i love you//stevie

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It's not true
Tell me I've been lied to
Crying isn't like you, ooh

I shot up in bed as the sound of knocking echoed in my room. Looking at me window I saw Stevie, standing there, staring at me through the thin glass. Quickly getting up I walked over to me window, opening it, helping him in. "What happened are you ok" I questioned, only to have him look away. "Stevie" I said quietly, trying to get him to look at me.

"She broke up with me" he cried, tears rolling down his cheeks. I just stood there in shock, suddenly not knowing how to speak. 'Of course she did. She does this every week and who does he run to, me. All I will ever be is his best friend, I should of known that when he started dating her, I would never have a chance. But its ok, at least I still get these moments with him, even if it is just him crying to me about his girlfriend.' I thought, as I continued to stand there.

What the hell did I do?
Never been the type to
Let someone see right through, ooh

"Hey Stevie, it's gonna be alright. I'm sure you two will get back together like you always do. Maybe it was a in the moment type thing. I'm sure its all gonna be alright" I comforted him,  softly placing a hand on his shoulder. He just shook his head in response, the tears rolling down his cheeks like waterfalls. "Stevie, it's gonna be alright, just please stop crying" I pleaded, my heart beginning to break at the sight of him crying.

"I just don't know why she does this so much, nearly every week. We break up and then get back together the next day, it makes no sense, but its hurting me" he sobbed, sitting down on the corner of my bed.

"Stevie, I know I'm in no place to say this, but maybe you should break up with her for good this time. You need to find a girl who will love you and care for you, and not make you hurt and cry every week. You need someone better, you deserve someone better" I explained, trying to make him feel better. He just nodded his head, but I knew he wasn't gonna listen to me, he was gonna run right back to her again like he always does.

"Y/N I have a question for you" Stevie spoke quietly, not crying anymore. "What" I asked, sitting down next to him on the bed. "Do you like me" Stevie mumbled, staring at his hands. 'Shit. What the hell did I do? How did he see through me? Did I make it obvious? I thought I was just acting like a good friend.' I thought, my heart beating 100 miles per hour.

Maybe won't you take it back?
Say you were tryna make me laugh
And nothing has to change today
You didn't mean to say "I love you"
I love you and I don't want to, ooh

"Well is it a yes or no" he questioned again, looking at me this time. My eyes widened, as I nervously bite my lip. "Uhhh I do, I have for a while" I explained quietly, my face heating up.

"Y/N" Stevie started, before I cut him off. "I already know what your gonna say, just please let me off easy" I sighed, finally looking at him.

"Y/N. I love you. I have for months now. I got with (random name) to get over with you" he stated softly. "Take it back" I muttered, standing up.

"What" Stevie asked also standing up. "Take it bake. Tell me you where just trying to make me laugh. We're best friends, we can't be in love with each other. Your with (random name), you love her not me. Nothing has to change we can forgot this happened. Just please take it back" I pleaded, small teardrops rolling down my cheeks. "No, I really do love you" Stevie wept.

"No you don't. This is just in the moment type thing. We can I can't be together. It won't work, we won't work. You didn't mean to say it and I understand. So please, just go back to your girlfriend. She loves you so much. You can't hurt her like this" I sobbed, wiping my eyes.

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