Chapter 4

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         Her dorm wasn't anything like Lou would expect. Unlike her room in her home, the dorm pretty much said, 'Riley Sanchez' and he pretty much thought it looked amazing.
It practically described Riley and her style.
The walls were a gray color, a shade between too dark and too light, the floor was made of wood, and a five foot tall Bendy plushie was leaning against the far wall. There was a long white marble desk on the left side of the room with a gray lamp sitting on it. A tank sat there and the doll managed to see a white animal slithering inside.
Snake? He questioned in his head as he kept looking around. On the wall was a large 'R', made of black painted wood. A couple of stickers were stuck to the wall, some from video games such as BATIM and Cuphead. Others, he realized, were of old style Mickey Mouse. A chair was sitting right in front of the desk, the seat looking soft and comfortable. There was a stack of paper and art supplies on the desk as well.
Lou smiled before turning to the right side of the room. There was a small bed, pastel purple covers and gray pillows, with two flags hanging on the wall above it. One was magenta, purple, and blue which he recognized as the bisexual flag. The other was a classic gay rainbow flag. There were a couple of stuffed animals on her bed but only two got his attention.
A female doll, nowhere near thin but nowhere near fat as well with hazel hair and magenta eyes, sat on a pillow and stared off into space. The second was a bear, with rainbow fur and huge ears, and was slouched down with its head against its legs.
After staring at the two for a couple of moments, he looked down and noticed a couple of plushies sat on the floor. A couple from Cuphead, such as Cuphead himself, Cagney Carnation, and Beppi the Clown. Others from Undertale, FNaF, and cartoons. There was a small dog bed against the wall with a small box shaped basket full of dog toys.
Unlike her room in her mansion, her dorm room was clean and pretty tidy, except for a brown cardboard box full of sugary snacks that didn't look like it belonged in the room.
A couple seconds passed and he heard Riley sigh, before she put down her backpack which he was in. 
"Well, Lou, I'm gonna head down to the cafe to get myself some coffee and lunch. I'll be back in about an hour and a half. Maybe run into my secret admirer!" She giggled, leaning down and putting her bag on the bed, taking Lou out. She sat him against a pillow, which was pastel purple as well as really damn fluffy, and pecked his forehead before picking up the bag.
Rosy licked her hand as she pet her, following the brunette girl all the way to the door before it closed with a soft 'click'.
"You're new, aren't you?" A voice, honey filled and pretty damn sweet said just as Lou blinked. He jumps in surprise, turning to see that the female doll from before was watching him with her magenta eyes.
When he didn't respond, she opened her pastel purple lips and said, "It's pretty obvious you are. So, you're called Lou?"
"Oh! Yeah. I am. What about you?" He asks, smiling at her as she sighed.
"I'm Roxie."
"A pretty name for a pretty girl!" He exclaims, taking her hand and kissing the top. He realized her nails were also painted purple, like her lips, and he admires how well done they were.
"So.." he slowly trailed on, "What kind of doll are you?"
"Me? I'm a Goth Doll. We used to be really popular a couple years back but..." she trailed off, shrugging.
"I have a feeling you already know what kind I am." The blonde said, smiling slyly as she nodded and giggled.
He couldn't help but feel his heartbeat quicken and his face turn a very light pink.
She reminds me of Mandy. He thought, She's so nice to a complete stranger.
"It's been a while since I last saw a Perfect Doll. Y'know, you look quite different from the others." She mentioned, slowly circling him. Her dress, which reached her knees, seemed to be handmade. The shirt part was purple, pastel like her lips and nails, with a sad white skull in the middle, the skirt was black with a gray bat shadow on the left side.
He recognized it as Riley's art style, mostly because she had a sticker about the size of his head of a skull stuck to the inside side of the door.
He was shocked, not understanding what his appearance was missing that made him look different.
"No.." she muttered, a hand holding her chin as she looked at him, "You're actually the most perfectly made Perfect Doll I've seen."
"You.. think so?" he asked, biting his lip as she stared at him with her magenta eyes.
"Yeah. No smudges. Or freckles. Your hair is actually perfectly done and your clothes are really clean with no wrinkles. I'm impressed."
The two laughed, Roxie slowly running a hand through her loose brown hair as he cleared his throat, fixing his tie before he looked back up at her.
Which made them both start laughing again.
"What's all the damn ruckus?" a new voice croaked out, movement coming from a smaller being. Lou almost immediately recognized it as the teddy bear from earlier.
