Chapter 1

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Riley Sanchez didn't really get along with other kids. She kept to herself, did all her projects by herself, and spent her day drawing.
Though that last one was because her parents were never home.
Always away on some sort of business trip that was either hours away or across the world.
She was upset by this once upon a time but when she turned ten she grew accustomed to it and accepted her life style.
But she lacks all emotion now.

It was now her 15th birthday, her parents had gone on a business trip to Europe four years earlier and the maids were preparing for their return.
As well as Riley's birthday party.
She could already imagine it, another lonely year where she sat by herself at the medium sized dining room table. She would be wearing that stupid birthday hat on her head and she'd be staring blankly down at the mint chocolate cake that the chef would make her every year.
The only light would be provided by many candles scattered around.
The only company she'd have would be the maids and chef.
Once she blew out the candles, her 'guests' would cheer and clap; making Riley cringe mentally at how obviously made up their smiles were.They never tried a real smile.
Well, not anymore.
She wasn't the once happy and chaos inducing child that they had grown to love and care for.
She was now a cold and serious girl that no longer laughed.
Riley was empty.

It was around 8:50 when Mary and Alfredo Sanchez's limousine pulled around in front of the mansion that Riley spent her weekends in.
Since it was October, the moon was already visible and there were a couple stars out as Riley watched her parents climb out of their vehicle and greet the maids helping them with their luggage.
Riley rolled her eyes, already knowing that her evening was going to be pretty irritating when something caught her eye.
A box wrapped in pink wrapping paper and topped with a perfectly tied black bow.
It was a present for her.
Riley, obviously shocked, slowly turned back around.
The present was sticking out of a large paper bag, the type that you'd get at Safeway or a food market, her mother grinning excitedly as she chatted with her husband. Handing the bag to the butler that drove to get them at the airport to take the present to Riley's room.
Riley quickly turned and ran out of her room, through the long hall, and sprinted down the stairs.
Her parents walked through the door once she reached the end of the stairs and her mother gasped loudly and rushed to the younger brunette. Mary quickly embraced Riley, who stood awkwardly as her mother smothered her.
"We missed you so much!" her mother exclaimed, releasing Riley after a couple minutes.
Riley hesitated, before saying, "I..uh.. missed you guys too,"
Dammit.. I thought I was over this after my 10th birthday..
Alfredo pouted and walked over to his daughter and gave her a quick hug and muttered something about how she looked pretty different than last time he saw her.
That's because you were gone for four years.. The fifteen year old thought as her father let her go.
Alfredo stood next to his wife who was watching Riley with a grin on her face, before walking toward her daughter and practically dragging her to the dining room.
"I hope you're excited, honey!" her mother started as they sat across from her at the medium table.
Both looking like excited puppies as the main chef brought out the cake and placed it in front of Riley.
"Because me and your mother brought you back the most perfect present we could find in Europe!"
🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤
After Riley's 'party', she went upstairs to her room to prepare for bed. Her chihuahua pup, Rosy, and, much to her annoyance, her parents followed after her and now sat on either side of her.
Poor Rosy struggled to climb onto the bed and had to get help from Riley. The pup rushed over to Riley's pillow, laying down next to it, and laying her tiny head on the soft material.
Riley has already tucked herself in and didn't really care that her parents were there.
"So, what's this 'perfect' gift that you mentioned earlier, exactly?" Riley questioned, assuming that it was a sketchbook or another pet.
Her Mary and Alfredo Sanchez's faces lit up the moment her words left her lips; Mary getting up and walking towards the door where the butler stood with the bag in his arms.
"Well.." her father trailed off as his wife returned with the bag, "during our time in Europe, me and your mother felt extremely bad knowing that we were missing our baby's birthday for four years; it absolutely broke our hearts." Her father said dramatically as they both pout at her, looking at her sadly as she mentally rolled her eyes.
Jesus have mercy on me.. she thought as her mother continued.
"So, while spending our free time in our indoor swimming pool, we thought about how we should get you the most perfect gift ever! One to make up for missing all those birthdays." The woman said as she quickly clapped her hands together and smiled at Riley.
"So we decided to call an old friend for help. He runs the Toy Factory that we own in Europe. We decided to ask him if he had most perfect toy in the world for you! And do you know what he said to us the following day?" Her mother asked quickly.
Riley rose a brow, yawning before saying in an irritated tone,
They grinned excitedly at each other before placing the box on her lap.
"He did have a toy perfect enough for you! Can you believe it?" Her father exclaimed and put his arm around his beautiful his wife.
They began talking among themselves, ignoring their daughter.
Riley sighed and shook her head as she turned her gaze down at the present that sat on her lap. She stared at it, deep in thought; feeling slightly curious as her hand subconsciously began to undo the dark ribbon.
Her parents were too busy chatting up a storm to notice her as she began to gently, but quietly, pull off the wrapping paper until all that was left was a blank, white box. And on top of the box sat a note taped to it, also keeping the box shut.
Riley rose a brow and took the note off; not yet noticing that a pair of blue eyes we're watching her through an oval-shaped hole in the box.

