cute pt. 2//fourthgrade

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Fourthgrades P.O.V.

A few days had passed since the party, but I couldn't get the girl I had met off of my mind. But I didn't know if I would ever see her again. I had tried to get Fuckshit to ask Estee, but she didn't know her either. Maybe she was from out of town or maybe she just didn't have a lot of friends. But she was all I could think about, the way she listened to everything I said; even if it was stupid. The way she would smile and laugh at my ideas...but it wasn't in a bad way. I feel its weird to say that I miss her, but...she seemed to be the only person who understood me.

"Fourthgrade?" Fuckshit called out to me, snapping in front of my face. Making me look at him, not realizing I had zoned out while watching some tape on the TV. 

"Huh?" I asked, looking around. Noticing the whole group was staring at me, making me get embarrassed.

"We've been calling you the whole time, what the fuck could you be thinking about?" Fuckshit laughed, making Ray shake his head. An awkward smile going on my face, as I tried to make up an excuse. 

"He's probably thinking about that girl" Ruben mumbled, watching the TV closely again. 

"Oh yeah, whats her name again?" Ray asked, making me look at him quickly.

"Y/N" I responded quickly, making Fuckshit laugh loudly. Ray also chuckling while nodding his head.

"Man this bitch really got you caught up" Fuckshit joked, taking a swig out of the bottle he was holding. Ray hitting him slightly, shaking his head.

"Well...I don't know where shes from. I want to see her again" I mumbled, looking at the camera that was sitting in my lap.

"Well I'm sure you'll see her again. She has to be from around here" Stevie spoke up from his spot on the ground. Looking up at me with a smile, making me smile back slightly. 

"Yeah I guess your right" I sighed, watching Fuckshit stand up. Walking over to where his board was, grabbing it before turning to us. 

"Well I'm gonna go skate" he said happily, throwing his bottle away. The rest of the group, including me standing up quickly. Also grabbing our boards before heading out, immediately starting to head in the direction of the courthouse. I rode behind them with Stevie, hoping I would see Y/N. While also trying to not get my hopes up to much, not wanting to be disappointed when I didn't get to see her again. Hoping off of my board when we finally arrived, watching people do tricks around me as I filmed. Forgetting all about the girl, until a familiar face was in front of my camera. Making me put it down quickly, blinking a few times to make sure I was seeing correctly. A large smile going on my face, when I realized what I was seeing was true. 

"Wow, I never thought I would see you again" the girl sighed, with a bright smile. Making me blush slightly, getting flustered.

"I didn't think I would see you either" I mumbled, making the girl chuckle. Tilting her head at me slightly, the same perfect smile still on her face.

"I'm glad I found you, I realized after I got home that I didn't give you my number. I was actually really sad about it" she chuckled, making my blush get darker. Swallowing roughly as I tried to calm down my nerves.

"Well you could give it to me now" I said, with all the confidence I had left. Making her laugh slightly, nodding her head. Pulling a pen out of her back pocket, grabbing my arm gently. Flipping it over, before writing her number on it. Blushing as she did, making my own blush get even darker as I saw how cute she looked. 

"There you go" she said, letting go of my arm. Looking up at me, still smiling brightly. 

"I'm really happy we found eachother again" I said quietly, making her blush get 10x darker. 

"Me too, you wanna go get a slushie?" she asked, grabbing my hand softly. Making me nod quickly, holding her hand back. Grabbing my board before we started to walk, not being able to wipe the smile off my face.

Uhhhhh hi...I am so fucking sorry I have not updated in nearly a year. I literally hate myself for it lol. But this book like blew up over quarantine, so I thought I might as well give the people what they want. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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