Chapter 2

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Beep beep beep beep beep...

With a groan, Riley outstretches her arm and turns off the alarm. She sighs, mumbling a string of curses as she closes her eyes and wishes to whatever god was up there that the day wasn't a Monday.
"Riley, sweetheart, you're gonna be late to school!" Another groan leaves the teenager's lips as she rips the sheets off of her body and sits up on the bed, yawning and looking around her.
Her hazel orbs met those gorgeous blue orbs and she smiled to herself as she got up.
Picking up the blonde doll, Riley sighs again and hugs it tightly then places it back on her bed.
"Well, Lou, you get to go to my horrible school with me. I need to go get ready then pack the clothes that I brought, I'll be back soon though!" the brunette exclaims as she goes to her bathroom to change.

The blonde doll blinks and looks around in confusion, the night before feeling slightly hazy to him as he attempts to remember the events from the night before.
The walls were covered in Coca-Cola stickers, as well as pythons, dragons, and mermaids, there were many clothes, most with the same soda brand, and sketchbooks scattered everywhere, and there was a bookshelf full of books and movies as well as drawings and he could make out the form of a camera in the corner of the top shelf.
Lou felt a grin forming on his face as understanding dawned on him.
"So it wasn't a dream.. I can go to the Big World too!" He laughs as he looks behind him and finds the blonde chihuahua watching him in confusion.
He smiles at her as she gets up on her stubby legs and makes her way over to him, sniffing at him with her tail wagging excitedly. He chuckles at the puppy's excitement and slowly reaches his hand out to pet her furry head before turning and looking around once again.
"She likes the soda a lot, huh, fur ball?" He looks in the direction that Riley had gone in, the sound of footsteps making their way towards him reaching his ears.
Smiling once again, Lou goes back to being motionless as the brunette returns with two backpacks full of clothes.
"Well, Lou, I suppose we have to go now. Maybe you can help me enjoy the week a bit more than I ever do." Riley mutters, going around and collecting the sketchbooks as well as other art supplies and shoving them in a third backpack. Reaching behind the blonde doll, Riley pulls out an ipad and puts it in the backpack.
"Alright, let's go. Come on Rosy!" the girl picks up the doll and the dog, placing the doll on her shoulder and holding the dog the same way a man would carry his wife after marriage.
Lou places his arm around the back of her neck and grips the back of her shirt as Riley makes her way through the house, one of the maids grabbing her bags and following her around.
The young brunette heads into the kitchen and sees her mother and father drinking coffee and chatting happily.
"Good morning, sweetie!" Alfredo exclaims as his daughter heads to the fridge, grumbling about how the morning was anything other than good. Pulling out a bottle of coke, Riley shuts the fridge and walks out of the kitchen and out of her home.

    The ride to San Francisco was long and boring, the butler that was driving didn't bother making conversation, the dark screen door separating them, so Riley decided to just catch up on social media. Lou was sat down on her lap, one hand holding her phone and the other combing through the doll's blonde locks.
    An hour in, Lou blinked and smiled, trying not to alert the teenager. Riley had her earbuds in, her eyes shut as she hummed quietly. The blonde doll let out a content sigh, enjoying the feeling of his hair being played with.
I should have tried to come to the Big World sooner.. The blonde thought, If I had tried sooner then I could have been with this perfect child a long time ago and avoided those two miserable years.. Lou let out an irritated sigh this time, realizing that something was different.
Glancing up, he noticed Riley had stopped humming and her phone was on the seat next to her, her eyes still shut and her hand had stopped combing his hair.
He chuckled, not able to conceal the smile that was forming on his face while he thought the brunette teen was adorable.
The car came to a sudden halt, launching him off of Riley and towards the window next to him. Luckily, he reacted quickly and held his arms out to prevent hitting his face on the glass. Shaking his head, Lou looked out the window and noticed the entrance to a building that gave him deja vu.
The Institute of Perfect Art.. He read, confused as to why the were here, Isn't she supposed to be on her way to school?
He heard a buzz and turned his head in the direction of the screen door, quickly going motionless and falling face forward on his child's lap.
"Miss Sanchez, we have arrived. Your first class starts in twenty minutes," Groaning, Riley opened her eyes and stretched her arms before gently lifting Lou and reaching for her phone, "I will drop your clothes off in your dorm room this evening, Miss. Do you have everything that you need for the day?" Riley steps out of the car and opens the front door, smiling at the butler as she grabbed her backpack. Rosy hops out and the girl takes the leash from the butler.
"Yes, Christian. Thanks for driving me. I'll see you next weekend!" The butler looks taken aback as she shuts the door and walks up the steps of the institute, her puppy right at her heels. Once she stepped in, she rushed towards the restroom and locked herself in a stall.
As suddenly as before, her smile vanishes as she puts her backpack down, unzips it, and puts Lou inside, a shaky sigh passing her lips as she runs a hand through Lou's hair.
"Sorry, Louis.. If they find out about you.." she trails off, biting her lip. Rosy suddenly growls at the door when it opens, indicating that someone either entered or left the restroom, and Riley quickly zips the backpack, leaving a small amount unzipped.
Lou quickly peaks through the unzipped hole, confused as to why she had to hide him.
The brunette lets out another shaky sigh when she reaches the door to leave the restroom before stepping out and walking down the hall.

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