"Reg! Riley got a new doll, and he's a Perfect Doll." the brunette exclaims, turning and hopping in his direction.
Lou noticed that he had green eyes and glitter dusted on his nose.
"Well, would ya' look at that! I haven't seen a Perfect Doll in a couple of years!"
"You haven't?" Lou tilted his head a bit as he asked. It was strange to him, Perfect Dolls have been really popular for the past two years and everyone wanted one.
"No. I was made in the same factory as you and shipped here. There aren't really any of you guys here. But it was logical that Riley's parents would want to buy her something rare."
"And they bought you!" Exclaimed Roxie, giggling and running to the edge of the bed. She hopped down and was out of sight almost immediately.
"Kid, you better make the most of it. Cause after a while you're just sitting on the sidelines. Like me." The bear said, smiling at the doll and patting his shoulder.
"How long have you been her toy?" Lou asked, turning to him.
Reg couldn't help but chuckle, shaking his head and going back to his spot on the bed.
His walk was painfully slow and Lou couldn't help but chuckle quietly as he sat down.
"You'll find out eventually." He said, before beginning to snore.
"Hey! Blondie!" Roxie exclaimed as he turned and began walking to the edge of the bed, "Get your pretty boy self down here and have something to eat!"
"Awww," he said, hopping down and landing in a crouch, "You think I'm pretty?"
Ignoring his mocking tone, the girl rolled her eyes and sighed, gently pulling out a book from under the bed.
Lou, filled with curiosity, couldn't help but walk up to where she sat and look at the book she held. On the cover was a skull, like the kind that she had on her shirt, and the background was black. The pages were tinted gray as she opened it and he gasped at the drawings in them.
"Did you draw these?" He murmured, tracing the brunette human girl holding a doll. The doll was obviously Roxie, her clothes giving it off, and he assumed the human was their kid.
"Yeah," she breathed out, biting her lip, "I did. When my.. people.. stopped listening to me and I escaped through the front door of the factory."
"Your people kicked you out?" He asked in shock.
"Sorry, Lou, but we just met and I'm not planning on someone learning my past. Especially after.." She muttered, trailing off and running a hand over her eyes.
"Okay well.. how about I tell you about my past and you then tell me yours? You probably didn't do anything worse than I did." Lou said, smiling at the brunette as they sat down. She held a chocolate bar, which, to a child, may be tiny but in their arms was huge.
"I don't know, Lou." She said, splitting the bar in half and handing him a piece.
"Fineeeee." He chuckled, dragging out the word and taking his half, "Let's play twenty one questions. But!" He exclaimed the moment she gave him a look, "Nothing related to our pasts, just basic information about ourselves so that I can get to know you."
"Okay, shoot." She bit into her chocolate piece as he sighed.
"What's your... favorite color?" He asked, snorting at the cliche question. She couldn't help but start laughing, giving him an 'Are you serious?' look.
"Lou, I was sure you'd know my favorite color. It's pastel purple, duh!" She giggled out, laughing as he face palmed, "Okay, what about you?"
"Mine's blue, duh." He said, rolling his eyes at her.
They talked for half an hour, telling each other their fears and passions. Their favorite foods and animals. Anything they can actually think of.
On the 20th question, Lou couldn't help but feel curious.
"Uh.. How many years have you been with Cola?" Lou asks, noticing the brunette perk up at the name.
"Three years now! She's seriously amazing, Lou. You're gonna love it here."
"I look forward to it." He said, smiling and standing up. Just as soon as he did, the sounds of footsteps were heard and Rosy rose from her bed, making her way to the door.
"Shoot!" Roxie muttered, getting up and shoving the book back under the bed. She threw the candy bar wrapper in the trash and began to climb up onto the bed.
"Come on, Lou!"
He quickly began climbing as well, making his way back to the fluffy pillow and sitting down. Roxie was leaning on the wall, her head against a pillow.
They both quickly went motionless as the door swung open and an excited Riley stepped through the door.
With an envelope gripped in her hand, the other holding a cup of coffee as well as a paper bag.
The smell of cookies filling the room as she placed her cup and bag on her desk and leaped onto her bed.
"Hey Lou! Roxie!" She exclaimed, giggling and hugging the two before looking at the envelope.


It said, obviously from her secret admirer. Lou couldn't help but smile to himself as she took in the handwriting on the pink envelope. Little hearts were doodled on it and words littered the envelope.
Words describing Riley.
"God, I want to open it already." She murmured and sighed, getting up and picking up her backpack.

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