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He laughs, loudly and mockingly, wiping away tears that came with his laughter. He knew that all the dolls were staring at him with shocked looks on their faces.
"Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag." He glares at the colorful sock puppets, an evil smile on his face.
"You failed?"
"How could you fail?" He only felt anger as he whips his head in their direction.
"You still don't get it. Of course I failed. I'll always fail! I'm a prototype!" Tears formed in the blonde's eyes as he glares at them.
"What?" He heard everyone gasp, regret bubbling in him as he realizes the mistake that he made.
"Prototype is like a good thing, right?"
"No, he ain't a real doll, girl." Lou felt a lump in his throat as he clenches his jaw and turns to the three annoying spy girls.
"You thought that I stuck around this place because I cared so much about you mindless sycophants?" He glares at them before turning to the forgotten audience.
"I'm the model. The mold! Sent by the factory to help guide you through. Sounds amazing, right?"
"Um.." Nolan tried to answer his question, "Wrong!" Everyone jumps at Lou's outburst. "Prototypes are not meant for public consumption. I  was never allowed to go to the Big World." Tears form once again in his eyes as he turns and points at his old friend.
"But you could! How could someone as ugly as you be accepted and loved! While someone as perfect as I, never could, and never will?" Lou looks over at the knitting needles, his eyebrows furrowing even more as he pulls out a control from his suit. The control had one single big red button.
"Let's see how you feel when you're trapped in this place forever, just like me."
He pressed the button and ran towards the portal. Not knowing he just started the biggest adventure in his life.
- - - -
"You just had to tell everyone what you were. You couldn't just laugh it off and say something along the lines of, 'it must be some error!' or 'I hijacked the system so that I never win,'?" The blonde mutters to himself, his back propped up by a bunch of pillows as he glared down at his bed.
The Uglydolls had beat him, they put him in the Washer and now he has to live in the Supply Shed.
And he's apparently a janitor now.
The blonde doll picks up his small mirror and  glares at himself, subconsciously running his hands through his golden locks, a sigh leaving his lips.
He remembers the annoyance that came with getting it back to normal after he got out of the Wash the day he ruined his life. He remembers the humiliation he felt when he stepped out, all soaked and covered in foamy bubbles, while everydoll that saw him laughed at him. He remembers feeling tears form in his eyes as Ox watched him get disrespected, a sad look on the bunny-like uglydoll.
All Lou wanted was to go to the Big World. He wants his own child to love unconditionally.
Love he never received and can never give.
A knock on the door brings him out of his thoughts.
"Hey, Lou.. Can we talk?" Speak of the imperfection.
The doll rolls his eyes and glares at the bunny - doll as he steps in, figuratively melting the doll as Ox let's himself in.
"Hey.." Ox hesitated, not knowing how the blonde hottie would react.
As expected, he got no answer.
Lou was facing away from the door now, glaring at the ground with his arms crossed and a pout on his face.
"You know you don't have to be cooped up in here all day, right?"
Again, no answer.
Lou felt tears form again. Cursing himself, he wipes them away.
"The dolls understand that you just had the same dream as them, they're not mad anymore, Lou. You can do things other than your job and brooding in here,"
Yet again, no answer from the blonde,
"Try to come hangout with me tomorrow, okay? We can clear things up.." once the door is closed Lou burst into laughter, tears rolling down his face.
"Not if I'm not here tomorrow.." he mutters, turning to his closet and eyeing his cleanest suit.
Getting up, he walks over to it and puts it on, sighing happily at the feeling of the cleaner suit.
Loving how nice it felt to wear something clean
"For two years, I've had to deal with the disrespect, the humiliation, and those dirty rags." He sighs, "Not anymore."
He opens the door and leaves the supply shed, smirking as he mentally mocks it.
"Sayonara, sucker!" He laughs and makes his way through the city to the portal.
He could feel the looks he was getting.
Some were glares and others were looks of surprise.
He hadn't looked as good in two years.
He left his smirk on his face as he walked up the steps to the portal, knowing people were watching.
I know I'm gonna embarrass myself.
The portal obviously wasn't gonna let him through.
He's stuck there in Imperfection.
"Lou?" Said doll ignores his old friend, taking a deep breath before stepping closer to the portal. His eyebrows furrowed as he stuck his hand in.
His hand went through the portal.
A huge smile spreads across Lou's face as he takes his hand out and turns to the audience.
Ox was standing in front of everyone, pure shock on his face.
Lou gives his audience a military salute, mocking them, and turns and walks through the portal.
And everything went dark.

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