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hawthorne, california | august of 2017

it was the middle of august. flower was released a month prior and it was receiving rave reviews, putting tyler and everyone around him in good spirits.

"so you're favorite track is november?" tyler asked. his song 'november' played through his car speakers and scarlet sung word for word. she giggled at his question.

"yeah. makes me think about my november. my novembers i should say," she answered and continued singing. "hawaiian shirts in the winter, cold water, cold water; yeah take me back to november."

tyler smiled at her and brought his attention back to the road. he switched gears and he put his hand on the back of scarlet's seat as he looked back and parked.

as he put the car in park and took the key out of ignition, a wave of nostalgia washed over scarlet. the music cut off as he took the key from the ignition and got out of his mclaren and went to scarlet's side to let her out. their fingers intertwined as she took his hand and stepped out, shutting the door.

they turned towards the skatepark. "damn..." tyler says as he let out a breath, looking around. they hadn't been here in years.

scarlet smiled and tightened the grip on his hand. "days here were my november," she told him. tyler looked down at her. she had matured so much in the past six years that they had known each other.

"that store," he pointed to the store that was across the street from the skatepark.

"damn, that was clean," tyler commented. he took a long look at her. her cheeks became crimson as her grey eyes met his.

a slight smile formed on her face and disappeared quickly. she bit on her bottom lip, making her pink lips become red. "thanks." she eyed his skateboard and the boys behind him.

"we met in front of that store, remember?" he asked her, rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand.

scarlet smiled as she brought her mind back to that moment. "yeah...i was blushing so hard because i found you really attractive. your eyes."

they both chuckled. they began to walk around the skatepark, reminiscing about their lives before everything got turned upside down. "omg, remember when jasper's fat ass almost died because he choked on a hotdog?"

scarlet broke into a fit of laughter, holding her stomach as she remembered "yes! and then he threw up on me afterwards, oh my fucking god..." she caught her breath and sighed. she looked at tyler as the sun had set perfectly at golden hour. "i miss skating here. just the two of us together. god, we were so young and naiive."

tyler scooted closer to scarlet so that he was behind her and wrapped his arms around her, letting her lay back on his chest. "i remember the boys telling me not to get to caught up with you because it wouldn't last long. i didn't believe them, but the thought was always in my head. the thought that...someday you might leave me."

"i would never. not even for a good reason...i'm stuck on you, t. i will always love you. you come before everyone. you're the only one that ever gave a fuck..." scarlet admitted truthfully. he sighed and she could feel his chest heave up and down. "you took care of me."

even though that's the answer he expected, it still relieved him to hear those words come out of her mouth. "i fucking love you." his voice cracked, making scarlet suddenly sit up and look at him.

tears were at the brim of his eyes and he was clenching his jaw, trying hard to keep them from falling. he took the palms of his hands and put them to his eyes.

"tyler, what's wrong?" she asked him. she removed his hands from his face. he cried harder, but silently.

"i just love you. i really love you, scarlet. you came in my life at the right time and i can't-" he cut himself off and sniffed, wiping away tears. "i can't imagine what it would be like if you weren't in it." scarlet felt bad to see him cry. it wasn't often that he did. she wiped his tears away and lifted his head up. she placed her lips on his and it felt like he was floating. tyler always seemed to lose himself whenever he was getting intimate with scarlet. she made him feel like he was on top of the world. she was the one that got rid of all his insecurities about himself because she made him feel beautiful in his own little way. her existence was his november.

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now