you get me so high//ray

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Hope you don't regret it
I pushed a lot back but I can't forget it
We never got the credit
Nobody seemed to hear us but we said it
Neither of us planned it
And for a long time I took it all for granted
I really thought we had it
But at the time it was more than I could manage, so

Ray hoped that you didn't regret your guys whole relationship. He knew that he had held quite a bit back from you which, he also knew it annoyed you at times. Since you just wanted him to trust you enough to tell you. You two had never even planned to get together, it just kinda happened. But when it happened Ray took it for granted, he didn't love you the way that he should of. He let you go, to be honest he was scared you where going to hurt him. Even though at the time, he thought that he had you relationship under control, and thought that you two where going to last. It was really more than he could manage, with school and trying to get better at skateboarding everything was to much for him, especially your guys relationship.

If we can leave it all behind us
And meet in-between
It would get me so

Both of you wanted to go back to how you where. Forget about all the things that happen before and meet in between. But both of you knew that it wouldn't be that way, and there would always be something missing between the two of you that you would never get back. It would honestly make Ray feel like he was on cloud nine if you two did get back together. He also knew that you would to, but he knew that you wouldn't trust him like you did before, because he broke your heart.

High all the time, high all the time
I wanna be high all the time
Would you come with me?

Ray always remembered how you would make him feel when you where together. He felt like he was high off of just being near you. He always wanted you to go with him when he left with the pros. But he also didn't want to hold you back, he knew that you had dreams too. Ray always did regret not making you come with him, he didn't know if you would of actually went with him, but he always regretted not figuring out.

Wish I didn't doubt it
I wish I never ever told you all about it
But I just had to let you know
I never meant to hurt you, though
I had all my motives
I didn't know they wouldn't mix with your emotions
I just had to reach my goals
Never knew I needed you though, so

Ray did always doubt you because of his fear of you hurting him. He did end up talking to you about it which ended up making you pretty mad since you two had been dating for awhile when he brought it up.In the end he did end up regretting bringing it up because it made you feel like you weren't good enough for him just because he had some trust issues. He knew that you where good enough for him, maybe even to good for him.

When he left he didn't mean to hurt you. Ray knew he should of told you, but he thought it would hurt you more. He knew that he had to leave, and go pursue his dreams. What he didn't know is how much it would actually hurt you. Ray knew that he had goals to reach and so did you, but he couldn't help but feel guilt when he left. Ray knew that he needed you to balance him out, but he never knew how much he actually need you. You made him smile and feel like he was better than he actually was. Ray finally learned how you made him a better person, and how he just felt better with you around.

If we can agree to disagree
And keep on reaching
It would get you so

Ray would always try to convince you that him leaving wasn't that bad. But he had finally learned how much it actually did affect you and how you really didn't trust him anymore. He did want to keep reaching for you, he wanted to go back to how you guys where. You also wanted to but both of you knew that it wouldn't work out and it would never be the same.

High all the time, high all the time
I wanna be high all the time
Would you come with me?
High all the time, high all the time
I wanna be high all the time
Would you come with me?

Finally you two need end up meeting up again and like before Ray felt that high he only felt around you. "Hey" you mumbled, refusing to look him in the eye. "Hey" he mumbled back, trying to get you to look at him. "Long time no see. Huh?" You chuckled, awkwardly glancing at him. "Yeah" he answered quietly, while staring at your red face. "So how are things going" you questioned, finally looking at him, immediately feelings the same high that Ray got. You two continued to talk about everything. From his career,to your parents, everything was like how it used to be.  The both of you could feel the connection that you two had before. Even though there was something missing, maybe just maybe both of you could find it.

We should stick together
You're my best friend, I'll love you forever (Would you come with me?)
(It would get you so)
We could be the greatest, it doesn't matter if we're never rich or famous (Would you come with me?)
(It would get you so)

You two continued to talk for hours after running into eachother. Both of you getting back those feelings you had a long time ago. "You should come with me, we can stick together" Ray clamined, causing your eyes to wide. "Ray I have a job and I need to be able to make it on my own" you tried to explain, even though you wanted to go with him. "Just come with me, I remember how good you are at skating, you can be a pro" he said trying to convince you.

"Ray-" you started only to get cut off. "You're my best friend and I'll love you forever. You're all I can think about. I'm sorry I left you and I know you probably don't trust me completely. Fuck I wouldn't trust me either. But we can be the greatest, it doesn't even matter if we're rich or famous. You and I are meant to be, so please come with me." Ray begged, smiling at you softly. You smiled back at him, nodding slowly.

"Really" he yelled excitedly, standing up. You nodded once again, smiling brightly. He quickly picked you up, kissing you softly on the lips. Making both of you feel that high, you only got from one another.

High all the time, high all the time
I wanna be high all the time
Would you come with me?

Both of you did eventually end up going pro and the two of you never left each other's side. That high was always there and never left, no matter what. That missing piece was filled, and the two of you loved each other with all your hearts, and that love would last forever.

Wow. Ummmm hi. I know I went missing for a few months and I'm sorry about that. I was really busy and just lazy. But I'm gonna start writing frequently again. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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