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H/L= Hair Length 
H/C= Hair Color

FourthGrade's P.O.V.

I sat quietly on the couch as I watched the boys party around me. Occasionally I would pull out my camera to film, only to put it back down when they left. I continued to watch everyone around me, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around slowly, only to see a girl standing there. "Hey" she said loudly, so I could hear her over the music. "Hi" I responded awkwardly, watching her sit down next to me. "I'm guessing parties aren't your thing" she chuckled, looking around. "No not really" I mumbled, not knowing what to say. "I'm guessing your friends are here and they dragged you along" she stated, smiling at me. I shrugged in response, mentally slapping myself for not being able to talk to her. "Your quiet, I like it" she said complimented, causing me to get embarrassed. 

"Oh yeah, my names Y/N by the way" she added, looking over at me again "I'm FourthGrade" I replied, still embarrassed. "So are you making a movie" she asked, nodding her head towards my camera. "Well I just like to record my friends skate and stuff. I do wanna make a movie one day though" I responded, staring at my camera. "What do you wanna make a movie about" Y/N questioned, causing me to perk up. I started going on and on about the movie I wanted to make about the strong baby. She smiled and nodded as I talked, laughing occasionally. 

"That sounds like a sick movie" she insisted, a bright smile on her face. I blushed while scratching the back of my neck. "Do you wanna go outside? Its too loud in here" she asked, staring at me. I nodded my head, standing up. She also stood up grabbing my hand, she began to lead the way to the front yard. Once we got outside, we sat down on the grass. We continued to talk about my movie, and she gave me more ideas for it. "Why do they call you FourthGrade" Y/N questioned, as she picked at the grass. "Well my friends say I'm as dumb as a fourth grader" I responded, watching her. 

"Damn, thats fucked up" she said sadly, glancing at me. "It's alright I'm used to it" I shrugged, staring at her. That's when I noticed how pretty she was. Her H/L H/C suited her, and her smile could make you feel happy no matter what. Suddenly she grabbed my wrist looking at my watch. "Shit I gotta go" she said as she stood up. I also stood up, as she brushed off her pants. She suddenly turned to me and smiled. "You know FourthGrade your really cute" Y/N stated, causing me to blush. "So are you" I mumbled. Y/n chuckled lightly, before leaning up and kissing my cheek softly. "I'll see you around" she said, as she began to walk away waving at me. "Yeah" I swooned, waving back. I slowly turned around to see the whole group there. "Damn FourthGrade get some" FuckShit yelled. Causing me to roll my eyes.

Wow I wrote this in 30 mins so....I'm sorry if it sucked. But anyways, thanks for reading!!

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