946 32 6

los angeles, california | november of 2016

"scarlet...i know you really don't want to speak to me. but i'm really driving myself insane. we have to talk," tyler pleaded as he stood against the guest room door.

scarlet was sitting on the floor, hugging her knees. "come on, t."

he slowly opened the door and bit on his bottom lip as he walked in slowly. her back was to her and he slightly sighed as he sat on the bed. "i have to admit something to you, scar. but you can't get mad. i'm attracted to wyatt. i think i'm attracted to...guys. well, both genders. i don't know, i just-"

scarlet laughed softly as she got up and sat on the bed with him, sitting on his lap. "tyler..." she caressed his face and then rubbed on his ears. he brought his top lip over his bottom, blushing. he had his hands on her waist, securing her in place. "i noticed from the first day you met him. you don't have to be ashamed. you like what you like and you're attracted to what you're attracted to. i get it, t. i'm not gonna leave you because you like men."

"yeah, but i don't want you to think that i wanna leave you for him... i still love you. nothing i feel with him is love," he explained to her as he looked down.

"i know. i know, t. that's why i'm not mad," scarlet told him.

"you seemed pretty mad reading the lyrics," tyler retorted. scar raised an eyebrow and looked away. "am i wrong?"

she smirked and kissed his forehead. "you're not, but i needed to process everything. i was just mad that you weren't up front about it to begin with."

"i'm sorry."

"don't be," she says to him. she kissed him. "as long as you keep loving me, i'll be fine."

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘, 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now