Chapter 5

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The two Doll's on Riley's bed noticed almost immediately that said girl was in a good mood.
And Lou couldn't help but be curious about what the letter that her secret admirer gave her said that made her this happy.
Apart from that, Roxie explained that it was a Tuesday and that Riley had Tuesday as well as Wednesday off from school.
He thought it was a good thing as well, considering how he saw what happened the previous day, and decided to try to read the letter when she fell asleep.
The envelope was laying on her desk, with the actual letter sitting on top of it in all it's glory.
The paper was similar to all the others. Or well, papers, there were multiple.
It was clear each was a love letter, each claiming one thing they loved about her. Whether her hazel eyes, or her brown, half wavy, hair that reached her mid back, or the way dimples show up when she smiles.
Even commenting on how the reddish brown lipstick she wore made her look absolutely gorgeous.
Lou saw how most of the pages were colorful, beautiful pastels that made the cursive ink pop out of the pages.
More art in the margins of the page, some of bunnies and puppies and many flowers that stretched across the page, looking as if it had been made in some factory instead of being hand made.
His blue orbs admired how, despite the lines being thin on some spots then thicker on others, it still looked perfect.
His eyes skimmed over the nearest paper, the clean sheet a lovely pink shade with little bunnies doodled on it.
For a brief moment, his mind snapped to the green, one eyed ugly doll that used to be his friend.
Ox.. How was everyone? Had they forgotten him already?
He shook his head, starting to read the letter once again,

Dear Cola,
I know I say it every time, but this time I mean it.
You'll be meeting me soon.
Perhaps this Friday?
Meet me in front of art tutorial before class.

Your Admirer

He glanced at Cola, smiling at the peaceful look on her face before glancing at the doll that was in her arms.
Her eyes were closed, a happy smile on her face as she slept with their girl.
With a smile forming as well, Lou slowly made his way to the bed and laid down on her stomach, hands grabbing her shirt tightly.

Cola woke up Friday morning with excitement, hoping to finally meet her admirer.
Today's the day, she thought, When I meet the person I'm falling in love with..
Her smile was there while she got dressed, wide and full of happiness as she tugged down her shirt over her stomach.
The excitement there when she opened the fridge and took out a coke, giggling when she remembered that the drink was what her admirer named her after.
And she was excitedly cuddling Lou when she got in the car, telling him about all the things she would do with her admirer once she found them.
It made Lou smile with joy.
He hoped he can see her this happy always

But of course, he was wrong.
The pudgy boy sat in front of the school since school grounds were open at six am. He knew that Cola wouldn't arrive until eight, yet, he wanted to have the possible two hours to mentally prepare.
The possible rejection.
What if she said no?
He paused, blinking.
And then flushed a deep red.
What if she said yes??

He let out a quiet huff and started looking through his bag for the letter he had written her.
His final one as her secret admirer.
A smile formed on his face as he thought of her and waited patiently. She would arrive, he knew she would.
A tap to his shoulder made him jump, followed by the obnoxious voice of Larnia.
"Are you that freaks secret admirer? That's disgusting."

When Riley arrived, there wasn't anyone waiting for her, her excited smile slowly disappearing as she turned and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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