Dear Riley,
Hello. It's been a while, three years perhaps? Remember your Grandpa Jim?
Well guess what kiddo? It's me. I know, it must be surprising that I decided to send you this instead of a text like you kids nowadays do.
Anyways, I hope that you like the gift that your parents asked for.
Despite the fact that your gift had already been prepared as soon as I began to sell my so called 'perfect' dolls in stores.
Tell me, have you seen them? I don't think they began selling them in America yet. I'll check that out later.
Aside from that, I'd appreciate it if you wrote this old man back. I've missed your adorable letters covered in little drawings and unicorn stickers.
Heh, sorry, I'm beginning to get off track, huh?
Either way, I'm afraid that this is all I can write to you, for now. And also, I hope you like your new doll.
He's quite lonely, that's for sure..
I suppose it's my fault that he feels that way,
Tell the boy that I'm sorry, would you? He deserved better than what I gave him.
Grandpa Jim
P.S. You have the right to call him what you like. But he prefers to go by the name of 'Lou'.

Riley blinks, knitting her eyebrows together as she reread the letter with confusion on her.
She then sighed and placed it on her nightstand while making a mental note to write him back. It has been a while since she talked with him.
She shook her head, seeing that her parents were still chatting before looking at the box.
Feeling slightly protective of it as she took the top off before her eyes soon met his.

Beautiful blue orbs stared up at her as she reached into the box and pulled the doll out.
He had a smirk on his face but it looked like it held some kind of happiness and contentment.
And --she honestly wasn't sure if she was looking at him right-- his eyes sparkled; almost looking as if the doll would burst into tears any second.
What they were tears of she had no clue.

Riley rose a brow and turned the doll around; examining him with lots of interest.
He wore a nice, really clean and fancy, black suit, and he had soft blonde locks made of yarn. His skin was flawless, no smudges or any mistakes on it.

He was perfect.

Your name is 'Lou', huh? Riley thought to herself as she eyed the doll curiously.

She then laughed-- yes, laughed. After seven years of blank expressions, the brunette finally smiled -- and embraced the doll tightly.
And, in some way, she felt as if his small arms were hugging her back.
"Let's hope that we'll be the best perfect duo, Louis." Riley whispered as she fell back against her pillow, gently petting her puppy first, and shut her hazel eyes; the blonde doll still safely in her arms.
Mary and Alfredo had left to their room and Riley's door was shut tight now as Lou suddenly blinked and looked around.
Rosy the chihuahua puppy was fast asleep as well, her small snout in the 15 year old's hair as it cuddles next to the pillow.
He looked up at the brunette's sleeping form, the biggest grin forming on his face as he crawled onto the girl's stomach, laying there, and smiled contently.
"I already know we will, my dear," and with a happy sigh, the blonde doll shut his eyes with the smile still plastered on his face and a hand gripping the girl's shirt as if she'd disappear as soon as he looked away.

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Hey, sorry for posting the first chapter again. I'm afraid that I technically plagiarized Sharaug 's work and I didn't mean to upset anyone so I tried my best to change it from their oneshot but still keeping a few things similar here and there.
Hopefully it's better and doesn't cause anymore problems.
The oc thing ends tomorrow so please put in some oc requests!
The next chapter is gonna have some swear words, after all 15 year olds swear a lot lmao. Nothing too bad though.
Uhhhhhhh that's technically it, hope you guys like the chapter!
- ( '▽`)

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