is the unluckiest thing I have ever seen . I was late to the exam but it was fine . I took my pencils out but I noticed they were broken because I fell down the stairs . I can't believe this . This is the first time in my life I feel nervous . Yerin noticed and gave me one of her pencils .

That was exhausting I felt emotions that I never felt before . Being nervous because of an exam ??
Shortie really tries her best to ruin my life but somehow it's fun .
I went home and saw her smiling at me .
„And how was it ?? Of course it went perfect you are Jeon Jungkook after all „
„I was nervous. The first time in my life I felt anxious and it's all thanks to you you really are a mistake in my life"
„Im sorry jungkook I made it because I wanted you to have something with you because you didn't allow me to come with you and maybe you would feel lonely so ...."
„You Are a mistake in my life but it's fun Chaeyoung thanks to you I felt those emotions and it's exciting
But don't you dare make a charm like that again when is your nurse exam you know you need to study you are dumb so .."
„Could you help me please please please „
„If I have to it starts today and be ready if you want to become a nurse you  will have to work hard or don't you want to work in the same hospital as me ?"
„I do i will work hard don't worry"

Rosés POV :

I studied everyday with jungkook it was so exhausting but he always scolded me if I got something wrong and said If I would pass the exam he would go on a date with me .
And I did pass the exams .
Now there will be practical training for me.
But I can worry about that later after all I'm going on a date today .

„Are you ready shortie ? I won't wait any longer."
"I am ready „

We went shopping first.
„Jungkookie look should I buy this dress or maybe this one ? „
„I seriously don't care at all shortie just buy both „
„Okay should we eat something I am hungry even tho we ate 20 minutes ago, how about we go buy candied apples I love them . „

„I will be waiting here you can go buy yourself one be quick „He said .
So I ordered two of them because maybe jungkook will want to have one as well .
Jungkook came and put his arm around my waist . Wait what ? Didn't he say he will wait somewhere else .

Jungkooks POV :

I really hate to wait for her but I promised her so I guess it's okay . Why does she take so long .

„Bro look at her „
„Who? Oh the one at the candy place woah she's hot isn't she ?"
„She looks like she's alone let's go talk with her „

Those stupid people seriously .
„Wait now there is a boy beside her but he wasn't there before ,let's go he looks like he's her boyfriend"

After she got what she wanted we went to a park and I saw jimin hyung with his girlfriend.
„Jennie unnie „ shortie said and we went to them .
We talked for a while and Jennie kept arguing with her boyfriend.

Rosés POV :

A month passed and jungkook got the results .
Of course he passed with a perfect score .
Now we both will work at the same hospital .
The thing I forgot is

Im scared of blood .

Thank you for reading this is a long chapter .
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I will try to update soon .

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