Wake Up

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Rosé was lying beside jungkook. It's been 3 months since jungkook was in a coma and didn't wake up. She visited him everyday hoping he would finally wake up. Maybe they could then finally start being a family. She told jungkook before he fainted about the baby he couldn't leave them alone.

My dear baby don't worry your daddy will wake up soon and we will get ready for you to be born healthy and we will play with you and sing with you we will have so much fun my love Rosé said to her baby while rubbing her belly. She was in her fourth month now after a week she would find out the gender of her baby.

There was something else to it though the doctor told her that he could see something else beside the baby and he wasn't sure if it would be the twin, that was of course when it was her first and last visit to the doctor where the baby was really tiny.
Rosé started to think of all the moments she had with Jungkook,how he didn't like her at all first and left her in the rain. How he would treat her like nothing but then again be so close to her.

Maybe they were meant for each other or yes you could call it Fated but that wouldn't help with anything if her fated one wouldn't wake up. She didn't want to deliver this baby alone she wanted her husband beside her she wanted him to witness this pregnancy to be beside her and show her love and attention.

She started to cry it was all just too much,she can't just pretend to be the bubbly and always positive thinker no one understood her no one but Jungkook her husband and her baby's Father.
She remembered the Day she found out she was pregnant.


Rosé woke up at 5 am and she didn't know why.
It was still really early so Jungkook was asleep.
Yesterday Jungkook told her they would stay longer than expected to finally find the stalker and arrest him.She started to feel nauseous those days every day at 5 am she woke up to run to the bathroom to empty her stomach she hated it why did she have to get sick at a time like this.

Now Jungkook would worry about her even more. That wasn't all though Rosé started to have weird craving one morning she woke up and wanted to eat Bananas which doesn't seem weird at first but she wanted to eat them with Ketchup. But that wasn't even the weirdest craving she had once she wanted to eat ramen in a sandwich Jungkook thought it was strange but put it aside he had more important things to do than worry about his wife's food choices, but maybe that's exactly what he should have done.

After a week like that went by Rosé finally figured it out but she had to be sure so she got an pregnancy test.
She didn't know what she hoped the result would be.
A baby is something great but so soon ? And in a situation like this ? She didn't know but even if it would be positive she would keep it .

She looked at the pregnancy test and it was negative she was disappointed .Shouldnt she be happy...
She really wanted to have a baby with Jungkook a little son or daughter running around looking like Jungkook and her it would be too amazing. She would love it so much .She left the bathroom disappointed it doesn't matter though they could always try again. She blushed at her thoughts it's not the time for this .

The feeling of something inside her belly didn't change though maybe she really wanted a baby she now even thought she was pregnant even though the test said it was negative.
Another week went by and Rosé still seemed a little bit sad . Jungkook noticed that and tried to talk with her but she said it was nothing and smiled.
One night Rosé woke up she looked beside her to not see Jungkook but a baby sleeping peacefully.

She was shocked she wasn't pregnant the test said it was negative she was sure it said negative now even in her dreams she hoped she would be pregnant.
Maybe someone else was don't people say if you dream of a baby someone close to you would be expecting.It was a dream after all so she went to sleep again. This time she woke up and looked beside her this time it was Jungkook who was beside her so she left a sigh of relief but then the door opened and a little child came out .

"Mommy can I sleep with you today ?" The child asked even though Rosé knew it was a dream she wanted to be happy and experience this moment so she nodded and the child came over to her side.
Rosé thought the child was asleep but that wasn't the truth .
"Mommy don't you like me ? " the child asked
Rosé was confused even though it was a dream she wouldn't have thought the child would ask such a question.

"Of course i do baby why wouldn't I ?"
"because you don't believe I exist "
Rose froze did she hear right ...
"Mommy do another one maybe it was false you know I exist and tell daddy I want to have a name soon bye mommy "the child said and suddenly Rosé woke up she was sweating.It wasn't a nightmare but it still scared her but she was sure she would do another test just to be sure even if it would be negative again and disappoint her.

When she did she found out it was positive and she started to cry of joy of course.
She touched her belly and said "thank you baby mommy will tell daddy soon"
Maybe it was her mind telling her not to give up
That easily or maybe it really was her future child.
It doesn't matter though it was the time to visit a doctor to be 100% sure about everything.

"Congratulations Mrs Jeon,you are pregnant "
She smiled."but it seems like it's not one baby maybe two "
What did the doctor mean with maybe is this some sort of game.
"You should visit me again soon Mrs Jeon so I can be sure next to the baby I can see another thing it may be the twin but that's not certain yet "
Rosé nodded and went away it cant be two in her dream it was obviously only one baby but if it was two she would be even more happy two little baby's.
She went past a store which seemed to sell baby clothes,Rosé had an idea.

She got two pairs of shoes since she didn't know yet if it would be twins and went to pay them.
On her way she saw a pretty jumper set for twins it was really beautiful and she teared up when she saw it she knew she had to get it even if it won't be twins she got them in different colors so it wouldn't matter the baby would have two pairs then.
She would tell Jungkook soon.

Flashback End

Now she was sitting beside Jungkook waiting for him to wake up.
The doctors said Jungkook is fine for now and would wake up so she has hope even if it would take a year or more she would wait and come here to visit him
Maybe next time with the baby.

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Don't worry the story won't end like this I'm not that evil or maybe I am 👀 tell me if you want me to continue it

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